Henson/Rivers: Part 67 | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Henson/Rivers: Part 67

Henson only turns 24 tomorrow.. That is young, even for a kid that left football for 3 years only to come back..

I reallly don't know who I'd choose.. If I had to, I'd go with Phillip Rivers.. His intangibles are flawless and his ability to read defenses is excellent..
Rivers. While I won't complain about getting either one, Rivers is simply less of a bust risk. IMO Henson has a bigger upside, but the inexperience and layoff also make the risk higher. This why the cost is a little lower, teams aren't willing to pay a 1st with that much risk.
It seems to me that we have a better chance of getting Henson - we can control the situation somewhat. With rivers, well, there are 19 teams that get to pick him before we get the chance.
Rivers but is a tough choice.The only thing I don't like about Henson not much football experience as a starter in college.
I am a HUGE Rivers fan, but it still comes down to a couple of things.

1. If we only give up a second rounder in NEXT years draft, this might be too hard to pass up. We could then draft a top notch WR with our first rounder. We also then have the option of trying to keep Ogun or get another first rounder out of him and drafting a solid O-lineman.

2. Speilman needs to poke around to gauge the true interest in Rivers. There is a chance Rivers wouldn't be there at pick #20 then we are completely screwed. We will know alot more about Rivers status after the combine. The last thing I want is to pass on Henson and then watch Rivers get drafted ahead of us. I would be soo p@ssed!!!!!

That being said, do we play it "safe" (I'm not saying Henson is a safe bet) and snag Henson given the opportunity or do we chance that Rivers will still be around? Although I definitely prefer Rivers, I would be excited to get either QB. It all depends on the situation presented to us.
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Originally posted by Noland
River River Rivers as yall all know.

Why did did Henson the only year he started only play 8 games?

He was injured a few games.
Henson was never a 'can't miss' prospect. He MAY have gone #1 in his draft had he STAYED in school and played well for a FULL season. Kind of funny saying he is in the same league with Eli when Eli started several years.

No offense to the guy, if we can get him for next year's 2nd I'd rather have him than River's. It's just funny how many people think he is the best player ever after 8 college games.

Trust me, no one KNOWs how good this kid will be.
This is an excellent debate. I come out on the side of Philip Rivers though. There are just SO many things he does well...so many positives, especially now that I've read the Scouts Inc reports on him on ESPN Insider. Here's a taste. Mel Kiper use to be a Rivers hater by the way, didn't list him in the Top 25 and said he was a 2nd round candidate. After the Senior Bowl he was a believer.

"Rivers stole the show at the Senior Bowl with his incredibly quick release, snap delivery, excellent velocity and pinpoint accuracy"
-Mel Kiper Jr.

"He went 4-0 in bowl games during his college career and put on a show at this year's Senior Bowl, and with his smarts Rivers could come in and compete for the starting job as a rookie."
-Mel Kiper Jr.

"B- Adequate-to-good. Capable of making all the throws and shows good zip on his outs"
-Scouts Inc. on Rivers Armstrength

"B Great touch on fade route. His accuracy declines on downfield throws."
-Scouts Inc. on Rivers Accuracy Long

"A- Great timing in the short-to-intermediate routes. Catchable ball and leads WRs well."
-Scouts Inc. on Rivers Accuracy Short

"A- Sees the entire field. Reads defenses extremely well. Gets through his progressions quickly."
-Scouts Inc. on Rivers ability to locate 2nd receivers.

They gave him solid A's in both Judgement, and Poise as well, saying about the latter "Handles pressure extremely well. Constantly beats the blitz. Adjusts to defense quickly"

"He must, however, prove that his arm is strong enough and that his unusual style can be productive at a higher level -- and he's off to a good start"
-Scouting report of Rivers on 1st day of Senior Bowl

"Rivers has really helped his cause so far this week...Rivers has done a good job of overcoming [the unusual delivery] by showing a quick release and a stronger arm than a lot of scouts anticipated. Rivers has shown excellent zip on the deep out routes and he has been the most consistently accurate passer on the South roster."
-Scouting report of Rivers on 2nd day

"Everyone we talk to continues to rave about Rivers' intelligence, personality and overall intangibles. Coach Marty Schottenheimer can't say enough about Rivers' ability to pick up the offense so quickly and run it at such an efficient level. Other scouts rave about Rivers' successful interviews...[Despite lack of mobility and long release], Rivers continues to show good zip on deep out routes and the arm strength to make all of the throws. He is an extremely accurate passer in all zones and he won't make many mistakes in terms of his reads"
-Scouting report on Rivers for 3rd Day.

"Rivers was the most consistent of the three [South] quarterbacks on passing drills this afternoon. He doesn't get the RPMs on the deep out route that J.P. Losman does, but he throws a heavier ball that actually might fare better in adverse conditions...Rivers puts more "thrust" into his throws, which results in less rotations, but also keeps the nose of the ball steady and allows it to cut through the wind better [than Losman's]. He also shows a much better ability to throw a change-up on shorter touch routes than Losman does."
-Scouting Report of Rivers on 4th and Final Day.

"He had terrific interviews, became a clear leader of the South team, showed consistency and accuracy as a passer and displayed the arm strength to make all the NFL throws."
-Scouts Inc Summary.

This by no means was all Scouts Inc had to say about Rivers though. I focused on the positives. The negatives mainly focused on Rivers' lack of mobility and athleticism, his "long than ideal delivery" and "funky release points" It seems like when these scouts see him next to JP Losman they drool over Losman because of his athleticism and foot speed, as much as his cannon arm, and when you put the two next to each other the scouts will always fall in love with Losman next to Rivers even while Rivers is leading his team up and down the field for touchdown after touchdown while Losman can't complete a pass.

