Hat-Gate Part II: Pouncey twins wear "Free Hernandez" hats in public | Page 22 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hat-Gate Part II: Pouncey twins wear "Free Hernandez" hats in public

I agree, I'm very concerned about a player I thought was a well-spoken, intelligent young leader of this team associating himself with Hernandez like that. Combine that with the stories that were posted here recently about Hernandez (some of which included the Pouncey twins) back at UF and... I just can't look the same way at him anymore. I was just saying that I don't really see the need for a public apology (I doubt it would change my opinion of him right now anyways)

Well usually where there is smoke there is fire! The Pounceys might want to stfu and distance themselves murder has no statue of limitations in Florida and if that investigation gets reopened by say the FBI they don't want to be anywhere near it. Especially if they know something!
Vaark nailed it on the head. Pouncey will still be a leader on the field, zero doubt. Now a leader in team fashion, not a chance. That being said, Pouncey's leadership value pales in comparison to Tannehill's.

But by all means, keep trying to turn this into something bigger than it is. Nothing else to do this time of year.

Thx but isn't that like saying "water is wet" ??? :idk:
Actually I think Philbin should fine Pouncey $50,000 for the first game check, Pouncey is scheduled to make roughly $76,000 a game this year so it won't make him go Hungary or interfere with his create your hat purchases. Then I think that $50,000 should be placed in to a IRA/Trust for the daughter of Odin Llyod and her college fund. The more I look at those 3 stooges and the complete lack of empathy as human beings in that picture, while they are at the club living it up with bottle service te more I think it is appropriate. By all accounts Odin Lloyd was a good guy he looked up to Hernandez the guy rode a freaking bike to a landscaping job! GROW UP Pouncey clowns!
I have no interest, or time, in reading all posts. I understand that Mike was a friend of Hernandez, and that they roomed together At UF. They may be the best of friends, don't know.

My question is what you would do if this was your best friend, who you lived with, and was in the same situation? How much would you support your best friend, when almost everyone was against him?

Ok, assuming I was friends with a douchebag gangbanger like Hernandez... I would support him just enough so that he wouldn't shoot me if his 10 million dollar lawyers manage to get him off the hook. You know, write him a letter and pretend I think everything will work out for him and wish him luck yada yada yada.
Hmmm, one of those overstatement of the obvious deals.

I have no interest, or time, in reading all posts. I understand that Mike was a friend of Hernandez, and that they roomed together At UF. They may be the best of friends, don't know.

My question is what you would do if this was your best friend, who you lived with, and was in the same situation? How much would you support your best friend, when almost everyone was against him?

First and foremost I pick my friends better and before you say he didn't have a choice who his roommate was I played ball in college and coaches move players all the time. Yeah they were young back then but if the Pouncey clowns had their heads screwed on straight they would have grown apart from Hernandez! I don't think it takes a Premed student at UF to figure out hanging out with a minor who carries a handgun(felony by Florida Law) is a bad idea. Even giving the Pouncey Clowns every benefit of doubt that they were late bloomers and spent their time at UF with their heads up their ass by time they got to the NFL they should have figured it out. I am willing to bet the night Hernandez shot the guy in Miami who is currently suing Hernandez, well he and his boy Mike were at the club!
Actually I think Philbin should fine Pouncey $50,000 for the first game check, Pouncey is scheduled to make roughly $76,000 a game this year so it won't make him go Hungary or interfere with his create your hat purchases. Then I think that $50,000 should be placed in to a IRA/Trust for the daughter of Odin Llyod and her college fund. The more I look at those 3 stooges and the complete lack of empathy as human beings in that picture, while they are at the club living it up with bottle service te more I think it is appropriate. By all accounts Odin Lloyd was a good guy he looked up to Hernandez the guy rode a freaking bike to a landscaping job! GROW UP Pouncey clowns!

Im not sure he would be able to pull that off. The fact that Hernandez hasnt been tried yet aside, coaches being able to dictate what a player wears off the field sounds like something the NFLPA would fight tooth and nail. Where would the line be drawn? If coaches dont like tattoos, should they be able to ban players from getting something done to their own body?

That said, in this specific case, i think its a great idea and would rally behind Philbin if he tried it. It helps the family of the victim and shows Pouncey there are consequences to his friends decisions. The same friend he apparently wants to go free after murdering someone.

A lot of people mention "hes just supporting a friend". I havent checked every single post, but id be willing to bet its the 3rd most used phrase in here after "freedom of speech" and "innocent until proven guilty". My own opinion on that is: bull****. This wasnt some disease that struck Hernandez. This wasnt some freak accident. This wasnt even a damn divorce. Hernandez, in cold blood, decided to execute another human being. If that isnt cause to break ones loyalty to a person, what is?

I recall LaVar Arrington's reaction to the Penn State trial. Many players flocked to the schools defense. Why? Because of loyalty. Arrington, a former linebacker for the school, paid attention to what was going on. Im sure his first instinct was defend it. But then he learned one of the kids he joked with, hung out with, and grew to care about was one of those testifying about his molestation experiences. When LaVar learned of that, the memories of how angry and distant the kid always seemed came flooding back to him. He wrote an article about it:

He’s 28 now, but I can recall seeing him around all the time when he was a kid, and I built a relationship with him. I always enjoyed interacting with kids. As time went on, I knew he looked up to me and was a big fan, and I made a point of stopping to talk with him. I’d ask him the usual questions: ‘How are you?’ ‘How’s school?’ He always seemed mad or kind of distant. I remember distinctly asking him: “Why are you always walking around all mad, like a tough guy?”...

