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Gaine out as assistant GM

I probably despised ireland more than anyone else in here, but I fail to see how he and Gaine were joined at the hip.

If someone can show me how Gaine was such a junior-circuit version of ireland where he deserved to be shown the door this way, you are welcome to do so. I saw Gaine as being MUCH different from ireland in demeanor and in philosophy.

Now, NRA, if you can prove to me that Gaine was a flaming lib obama guy, I might feel differently...

To some the problem is Gaine is attached to the Tuna.
lol you guys are a freaking trip, honestly. The way you guys go after every little thing that is reported on this team is beyond sad, very sad.

Is there a freaking prize that Fin Heaven is giving out to be first to over dramatize something?

Is there a prize for you in that you believe every story that is negative towards this Dolphins regime is always untrue? You get the Koolaid award.
I just want to know what the story is. Did Gaine go postal? If he did, then it is good that security was there. As people mentioned, maybe it is protocol. However, if it was them being "top secret, bunker mentally Aponte"…give me a stinking break.
Is there a prize for you in that you believe every story that is negative towards this Dolphins regime is always untrue? You get the Koolaid award.

Where did I even imply that?

I hate Kool-aid, it reminds me of Canadia.
Even though I think escorting him out was unnecessary and kind of bush league given the circumstances, I don't get why people are up in arms about it.

As others have pointed out, bush league or not, this is standard operating procedure with most corporations. Gaine's an adult and a professional, he understands how these things work.

I highly doubt he is going to pull a Jonathan Martin as a result of being escorted out of the building.

I don't recall a story about Jeff Ireland being escorted out. Or perhaps I missed it.
I just want to know what the story is. Did Gaine go postal? If he did, then it is good that security was there. As people mentioned, maybe it is protocol. However, if it was them being "top secret, bunker mentally Aponte"…give me a stinking break.

Hayden...I think the front office has made you extremely paranoid. It's standard protocol for all 32 NFL franchises. Have you not watched any of the seasons of Hard Knocks? Company employees get escorted out. May be escorted makes it sound like he went out kicking and screaming to you.
If I were Dominick, I would look for a more stable situation to join. Why would he join a staff where the GM is on a 2 year deal? And if things go really bad this year, there is an outside chance they all get blown out after just a year?

If he has more options, I doubt he comes here

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How in the world could you possible have a REAL/INFORMED opinion about this?

Honestly, some of you really need to take a break from this!

It's unnecessary the overwhelming majority of the time, anywhere.

Then again, I am no longer a wage slave so I feel no compulsion to defend the horrible practices of corporate America. :)
lol, the Miami Herald has now slightly changed the original article. After all the hits and clicks and got people talking about Gaine being "escorted" out of the building they quietly switched out the word "escorted" to "accompany". So while the original story wants you to think security dragged a kicking and screaming Gaine out the building, the truth seems to be a few colleagues walked out with him.
lol, the Miami Herald has now slightly changed the original article. After all the hits and clicks and got people talking about Gaine being "escorted" out of the building they quietly switched out the worde "escorted" to "accompany". So while the original story wants you think security dragging a kicking and screaming Gaine out the building, the truth seems to be a few colleagues walked out with him.

Shocking I tell you the truth can be shocking.

Sent from my Nexus 7 FHD
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