If you want Rivers, its because he has superb Poise, superb Judgement, great Accuracy, great ability to Target 2nd Receivers, superb prototypical NFL Size, great Intelligence, great Toughness and willingness to play through pain, fantastic Character, nearly perfect Production (one of the most productive college QBs ever), and awesome Durability (he's never missed a game in 4 years of starting...only major injury was a toe injury in 2002).

If you don't want Rivers, its because he has only somewhere between 'adequate' and 'good' Armstrength, he has definite problems buying time in the pocket with his Escape Ability, has only a mediocre or even below average Set Up (footwork), has way below average Running Ability, is not a very Flexible athlete, and has somewhere between a mediocre and below average Quickness of Delivery particularly with his funky release points that sometimes make him look like he's playing like a 6'0" QB instead of a 6'5" QB.
Also keep in mind that some of these things seem like they change from when Rivers is practicing to when Rivers is playing in a game. Particularly, the "longer than ideal delivery" that Scouts Inc emphasized seems like it might be something that shows up in practice or is at the very least controversial since Rivers is often credited with a "quick release" and "snap delivery" when people see him during games. He has also shown the willingness to run, and SOME ability to buy time with his feet during games...his Junior year he had 10 rushing touchdowns. Also of note is even with the lower release points, the main knock on a 6'0" QB is that he's not tall enough to SEE the field or develop passing lanes. I remember when Flutie played for the Bills, the Bills OL had to play a certain way to give him passing lanes. While the passing lanes could be of concern to Rivers low release, he hasn't shown any penchant for getting balls batted down in college, and at 6'5" he can certainly see the field better than a 6'0" quarterback whether he's tossing a ball straight up into the air or kicking it with his foot.

I LOVE Henson too...the thing is, all this stuff we know about Rivers? We don't really know it about Henson...because we just don't have much to work with. He's got all this talent, but how do we know how good Henson is at finding secondary targets? How do we know how much Poise he has, or what kind of Judgement, he has? We know he's got great foot speed but how do we know how good he is at buying time in the pocket?

His three years out of football almost cancel out what his 8 starts in college showed us of those kinds of categories. Its a shame he couldn't like, go to the Senior Bowl or go up next to some of these guys in the Scouting Combine and stuff.
I want to get Henson, too; but that does nothing for us in 2004 and maybe even 2005 (if we are competing for the playoffs :( )

a good analysis and remember Spielman said he c/b as good as ANY QB in the draft so comparing to Manning, Ben and Rivers is in order not just Rivers IMO

"Everyone wants to play. I'd love to step in and play. If it will benefit me and the team to back someone up and learn behind someone for a bit, I'm open to that."

Chiefs offensive coordinator Al Saunders said Henson needs to sit and learn.

"He has to be given time to adjust," Saunders said. "To jump from the University of Michigan, where he only played eight games, to the NFL after a three-year layoff is traumatic.

"You know, there are guys who can throw the ball who are tending bar right now. There's a lot more to it than just throwing the ball."
Originally posted by ckparrothead
This is an excellent debate. I come out on the side of Philip Rivers though. There are just SO many things he does well...so many positives, especially now that I've read the Scouts Inc reports on him on ESPN Insider. Here's a taste. Mel Kiper use to be a Rivers hater by the way, didn't list him in the Top 25 and said he was a 2nd round candidate. After the Senior Bowl he was a believer.

Actually Rivers was on his big board about half of the season ( a little less than). He was #25 and then gradually moved up to #19.
After the senior bowl he jumped all the way to #8.
Kiper isn't the only one.
All the sites have moved him way up. I know because I was personally e-mailing several of them saying they were crazy how low Rivers was ranked way back during the season.
GBN Report comes to mind especially. He was like the fifth ranked QB and ranked as a third-fourth rounder. Everyone jumped on the Rivers bandwagon after he left them NO other choices.
I don't know that these comparisons between Henson and Rivers/Roethlisberger/Manning are going to be fruitful though. With the latter three we have so much more to work with I think...particularly with Rivers since he participated in the Senior Bowl. With the latter three they are subject to many of the same kinds of question marks, but with Henson you've got a HUGE one added onto all the normal question marks.

In fact, the new question is so big that people often lose sight of the fact that the other question marks apply as well. Which is to say, mainly people are wondering if 3 years away from football will adversely affect his chances of being a good NFL QB. But don't forget that this is all in addition to the question of whether or not he would have been a good NFL QB had he not even taken a break from football. I think people take it for granted really that he would have been the #1 pick. No doubt when he left football he did look like he MIGHT be the #1 pick, but he still had one more year of NCAA football to go before he would have hit that draft and he instead left to play for the Yankees. Its true the Texans had Henson ranked above David Carr when Henson left football, but thats because Carr was ranked behind a LOT of people at that time...he was considered a candidate that might be taken in like, the 3rd round if he had a "solid" senior season. Well instead of a solid senior season he had a GREAT senior season and displayed a lot of physical talent. Meanwhile there's been plenty of college QBs who looked like they would be sure-fire first round picks when they still had a year to go of football...then they had senior campaigns that hurt their draft stock considerably. I think Cody Pickett might fit into that category. I think people were high on Jared Lorenzen prior to his senior year too.

With Henson there's a lot of unknowns at work here. If he came to Miami the fans would count on him to make a difference maybe sooner than he might be ready to, if he is set to make that difference at all. Right now his physical talents are being magnified because of the media exposure but there have been plenty of dudes in the past with physical talents like his that busted in the NFL and they all showed more in college than Henson did.
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