Fox fires Lyons after making racial remarks | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Fox fires Lyons after making racial remarks

I don't know, it seems pretty harmless to me. We are so reactionary to things. Should he have been reprimanded? Sure. Fired? Not necessarily. I think Fox was just glad to have a reason to let him go.
i dont know, i think im just dumb in this situation. can someone explain what exactly happened in lamens terms.
When your on national TV broadcasting to the entire country, you can't say off color things. Whether he was joking or not it makes no difference. FOX can't and won't take the heat that follows.

If he was sitting in a bar then yes its no big deal. Hen you have a live mic on, you can't say what he said.
Nappy Roots said:
i dont know, i think im just dumb in this situation. can someone explain what exactly happened in lamens terms.

Pinella stared saying some "spanish" words speaking about how this one player had a hot bat and playing well. He was "enfugo" and stuff. Lou also said how one guy was playing for his wallet (meaning he is due for a big contract).

Lyons went off about he didn't feel safe sitting next to Lou (who is part hispanic) and that he was hiding his wallet (meaning that hispanics will steal and rob you).
RWhitney014 said:
I don't know, it seems pretty harmless to me. We are so reactionary to things. Should he have been reprimanded? Sure. Fired? Not necessarily. I think Fox was just glad to have a reason to let him go.

I agree 100%. Like I said earlier in this thread, Lyons wasn't going to get his contract renewed at the end of the year because he was always in arguements with the Heads of Fox Sports. So Fox saw this is an opportunity to show him the door. They fired the guy as soon as he left the booth after the final out.

Again I pose the question if Buck or McCarver made those comments do you think they would have been fired?
This is another case of going PC overboard. Lyons tried to make a joke, it didn't work. I didn't see it as a racial joke, but a jab at Lou.

Mike O, wasn't that camera thing a week ago at the Mets/Dodgers series?
That wasn't an insenstive remark, it was just ignorant. I didn't know what the hell that guy had in front of his face either. That's not exactly a common device.
Ray Finkle said:
Maybe it's just me but I don't think what he said warrants being fired. He was just trying to be funny (unsuccessfully) but whatever.

Lyons wasn't going to get his contract renewed by FOX due to on going feuds with the company so I guess FOX looked at this being a way to cut him loose. If Buck or McCarver said that I doubt they'd get fired. Lyons is a good baseball man, not the best announcer, so he'll get other work somewhere else, if he wants it.

Of course you wouldnt, but then again you are probably white. And no one was taking a shot at your heritage, and everything you represent... so no harm done.
MikeO said:
Pinella stared saying some "spanish" words speaking about how this one player had a hot bat and playing well. He was "enfugo" and stuff. Lou also said how one guy was playing for his wallet (meaning he is due for a big contract).

Lyons went off about he didn't feel safe sitting next to Lou (who is part hispanic) and that he was hiding his wallet (meaning that hispanics will steal and rob you).

ohhhh, no ****.

yea, he deserved to be fired.
Quelonio said:
Of course you wouldnt, but then again you are probably white. And no one was taking a shot at your heritage, and everything you represent... so no harm done.

The only thing that I thought was race related in anyway was him saying "hablaing" instead of "habla". So I don't really see that as taking a shot at anyone heritage and everything anyone represents. Chalk it up to a mistake or whatever you want.

The whole wallet thing, he was trying to make a joke. It wasn't funny and in my opinion I didn't take the comments as "Hey Lou is hispanic, so I better check for my wallet". I think people are blowing this way out of whack.

And why assume I'm white?
Ray Finkle said:
The only thing that I thought was race related in anyway was him saying "hablaing" instead of "habla". So I don't really see that as taking a shot at anyone heritage and everything anyone represents. Chalk it up to a mistake or whatever you want.

The whole wallet thing, he was trying to make a joke. It wasn't funny and in my opinion I didn't take the comments as "Hey Lou is hispanic, so I better check for my wallet". I think people are blowing this way out of whack.

And why assume I'm white?

because, he cant gnash teeth and wail to the Lord about it being racist if youre not.....:rolleyes:
I major in broadcast.

And the world is way too PC. Maybe what Lyons said is looked down upon in the TV world.

But look at it from the big picture. Was it really that bad?

Maybe if he would have left the last line out about, "I don't want to sit next to him" he would have been fine.
if the world is too PC. ANd if everyone knows its too PC.


Lyons messed up. He got fired. FOX has to cover their own butts on this. They are doing the correct thing
I agree with the "I don't think it was a racial thing" crowd, to me it was more a joke toward Lou, then a joke towards hispanics. But it doesn't really matter.
and Lou didn't take it as a joke.

When asked the next day about it he just said......Lyons isn't here and dropped it.

He didn't go out of his way to say its a misunderstanding or I hope he is back soon. Or anything like that.
MikeO said:
and Lou didn't take it as a joke.

When asked the next day about it he just said......Lyons isn't here and dropped it.

He didn't go out of his way to say its a misunderstanding or I hope he is back soon. Or anything like that.

Maybe because FOX is signing his checks? Going against their quick decision to fire the guy would make them (FOX) look bad and he doesn't want to step on anyone's toes because he might need them if he doesn't get/or take a managing job or he might need FOX in the future for income.

Just a thought, playing devil's advocate here.
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