As a parent, I pray I can come to some peace about this and prepare my family for living in a world like this. I will never just wonder why a child is mad. I will never just assume ever again. I will always ask, and let them know that it’s okay to tell the truth about why they are upset.

My anguish and disappointment doesn’t compare to that of the victims. All I can do is hope that Victim 4 finds this entry and can see that I’m offering my sincerest apologies. I am so sorry this happened.


I think Pouncey desperately needs some perspective.

I am pretty sure the player code of conduct covers it probably worded something along the lines to conduct detrimental to the league. Usually the league waits to see if the team disciplines it and if the team does and it is deemed appropriate the league moves on. We see it all the time, now if the league finds the punishment not enough they get involved. Ten another factor would be if the Dolphins have some sort of conduct/good Samaritan clause in Clowncey's contract.

As far as the Union fighting it, yes by law a Union is required to defend all members in good standing aggressively. BUT seeing how the league has completely separated from Aaron Hernandez(removing him from website, store etc) the league set the standard the Dolphins could act on. Now back to a Union defense, speaking as a union member and current rep sometimes that defense is telling the member let it go. On several occasions I had to tell a member their actions did violate the contract or employee handbook and the punishment was appropriate. Just having a Union doesn't give Carte Blanche to a player especially when the league and that players team have written him off.
I'm likely crossing the line here. Football players are somewhat like a Band of Brothers. They live and work together, and learn to trust each other, getting each others backs. Many compare them to our military.

Here's my crossing the line, as we have a number of posters, past and present, from our Armed Forces. You all should know that I have the utmost respect and admiration for all our military.

However, other than combat, is this not just "a bit" of a similar situation?
if you're making military references, a member of the military has an obligation to himself, to his country and to his fellow soldiers/sailors/jarheads/airmen, etc to obey all "Lawful" orders, and to do the right thing. in other words if you're ordered to shoot a baby, you have an obligation to disobey that order. These are men, who should've had better judgement than to support an obvious psychopath. http://usmilitary.about.com/cs/militarylaw1/a/obeyingorders.htm
I'm likely crossing the line here. Football players are somewhat like a Band of Brothers. They live and work together, and learn to trust each other, getting each others backs. Many compare them to our military.

Here's my crossing the line, as we have a number of posters, past and present, from our Armed Forces. You all should know that I have the utmost respect and admiration for all our military.

However, other than combat, is this not just "a bit" of a similar situation?

I don't know if you crossed the line, but it is a terrible analogy!
There is no way you can compare men in the military to the Clowncey Twins and their allegiance to Hernandez. Mistakes happen in war! "Fog Of War" and that is waaaaay different then premeditated murder by a serial killer! But on more then one occasion members of the military have been tried for murder for their actions in combat and their "Band Of Brothers" are compelled as a soldier of honor to testify. A brotherhood doesn't excuse a persons right to do the right thing! Unless that brotherhood is of organized crime.
Understood but, I defer to my boss here, who was a Marine Sgt in Korea. He tells me that if someone made a mistake, that he would be covered by the rest of the platoon. his words, not mine but, a different time.

I go to Nam, where I knew and lost many a friend. IMO, and what I was told, there were many a time when they had to "cover" for their friend and brother. Again, I cross the line here but, it is worth just thinking about. JMO
Sorry, Every man has to answer for his own actions, and I can't tell you what I'd do in that situation, so I won't sit here and tell you those men were wrong for covering for each other (I assume that cover implies that they did something wrong, and didn't want to get in trouble for it.) But I will tell you that it takes real courage to do the right thing, even when no one is looking, and taking the easy way out instead of stopping your friends from committing a crime is a cowardly act and not the act of a true leader.
Sorry, Every man has to answer for his own actions, and I can't tell you what I'd do in that situation, so I won't sit here and tell you those men were wrong for covering for each other (I assume that cover implies that they did something wrong, and didn't want to get in trouble for it.) But I will tell you that it takes real courage to do the right thing, even when no one is looking, and taking the easy way out instead of stopping your friends from committing a crime is a cowardly act and not the act of a true leader.

I should have stayed off this thread, and have deleted my posts.
I should have stayed off this thread, and have deleted my posts.

You don't have to stay out of the thread or delete your post. Maybe a better way to answer your question is to suggest some reading to you to help your answer. Read up on Operation Redwing, and maybe the books Lone Survivor or Seal Of Honor. It covers your questions of the military brotherhood( hard to argue a better brotherhood then the Seals) a recon team that came across 3 Afghan men that they knew were Taliban, but unarmed. Their dilemma of to kill them and remain undiscovered( but have to admit to murder) or let them go and be discovered.
Vaark nailed it on the head. Pouncey will still be a leader on the field, zero doubt. Now a leader in team fashion, not a chance. That being said, Pouncey's leadership value pales in comparison to Tannehill's.
That will depend on how others on the team view this hat incident. If they all have look at it your way, you may be correct. But if more than a few aren't comfortable with it, his leadership ability becomes questionable.

But by all means, keep trying to turn this into something bigger than it is. Nothing else to do this time of year.
You're under no obligation to participate in this. If it bothered me as much as it seems to bother you, I'd ignore the thread.
Its slightly disappointing to learn our center is a moron but it won't change my prognosis for the season, affect whether or not I go to a game or affect whether or not I buy merchandise, he is just a center after all. If it were Tannehill or Philbin sporting that hat I would be a hell of a lot more worried.

Having said that I think this will have an impact on re-signing Pouncey, so to say this will have zero effect on the football field is being a bit naive, hell given our track record in dealing with troublesome, dumb players Pouncey may not even be on the team anymore before season starts.
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