Here it is...The petition to bring back Joe Robbie Stadium | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Here it is...The petition to bring back Joe Robbie Stadium

1673 is nowhere near enough signatures to actually present this to Wayne....

We need more....WAAAAAAAYYYYYY more. I am still working on getting some media help as well....

Keep on spreading the word around about which is the official site for the petition.

And mods, please do keep it up as long as it takes. Maybe even possibly send out a mailing to every board member about the petition?
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227

see my post about three posts up. And thanks right back.

I thought everyone might like to know that the revenue generated on average by selling the naming rights to an NFL stadium is 10 million Huizenga didn't get to where he is without making smart financial decisions. Meanwhile he can't exactly sell the rights and have the stadium named Nathans hot dogs arena or Manny's Carburetors Stadium. He has a great name now and will probably stick with it until someone antes up with not only the money but a better name. The NFL should pay the fee and rename it after Joe Robbie. If they all the money to have the Rose Bowl retrofitted for az future team than they should be able to help us keep our tradition daon't you think? Robbie was a prick but without him we wouldnt have the Phin's I might have been a Bucs Fan:cap: :m83:
Hell Nixon was a huge Dolphins, name the Stadium after him. Then fans could say the Dolphins Opponents will suck at THE DICK this week....Richard's MilHOUSE Nixon stadium , RMN kinda has an EMINEM ring to it...
This is most important referendum since the ban of steel mesh underpants, and I'll in favor of it.
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