How does our head coach not know about basically our whole oline having turmoil? | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How does our head coach not know about basically our whole oline having turmoil?

How so many of you give Philbin a pass on this is mindblowing. Of course, he's responsible for being aware of and dealing with the situation.
He's the HC. It's his locker room. This isn't a one time thing. This happened multiple times, to multiple people over a long period of time. The entire time he's been the coach players on his team were getting harassed by other members of his team and he "didn't" know about it? I don't buy that but even if I did or you do that's a problem. How friggin clueless is he?

In the report trainer O'neill pulled Martin aside and told him that he was too nice and needed to stand up for himself more. He noticed it but not Philbin. Like I said. He's either lying or clueless.

Hell, he's where he is because he was an O-line coach. You'd think he'd take a little interest in what's going on with his.

You not buying it doesn't mean he knew. Explain to me how he was supposed to know if he wasn't told about it? If he didn't know about it then to me that says he didn't see it. So again, if he didn't see anything and if he was never told anything, how is he supposed to know what's going on? It isn't like he's supposed to expect this to happen as normal behavior.
I disagree Josh as Joe should have some kind of knowledge it was going on, or someone on his so called leadership council should have let him know what was happening. The head coach can't be oblivious to what is happening with his team. I still think Joe is in way over his head.

I still haven't been told how Philbin was supposed to have had knowledge of this without seeing it or being told about it. Please Fin, you're the man here. Help me understand this.

---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

How so many of you give Philbin a pass on this is mindblowing. Of course, he's responsible for being aware of and dealing with the situation.

How does a coach become aware? Does he have each player write a summary of their day all year?
Again it's pointless to compare your work environment to an NFL franchise. In no way are the 2 situations similar.

I don't even know how to respond to this :lol:

Back to this now that I have had time to start reading the report word for word and not just exerts from it. How is it pointless for me to compare to my workplace environment when the report compares to a "classic workplace?"

Have you actually read the report? Go check out page 17 and 18. The report doesn't compare to other NFL workplaces but just workplace bullying.

3. The Mistreatment of Martin Is Consistent with a Case of Workplace Bullying
We find that the harassment of Martin bears many hallmarks of a classic case of bullying, where persons who are in a position of power harass the less powerful.

According to our consulting psychologist, William H. Berman, Ph.D., an expert in matters relating to workplace dynamics, interaction and culture and interpersonal dysfunction within workplace relationships, this factual scenario is consistent with a case of an abusive workplace relationship.
Question: do we know what our children do from day to day? I will agree that he will be on a short leash but why have an investigation that says he didn't know what was going on but we the public says well we're going to fire you because you should've known, that means pouncey is gone and also garner, and jerry. if you're going to wield a big stick make sure everybody gets hit
Can we stop comparing a normal job to an nfl locker room?

Your right, some have other peoples lives in our hands on a daily basis, not just playing a game where your qb., might get sacked. There is no comparison.

People in this organization have had their heads up their A$$es for far to long now, and it is unacceptable. It starts at the top !!!
Can we stop comparing a normal job to an nfl locker room?

You should go read pages 17 and 18 where the report actually classic worklpace bullying. Seems as if Wells and Dr Berman are basing this off other workplaces. Why can they compare but others can't?
Back to this now that I have had time to start reading the report word for word and not just exerts from it. How is it pointless for me to compare to my workplace environment when the report compares to a "classic workplace?"

Have you actually read the report? Go check out page 17 and 18. The report doesn't compare to other NFL workplaces but just workplace bullying.

Its a fair point but bullying is bullying in any environment. Common decency is common decency.

Most certainly one has to consider that this is not a normal work environment. If you dont, you lack common sense- plain and simple.

If there is one thing in life that i have learned without a reasonable doubt is that it is incredible what one can become accustomed to, how ones norm can differ from someone else's. I have a friend that rips hairs off of his face. Its a psychological affliction with long scientific name i cannot pronounce let alone spell. Some people have it bad and rip it from their skull. His merely affects the consistent reshaping of his beard so it doesnt have random bald spots.

How many of you curse in the lunchroom at work with colleagues that you are very close with? Have you ever done it catching yourself with, "$hit that was loud. I shouldnt speak like that where i work."? Thats an example of becoming accustomed to something on a very ***small*** scale.

Multiply that exponentially and sprinkle in honest-to-god meatheads. They exist. If youve never met one, you have clearly never spent significant time in any locker room and your perspective is skewed and plainly baseless.

Add in that some of these athletes are "thugs", a product of life in the ghetto. Dont forget your pinch of power that corrupts with money and dash of you have to have even the tiniest bit of animalistic, primal, outside of human being standards gene to succeed in this sport to begin with. Dont forget the fact the an entire team sided with the bully and what do you have? You have an idea of the possibility of what a normal workplace can be no matter how outrageous that idea stems in your mind.

Not to mention the fact that is probably the third locker room in life that these guys have experienced. How many years of outlandish behavior is that? College? When many are still immature kids? How can one possibly reason that this is not relevant.

