- GIF - Vontae reminding Brady of this two picks | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

- GIF - Vontae reminding Brady of this two picks

I think you guys are getting a little off-topic. It doesnt seem to me that NY is defending the Jets as much as asking why the double-standard.

Why is what the Ryan/Scott whoever has done or said classless, but yet, Vontae is a hero?

For one, on a Fins message board the team can do no wrong, unless they lose, then they did everthing wrong. Conversely, the Jets, Bills, and Patriots always do wrong.

But I think essentially it boils down to the severity and duration or the action as well as the publicity it receives.

When Ryan or Scotts comments are published in every media outlet for a week it attracts more attention, things snowball, and it makes them look bitter or classless.

When Vontae makes a passing comment that is only caught by a few people, it is acceptable sportsmanship.

Overt actions such as late hits in games, eye gouging players in a pile, "in your face" type celebrations, etc... nearly always qualify as classless.

Speaking badly about your opponent, both before and after games, are also unsportsmanlike.

Lots more I'm sure, but really it is all in the way the comments or actions are perceived, and each of us will see them in a different way.

Of course you are right but again - talking through the tabloids "passive aggressive stances" isn't the same as gloating or backing up yourself on the field - within the the rules of play

Two seperate issues - but this is a sliver of the real issue the real issue as stated above is that Vontae a young good corner is getting a lil publicity - and Revis a good corner hasn't got enough on our board... :ponder:Wonder why...?
This wasn't a case of "classless" ****talk. It was a competitive lighthearted jab during a game, similar to the kind of stuff that happens after nearly every nfl play. You think linebackers don't constantly remind backs and receivers every time they get a good hit or stop them in the backfield? It's football! There is constantly chatter. It was for two seconds on the field, not behind a mic at a press conference, he even got a smirk from Brady.

Get over yourself and find something worthwhile to gripe about. Maybe something like:

Crowder also delivered levity:

• On his offseason exchanges with Jets coach Rex Ryan: ``It was really unprofessional how he dealt with things. A Bill Belichick, a Bill Cowher is not going to argue with an opposing team's linebacker in the media three or four times. It made him look pretty stupid. Then we gave him the old broom and swept him, and it looks real bad for him now.''

• On Ryan crying in front of his team recently: ``He's been crying for a month straight. Maybe the dehydration will make him lose a couple pounds. He said he's going to run me over. The only thing that would run me over is [Ryan trying] to get to his refrigerator or his pantry.''

• On what would happen if he fought Ryan: ``I might get lost in his belly button, but I'd find my way out.''

You see, you can call Channing Crowder classless right now and very few people would deny it, but what Vontae did? Your reaching pal. We're not hypocrites, you're just oversensitive.
All year long I see stuff about how classless opponents are but you guys love that? Imagine if a Pat did that to henne- what would you say?

and what has Vontae Davis ever done to warrant trash talking to Tom Brady?

I agree with Junc on this one, I would not have done that, it is kind of classless, especially considering I am sure Brady was not talking trash to Davis, so that was unprovoked.....not really a fan of that garbage.

I was curious to see it though, unfortunately, after seeing it, it only made more disappointed in the way Davis conducted himself.
All year long I see stuff about how classless opponents are but you guys love that? Imagine if a Pat did that to henne- what would you say?

and what has Vontae Davis ever done to warrant trash talking to Tom Brady?

Blasphemy! no such thing as being classless against the Pats. Think about how many times they ran up the score on teams within the last couple of years when the game was out of hand. Including your Jets. No action can be considered classless against the Pats. They re just getting whats owed to them!:up:
There we go..., Revis Revis Revis...!!!! Yay Revis...!!!! I call you out on what you are going to do..., and you do it anyways... LOL

YOU brought up Revis, not me.

I guess you're also forgetting the classy act of one of your players coming to the Dolphins sideline before the last game to try and intimidate the Fins...yeah that worked out really well didn't it!? He's lucky he didn't get his head torn off by Matt Roth

Why would a Brown care what happened in a Jet-Dolphin game?;)

Game 1 - Moss....6 catches for 147 and a TD (71 yards on one "poor tackle" catch)..so take that away and its 5 catches for 76 yards.

Game 2 - Moss....2 catches for 66 yards and a TD
I don't think thats too bad. Nyjunc...will you please get over the fact that we swept you guys and go find somewhere else to ***** and moan. Take your fustrations out somewhere else. Get over yourself!!

And what is wrong with saying "Thats two" to Brady? Yeah thats classless....thats right up there with the "Flozell Adams" incident, Rex Ryan running his damn mouth and not giving credit to the winning team, and "Fart" Scott talking all his crap. Give me a break!!! Just be quiet...your making yourself look more and more foolish

I didn't say he did bad, one of your fellow phin fans brought up Revis as if they are comparable at this point and obviously they are not.
Picked him off twice?

Look, I agree, I'm not a big fan of the trash talking. But this was just a little jab, not some big theatrical performance that alot of players put on nowadays.

Fact is, Brady and Moss have been trying to create match-up problems and they figured throwing it to Vontae's side was money in the bank.

Vontae was probably telling Brady to keep throwing it to his side, as I'd imagine more picks = more bling at the end of the season. :lol:

I agree that we have no idea why Vontae did that, maybe he was provoked or was just sending a message to Brady, but he still needs to let his play talk the loudest for him. I just can't stand trash talking from opponents, and I feel the same way for players of the team I like, and I feel I would be a hypocrite if I didn't.
Sorry but when you got underachieving big mouthed clowns like Scott in post game PCs sarcastically calling the Fins an SB team and Henne the next coming of Marino, after they've been swept - by comparison I see nothing wrong with a confident rookie CB during a game trying to get into an over rated plug-and-play QB's head by goading him into throwing more errant passes in his direction. The first example is oafish sore-loser classlessness, Vontae's is "gamesmanship."
Oh, so rubbing it in AFTER a game is ok but talking in the summer is not. Got it:up::lol:

Actually I should translate- if a dolphin player acts classless it's ok but if any other player acts classless it's not ok.

Every day your breath smells more and more like Tom Brady's d1ck. Take that and stuff it up your class!
Oh, so rubbing it in AFTER a game is ok but talking in the summer is not. Got it:up::lol:

Actually I should translate- if a dolphin player acts classless it's ok but if any other player acts classless it's not ok.

Davis actually called Brady out in the middle of the game not after the game, big difference.
I'm sure dolphin fans everywhere are proud you are one of them:lol:

Your god damn right, I reprsent my team to the fullest and don't d1ck ride division opponents players. I bet Jets fans everywhere wish you would just put on your blue/silver/reds already!
Your god damn right, I reprsent my team to the fullest and don't d1ck ride division opponents players. I bet Jets fans everywhere wish you would just put on your blue/silver/reds already!

I love when people show up out of the woodwrok to post when the team wins.
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