Heard something disturbing on WFAN | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Heard something disturbing on WFAN


They gotta be refering to an article by Armondo from the Herald. He seems to feel the Jets winning the Super Bowl would validate Miami's victories over the Jets. Those wins don't need to be validated! NO dolfan should root for those stinkin lousey Jets!

Make sure you check your facts. I know since you don't agree with the article that you think it was written by Armando, but it was actually penned by Israel Gutierrez.
We owned Indy's defense most of the game and had the Saints stomped in the ground until the Bess fumble and comedy of errors afterwards. So by that logic only Favre could potentially 'invalidate' us.
What self respecting Phins fan would ever root for the Jets? Joe and Evan are total morons, who cares what they think?
No way in hell would I root for those clowns...ever...IT IS A DOLPHINATION! GO COLTS!
I honestly don't know who to root for here. I hate the Jets as much as anyone but also cannot fathom seeing Manning in the SB again. I just hate the Colts for some reason.
"F" the Jets. I hate everything about that team. I have thrown up in my mouth everyday since they made the playoffs. I NEVER want them to win unless it benefits us in some way.
How can any Miami fan want the Jets to occupy our locker room, playing for the Super Bowl on our home field!!
How can any Miami fan want the Jets to occupy our locker room, playing for the Super Bowl on our home field!!

Man, I cant stand the thought of that! PLLLLLEEEEAAAAASSSSSEEEE beat em Indy!
How can any Miami fan want the Jets to occupy our locker room, playing for the Super Bowl on our home field!!

I can only hope one of the members of our stadium crew will put a big pile of dog crap in Bart Scotts locker.
I am rooting for Sanchez. The over / under on picks was five and I took the over.
Evan and Joe, whoever they are, sound as delusional as Jest fans. The only Dolphins fan I know of that is rooting for those fuktards is LanceyD.


P.S. - Can we please get these Jets threads OFF of the main forum? This is getting ridiculous.

I am NOT rooting for the Jets - I said it maybe 5 times in the thread! I just pointed out that the current Jets are very reminescent of the 01 Pats (a point Bruschi backed on Sportscenter yesterday) and should their lucky stars align (which is looks like they have so far) match up very well against pass first offenses and defenses soft against the run - which the Saints and Colts are...
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ok ok, as a Die Hard Phin fan stuck in central NJ surrounded by friends and fam who are HUGE Jet fans I understand I will hear alot of things....BUT on WFAN Evan & Joe stated they have heard ALOT of Phin fans supporting the Jets. Hoping the Jets win, etc etc

Call me crazy but my hatred for the jets and the jet fans would be enough to keep me from rootign for them. NEVER SUPPORT THE JETS, NEVER!

Put it this way. I went to Tampa to visit family for a week and when i got back to NY the first thing i see is a picture of FAT REX! I wanted to rip it up and stomp on it. Also in the Airport (JFK to be exact) they have a spot dedicated to Jets Memorabilia. I was disgusted. I just want them to hurry up and lose because i keep hearing about these wack scrubs from my friends. Im getting sick and tired of them.
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