Hat-Gate Part II: Pouncey twins wear "Free Hernandez" hats in public | Page 20 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Hat-Gate Part II: Pouncey twins wear "Free Hernandez" hats in public

How much longer are the Dolphins going to allow this PR disaster to continue? It would appear that Philbin's reputation for running a tight ship has no basis in reality when it comes to a top level player. Coach, the longer you take to deal with this, the more respect you lose.
How much longer are the Dolphins going to allow this PR disaster to continue? It would appear that Philbin's reputation for running a tight ship has no basis in reality when it comes to a top level player. Coach, the longer you take to deal with this, the more respect you lose.

How do you know the team hasn't dealt with it already? How do you know Coach Philbin hasn't had a private sit down with Pouncey by now?
How do you know the team hasn't dealt with it already? How do you know Coach Philbin hasn't had a private sit down with Pouncey by now?

Because we haven't seen an artificial apology in the media like his brother has given. When we see the artificial apology we'll know the Dolphins have dealt with it.
Because we haven't seen an artificial apology in the media like his brother has given. When we see the artificial apology we'll know the Dolphins have dealt with it.

We'll know??? Glad you assume for the whole fanbase here. I was also unaware that not issuing an apology meant the team hasn't dealt with it yet. News to me.
Because we haven't seen an artificial apology in the media like his brother has given. When we see the artificial apology we'll know the Dolphins have dealt with it.

why bother apologizing when there are fans like you that wouldnt' believe it was sincere? better to deal with it interally, than to draw even more attention to it.
How do you know the team hasn't dealt with it already? How do you know Coach Philbin hasn't had a private sit down with Pouncey by now?

Judging by this board, and this is likely a pretty good cross-section of Miami fans and how they feel, this is a PR problem. There appears to be a lot more people here of the mindset that Pouncey was out of line, than those who feel this is a total non-issue. No team wants to let PR issues hang around when they can put to bed quickly. The bottom line for any team is putting asses in the seats. PR problems have the potential to do the opposite. There's no benefit to the team to keep a resolution of this issue quiet. That only serves to allow the continuing festering of the issue.
Judging by this board, and this is likely a pretty good cross-section of Miami fans and how they feel, this is a PR problem. There appears to be a lot more people here of the mindset that Pouncey was out of line, than those who feel this is a total non-issue. No team wants to let PR issues hang around when they can put to bed quickly. The bottom line for any team is putting asses in the seats. PR problems have the potential to do the opposite. There's no benefit to the team to keep a resolution of this issue quiet. That only serves to allow the continuing festering of the issue.

Your post reminds me a quote I once heard that was said to be made by Michael Jordan. When MJ was asked why he didn't spend some of his prestige supporting African American politicians he is reported to have said "Because Republican buy sneakers too." The Dolphins are first and foremost a business and Steven Ross is an accomplished business man. The leadership of the Dolphins organization most likely have no opinion about this issue other than caring about the damage this situation can do to ticket and merchandise sales. Thus we expect the template where a member of Dolphins management talks to their player and the player shortly thereafter issues a nondescript insincere apology to defuse the situation. The fact that we haven't seen this implies that the Dolphins management either don't have their act together or can't convince their player to do what is "in the best interests of the organization". Neither reflect credibly upon the organization.
The fact that we haven't seen this implies that the Dolphins management either don't have their act together or can't convince their player to do what is "in the best interests of the organization". Neither reflect credibly upon the organization.

I really hope that isn't the case but with two business days already passed, it's starting to smell bad.
Don't you guys have real pressing matters in your own lives to attend too, than worry about a twitter apology that probably wont happen because its been dealt with internally?
I strongly doubt this is even on the radar of the average fan. Because this is a fan site we assume issues are more widely visible than they are. Go to 'google trends' and check on the search frequency of "pouncey free hernandez" or some similar term. There isn't even enough volume for it to provide data.
30 pages about a stupid ****ing hat?!?

Yep. Definitely the last week of the looooong offseason here at FH. :hclap:
Don't you guys have real pressing matters in your own lives to attend too, than worry about a twitter apology that probably wont happen because its been dealt with internally?

Agreed, I had actually moved on from this topic until I clicked back into this thread tonight to see that some are still hitting refresh for an apology. So many people want a formal apology yet acknowledge they won't accept it as being truthful. lol

Philbin is going to talk to Pouncey about it, in fact that probably already happened. It isn't a coincidence that Mike has been off Twitter for the past couple of days. They probably informed Pouncey that it is up to him to make a statement if he wants, but I doubt the team itself is going to release anything. The Steelers didn't release anything, Maurkice made a statement on his own. The Falcons didn't issue an apology for Roddy White's offensive Twitter comments on Saturday. This wasn't a player arrest where a team releases a form statement, this was a guy who wore an offensive hat and got photographed.

Honestly whether Pouncey releases some sort of statement tonight or addresses it on Sunday at practice, is it really going to make a difference? Those who are devastated or "lost respect" for him suddenly are not going to love him again by a typical type of apology. If you are not going to buy Dolphins merchandise or attend games because of this incident, you probably were never going to do either of those things anyway. If this happened mid season, this thread would have been popular for a day but would probably be on page 2 of the forum after a couple of days. I think it is time for this story to just die and time to move on. Fact is that Pouncey is still going to be here, he is still going to be one of the elite centers in the game and fans are still going to cheer for him on game day. No one will really care about this once the pads go on.
I strongly doubt this is even on the radar of the average fan. Because this is a fan site we assume issues are more widely visible than they are. Go to 'google trends' and check on the search frequency of "pouncey free hernandez" or some similar term. There isn't even enough volume for it to provide data.

It isn't really the national story or PR nightmare that some think it is. I saw it on ESPN.com and NFL.com when it happened but nothing at this point. I don't even think NFL Network Total Access talked about it. Definitely never saw them acknowledge Maurkice's apology. In fact, I think the Kaepernick hat was a much bigger storyline than this ever was.
Agreed, I had actually moved on from this topic until I clicked back into this thread tonight to see that some are still hitting refresh for an apology. So many people want a formal apology yet acknowledge they won't accept it as being truthful. lol

Philbin is going to talk to Pouncey about it, in fact that probably already happened. It isn't a coincidence that Mike has been off Twitter for the past couple of days. They probably informed Pouncey that it is up to him to make a statement if he wants, but I doubt the team itself is going to release anything. The Steelers didn't release anything, Maurkice made a statement on his own. The Falcons didn't issue an apology for Roddy White's offensive Twitter comments on Saturday. This wasn't a player arrest where a team releases a form statement, this was a guy who wore an offensive hat and got photographed.

Honestly whether Pouncey releases some sort of statement tonight or addresses it on Sunday at practice, is it really going to make a difference? Those who are devastated or "lost respect" for him suddenly are not going to love him again by a typical type of apology. If you are not going to buy Dolphins merchandise or attend games because of this incident, you probably were never going to do either of those things anyway. If this happened mid season, this thread would have been popular for a day but would probably be on page 2 of the forum after a couple of days. I think it is time for this story to just die and time to move on. Fact is that Pouncey is still going to be here, he is still going to be one of the elite centers in the game and fans are still going to cheer for him on game day. No one will really care about this once the pads go on.

Come week 1, you all will be cheering like this never happened.
Cheers and GO PHINS!
So, how many of the extremely pissed off have written letters to the Dolphins demanding Pouncey's trade or release? Surely they are flooding in at this point, right?
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