Yes. The common workplace must be acknowledged because in the long run, the NFL is a business and this is not a ***manner*** of behavior fitting for a business. As a matter of fact, it is against the law and even the smallest company can be sued if it can be proven that the lack of knowledge of such acts are blatantly disregarded by Human Resource.

What we cant do is crucify these guys for their behavior. This is, was, will be and has been a large part of normal life for them. But they must now face the consequences of taking it too far with a colleague that suffers from a mental illness and having the bad luck for that colleague to take this course of action.

As I stated, if youre in the sand- zero possibility of a shark attack. If your texting about drugs, using harsh language in texts, leaving ridiculous messages on answering machines providing all of this evidence of atrocious behavior; you run the possibility of it biting you in the a$$.
Great post OnDaChainWax...I never once said the two work forces were the same, just used comparisons of workplace harassment because as you said any business can be sued for it as negligence is not a defense and the Philbin is in charge of that workplace, so he has culpability. How much, well that will be determined by someone else. My issues are either he knew and turned a blind eye or he had no clue and shows he has zero pulse of his team while he is claiming he has a great locker room and defended Turner who obviously knew a lot of this was going on.

There will be more to come out once the lawsuits start as players and or coaches weren’t obligated by law to report everything to Wells and his team, but get them under oath and it’s a different story. We haven’t seen the end of this yet, and I think it will even get uglier.
Great post OnDaChainWax...I never once said the two work forces were the same, just used comparisons of workplace harassment because as you said any business can be sued for it as negligence is not a defense and the Philbin is in charge of that workplace, so he has culpability. How much, well that will be determined by someone else. My issues are either he knew and turned a blind eye or he had no clue and shows he has zero pulse of his team while he is claiming he has a great locker room and defended Turner who obviously knew a lot of this was going on.

There will be more to come out once the lawsuits start as players and or coaches weren’t obligated by law to report everything to Wells and his team, but get them under oath and it’s a different story. We haven’t seen the end of this yet, and I think it will even get uglier.

I agree the end is not near, my thought is why bother keeping anybody who was in charge, or involved at this point? It's not like Philbin has been anything close to special here.

Call it Collateral damage if you want, this whole thing is a mess, and it's not worth wasting another season with this group.

Philbin should have been canned, and we could have gotten our gm, and he could have hired the coach.

Ross was handed an easy out the way that season ended, he didn't take it, and we had a messy GM search, and got a guy who has one foot on a banana peal, and the other in the gutter already. Is this how you want to move forward with the draft and FA? With guys trying to make moves for the very short term to try to save their azzes.

This team is a mess right now, and it will be a miracle to make any significant improvement. I think we will have to overpay to get any quality FA to come to this mess.

It's just my opinion, I do hope we get that miracle.
I find it hard to believe Phibin didn't know anything. The extent of this situation, as long as it went on for, having multiple players and a position coach involved. All too any factors in Philbin supposedly being completely clueless to what was going on.
I thought what Joe was know for, was his discipline, and the way he had control of his team.

Seems to me the inmates were running the asylum, unchecked.
I'm not saying Philbin didn't know, but by the same token, supposedly Belicheat, who actually paid lipservice telling Hernandez to extricate himself from his bad influences, supposedly didn't know he was a murderous drug addled gang-banging thug and then of course there's Rex who a few years ago was oblivious to his whole clubhouse imploding, the disrespect of and lack of confidence in buttfumble and the general toxic atmosphere. Hell, take that a step further during the Nolan Carroll "Tripgate" where all those bozo assistants were lined up in a tight cordon within 5 feet of the footperv and supposedly he wasn't aware of any pre-planning. So there's those and plenty more to argue the opposing side of that coin.

Of course that also begs the next logical question of "should he have known?"
it wasnt just richie vs martin

it was basically richie,jerry,pouncy vs martin & garner

the oline coach should be fired for sure

but man i keep thinking if your a hc its not just 2 people its basically 5 people from your team

My parents were overbearing as hell and I'll be damned if they knew a 10% of the **** that went down between me and my brothers. Also why didn't Martin go to Philbin about it? Does he think he has microphones and cameras installed everywhere?

I'm not saying Philbin didn't know, but by the same token, supposedly Belicheat, who actually paid lipservice telling Hernandez to extricate himself from his bad influences, supposedly didn't know he was a murderous drug addled gang-banging thug and then of course there's Rex who a few years ago was oblivious to his whole clubhouse imploding, the disrespect of and lack of confidence in buttfumble and the general toxic atmosphere. Hell, take that a step further during the Nolan Carroll "Tripgate" where all those bozo assistants were lined up in a tight cordon within 5 feet of the footperv and supposedly he wasn't aware of any pre-planning. So there's those and plenty more to argue the opposing side of that coin.

Of course that also begs the next logical question of "should he have known?"

That's what I don't get, why do people think he should have known. It's not 5 people on an NFL team, its 53 players, plus dozens of coaches and lord knows what else. He isn't going to know personal details, he relies on his coordinators for that and if one of them is hiding things from him to save his own ass and players don't talk to him about it, what is he supposed to do? Scan their minds with his portable mind reader? The lunacy and expectations of all this is so mind boggling.
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