How Norv will help Jay | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

How Norv will help Jay


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Sep 3, 2001
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Bay Area, California
"Along the way, Levy found out Fiedler faced 87 second-and-8-yard plus situations and 92 that were third-and-6 or more last season. He found out Fiedler led the NFL with 11 fourth-quarter TD passes. He had a QB rating of 91 in the red zone. He ran for 167 yards on third down for a 7.3-yard average. He found out Fiedler had a 62.3 percent completion rate, and in three wide receiver formations, Fiedler had a 92.8 rating. "

Norv loves to use multiple targets in the passing game. He also isn't afraid to throw in the red zone. Something Fiedler is good at. Hopefully the 3rd and longs (He faced about 5.5 a game!!!) will decrease, and will help him even further. It all starts with the run game.
Yet, Fiedler threw 7 interceptions on 1st down. Two of those interceptions were on 1st and goal.

He threw 9 interceptions on 2nd down when he had 7 yards or less to go.

Only 3 interceptions came when Fiedler was in long yardage situations, and that's only because Miami took the ball out of his hands in those situations....i.e. draws to Minor and screen passes.

AND, he did all this when he only had to make two reads before he tucked the ball to run.
He also threw most of those interceptions before he changed his game. Before, he wasn't allowing the plays to play out. He did later in the season. Sacks went up. INTs went down. Can't argue with 11tds/4ints.
Norv has a great track record of getting the most out of his qbs. Troy was hardly on a hall of fame track before Norv came to Dallas. Brad Johnson almost sucked his way out of the league before Norv went to Washington, then he went to a pro bowl, ad has sucked ever since. Who knows what will happen to Jay, but it seems if anyone can help him it is Norv.
Originally posted by Dajesus
Norv has a great track record of getting the most out of his qbs. Troy was hardly on a hall of fame track before Norv came to Dallas. Brad Johnson almost sucked his way out of the league before Norv went to Washington, then he went to a pro bowl, ad has sucked ever since. Who knows what will happen to Jay, but it seems if anyone can help him it is Norv.

Exactly :)
Those QBs actually had talent to work with.

Aikman was the top overall pick in the draft for a reason. It's because he had a cannon on his shoulder and was built like a linebacker. He was a little over 6-4, 230 lbs, great arm, incredible accuracy, and could run in the 4.7-4.8 range.

Brad Johnson showed in Minnesota that he could be a starter in the NFL. Fiedler was cut from Minnesota while Johnson was there.

As for Fiedler's change, well, there was also a lot less downfield throws and a lot more screen passes that had a bigger reflection on this change than Fiedler actually trying to go through his reads.

The fact that the sacks went up shows that Fiedler doesn't read the field quick enough. He can't even pick up the blitz read when the defense is obviously showing it. Blame it on the line if you want to, but as a QB, you have to know where the blitz is coming from and who the hot read is.
Also, Fiedler is going to have to make a lot more reads in this offense than he did in Chan's offense. Chan cut his offense down to help Fiedler out. I don't see Norv doing that. It's sink or swim time for Fiedler, which I think he's already drowned.

Norv wants to push the ball down the field and make big plays. He also rarely goes with more than 3 wide receivers at one time. He will send 2 routes deep on most plays, whether that is the two receivers or a receiver and the tight end, Norv will be looking to make the big play in the passing game. Fiedler is going to have to read his #1 option down the field, check to his #2 option who is down the field, check down to his #3 intermediate option which could be the TE over the middle or the WR on a 20 yard out, check down to his #4 option which could be the FB in the flat, and do all this within the matter of 3-4 seconds.

And I'm telling you. When you see Fiedler rainbow those 20 yard out patterns from the opposite hash mark, it's going to be pick-six the other way.
If Troy ran the 40 in a 4.7-4.8. Then I am as fast as he was.

I am 6'3" 3/4. Size doesn't mean ALL that much. (Unless you are really small)

Fiedler is 6'2" 230-235. Not much smaller. Fiedler also runs faster than Troy.

I know a guy who played for the Vikings (practice squad) when BJ and JF were there. He said that all BJ did was complain, and that he was very overrated. He said Jay is easily as good as him, and much better in the locker room.
Jay Fiedler is listed at 225, but we all know that teams list players heavier and taller than they really are. If Fiedler is any bigger than 215, I'll eat my hat.

Jay also only runs a 4.75 forty, so he isn't faster than Troy was when Troy was younger. Jay definitely doesn't have Troy's gun or his ability to read the field and throw an accurate pass.

That height that you think isn't important allows the QB to see better over the offensive line. Short QB's like Fiedler have to roll out because they can't see the field from the pocket.
He used to be 215. He gained some weight lifting in the offseason (Which also helped him in the injury department)

Jay runs a 4.75 40? WOW There is a big difference between 4.5 and 4.8.

I believe Chambers runs a 4.3 40.

Fiedler isn't really short. He's 6'2"

Hell, Warner is 6'2"!!! Garcia is 6'0"!
There is about a 5-7 yard difference between a 4.5 and a 4.8. I really don't know how that came into the discussion.
Originally posted by KB21
There is about a 5-7 yard difference between a 4.5 and a 4.8. I really don't know how that came into the discussion.

Ok kb lets slow down. In a 40 yard dash it might mean like 2-3 yards, but when does a qb run 40 yards? 2nd I remember Troy had a knee brace on since day 1 in dallas, do you expect me to beleave he ran a 4.8 w/a knee brace? 3rd who knows what will happen to Jay, all I am saying is Troy was sacked more than any other qb in the league before Norv arrived, and also was on the losing end of many games. I know Jay won't end up in Canton, but Norv may help him improve alot. I agree w/you about not picking up blitzes, but that is something a 2nd year starter has trouble with, it will only get better. Bottom lne Jay showed improvement last year, if Norv can bring on alot more improvement we should be good at qb. The only problem is will we be able to run or stop the run.
Originally posted by Dajesus

Ok kb lets slow down. In a 40 yard dash it might mean like 2-3 yards, but when does a qb run 40 yards? .

I must have seen McNabb do it at least 4 times against the Bucs in the

Although if you haven't noticed, Qbs like Vick, Brooks, McNabb, Culpepper, etc. are making big 30+ yard runs all the time.
Where was the improvement? I fail to see it. I know his arm didn't get any stronger. I know he didn't suddenly get better at reading coverages. What I do know is that Chan limiting him to screen pass after screen pass helped cut down on the interceptions, and I know that Chris Chambers and Oronde Gadsden making acrobatic catches helped him as well. But, I fail to see where Jay made any improvement.

He completed only 27% of his passes past 20 yards last year. This year, he completed only 28% of those passes. Where's the improvement?
Originally posted by KB21
The fact that the sacks went up shows that Fiedler doesn't read the field quick enough. could also mean that the WRs weren't getting open and Jay didn't force his throws.

Really KB, do you even watch the games??

Also, I have seen Jay Fiedler in person many times. And he is much thicker than he looks on TV. He's got very thick legs and big shoulders/lats. Believe it or not, he's the same size as Steve McNair. McNair is just lankier and wears more padding under his uniform.
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