For the Jaelan Phillips doubters... | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

For the Jaelan Phillips doubters...

Simms' comps for him are JPP and Julius Peppers. Says he's similar talent wise to Chase Young. Saw him going as high as #10

There's a guy posting on Reddit saying he knew him in college through music classes. Says the concussion thing was merely a way to get away from Chip Kelly who acted like a psychopath towards him. I'm sure if true the FO knew as much. Probably tipped through the Canes staff.
Just like the Dolphins knew more about the relative health of Daunte Culpepper and Drew Brees, right?
It's easy to criticize in hindsight. Given the choice between a QB with a torn labrum on their throwing shoulder and a QB with a torn ligament in the knee, it's safe to assume the vast majority of teams will take the risk on a knee injury, not a throwing arm injury. They chose the wrong guy and it's easy to look back now and see that Brees would have been the correct choice. Given the same circumstances today, I bet most would still take the knee injury.
Iā€™m Totally on board. At least Weā€™re Swingin for the Fences. What choice do We have? Can only Hope and Believe that Our Boys did Their Homework, and the ā€˜Fins Medical did Their Due Diligence on both Waddy and Phillips. Excited going forward, and Phillips seems SO STOKED to be HOME!!!
Iā€™m Totally on board. At least Weā€™re Swingin for the Fences. What choice do We have? Can only Hope and Believe that Our Boys did Their Homework, and the ā€˜Fins Medical did Their Due Diligence on both Waddy and Phillips. Excited going forward, and Phillips seems SO STOKED to be HOME!!!
We already traded him to the Rams or Chargers?
This has to be my favorite first round pick that we've had in years!! Super stoked here and so blessed to see him with us, thank you Grier for making it happen! It really does feel blessed and divine.

I love hearing this~ "Los Angeles made me but Miami SAVED me!" His heart is all in Miami and all the young guys around him are going to feel this. I can tell his energy is going to be infectious on the defense, hell the whole team! He's beaming with light, feeling really clear energy from him. A player's auric field / energy should be taken into account more often! :p

Man his future is bright and I'm just thankful it's with us.
You guys are worrying about something that may never happen, cross that bridge if we get to it. If we never get to the bridge, you wasted all your time worrying over nothing. Life lesson # 106.
Embrace it, live in the moment, we got a monster pass rusher coming our way!
Preach!! Lets manifest this brother!

Please watch this video of him after he was drafted last night. He is genuinely excited to be a Miami Dolphin. Thatā€™s the kind of players we want. Listen to his answers. They ask him about making music in Miami and he gives the absolute best response. Please watch this and tell me you ainā€™t loving this dude already.

My favorite quote of his from this video... ā€œLA made me but Miami saved meā€. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about big fella.

He played locally in my area in HS and the former coach at my Alma Mater is the HC at his High School. They have good things to say about him as a person. I'm hoping his pass rush improves our already great defense. He will be better that Shaq on the Edge and I expect to see him play standing up and with hand down. He's going to be very versatile in our scheme.
Excellent video. Thanks for posting brother GUH-sick-EE :UP:
I know you must be stoked and were a big believer in him as a prospect. Congrats on our drafting him! I hope he's as good as advertised on the edge for us. I do expect him to more than make up for losing Shaq and he is the draft's most likely player to get 10 sacks.
He played locally in my area in HS and the former coach at my Alma Mater is the HC at his High School. They have good things to say about him as a person. I'm hoping his pass rush improves our already great defense. He will be better that Shaq on the Edge and I expect to see him play standing up and with hand down. He's going to be very versatile in our scheme.
He's a GREAT fit for our scheme, we will be moving him all over the place and he will be wreaking havoc!
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