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Different people act different ways, I'm sure they are all going to yell now because you told them!:wink:
whats your problem man,let me rephrase,i 'am going to do my part to be a better louder fan because i think our own football team is aware of our ineptitude.

So thank you for llistening and hopefully some of you agree and will join me and start the change.

There ,is that better NYNJ FIN FAN,,,,,
No wonder everyone laughs at our fan base. You think because the team doesnt do well in their first coup,e of drives you should boo. Thats upsurd. And the "I pay money" excuse is just dumb. Yes Pitt was playing before sold out crowds before the SB. Was has sold out EVERY home game since 1966. The Bucs, Giants, Skins, Pack and others have waiting lists that are so long you have to wait till someone DIES to get tix.
Give us something to cheer about, and maybe we will. If not, then too damn bad, because tickets and concessions aren't cheap, especially in Dolphin Stadium.

That stadium was loud last game for the first half, and the Bills silenced it after every stupid Daunte and blocking mistake. Pretty much got quiet after the stupid INT Daunte threw, god knows where he wanted to throw it to.

Reality is, to beleive this team is any better than last year or the year before, we'll have to see it first. Only thing different about 2004, is the QB and runningback. Our offensive line may be worse than 2004, and our QB isn't playing well--to say the least, he is playing like trash. Also, our secondary isn't no where as good as the one we had in 2004. And right now, we are 0-2 compared to a year ago when we we're 1-1, then after a 1-1 start dropped to 3-7 in the first 10 games. Last time we dropped 0-2, we ended the season 4-12.

Also, if the boo's weren't enough to motivate them for this Sunday's game, then they shouldn't be playing in the NFL. Show us something.
Bandit said:
It's not the fans who are the problem. It's that the Fins don't have nearly as much talent at key positions -- esp on OL -- as they thought they did, and that the coaching staff and/or players weren't mentally prepared for the Bills.

There's not a lot that can be done now to fix the OL, so Miami is probably going to have to "limp" along as best it can with the guys it has now. Don't expect big offensive stats in most games.

If the coaches and/or players don't start taking supposedly "weaker" teams as seriously as they take the supposedly "superior" teams, Miami will soon be no better than those "weaker" teams, and maybe worse. The Fins were outcoached and outplayed by the Bills from the get-go. The Miami fans only started booing after that became clear by late in the first half.

Interesting point.....Although I do believe that we did take the Bills seriously,we just got beat up on. Our team looks old and slow, and that young defense of the Bills were all over the place...especially your front four.
bigbade said:
No wonder everyone laughs at our fan base. You think because the team doesnt do well in their first coup,e of drives you should boo. Thats upsurd. And the "I pay money" excuse is just dumb. Yes Pitt was playing before sold out crowds before the SB. Was has sold out EVERY home game since 1966. The Bucs, Giants, Skins, Pack and others have waiting lists that are so long you have to wait till someone DIES to get tix.

and do they boo when the team is 0-1 and gets sacked 4 times in three minutes...fumbles and misses a FG? YEAH
djphinfan said:
I've had enough,enough bad publicity about our fans, we don't do this or we don't do that,,you know what, there right!!!

I believe the reason we came out flat is because what our team witnessed at pittsburgh compared to being introduced to half a stadium in our home opener is a distinct reality,what do you think zach was talking about, our players don't repect us as fans and if you think it does'nt matter i disagree,,, in the moment,the cheers and intensity of the crowd is what you play for not the money.

So i admit i might be a loser for writing this thread but i'am going to do my part to try to change this perception and maybe you will do the same and tell somebody else to do the same.

Get into the game from the start and yell a little louder and a little longer and if someone tells you to sit just ignore them,you have the right!!!! thanks sorry for the dare.

If I still lived in Miami, I would still be going to every game. But I moved up North and I have to say my family is safer here in the rural area we live in. Sad people aren't going to the games anymore.

we have sold out for tennesee.........can't be all bad.
its to bad were not good enough to boo every play miami dont get 10 yards or score:lol:
bigbade said:
No wonder everyone laughs at our fan base. You think because the team doesnt do well in their first coup,e of drives you should boo. Thats upsurd. And the "I pay money" excuse is just dumb. Yes Pitt was playing before sold out crowds before the SB. Was has sold out EVERY home game since 1966. The Bucs, Giants, Skins, Pack and others have waiting lists that are so long you have to wait till someone DIES to get tix.

I remember going to Phins games in the late 70's when we really stunk. It was still fun just to be at the Orange Bowl watching a live professional football game. But that was before the Marlins and the Heat when all we had in Miami was football. What can I say? People can pick and choose so sports organizations have to be better able to retain fans if they want the revenue to keep coming in. And there have been a lot of years of bad play since JJ drove the franchise into the ground after Shula left. Its sad but I can see why people are staying away.

believe me, i am not a boo'er.............but I cannot blame people for doing.....it isn't just because of one play i am sure. I would rather the team give us a reason to cheer loudly.
Desides said:
Yeah, pretty much. It's depressing, ain't it?

You aint kidding, doesnt help when Jills fans come on, rubbing it in without any help from us arguing the toss over issues like attendances and Malarkey. We seriously need to not worry about lame issues like attendances and the like. Its the team guys and gals...THE TEAM!! Thats all that matters this early in the season.
Ronski_doodle said:
Winning gets cheers, I mean when you win each down. I was in that stadium, we were just off. The whole game we were just off. The F16 flyover came in the middle of the national anthem, Then the poor first couple series,then clouds came in and there was cooling breezes. Game time temp was supposed to be in the 90's and the temp wasn't going our way. It was a funky day, I will be there this Sunday, I will be rowdie, I will make sure any a-hole in Tennessee colors feels uncomfortable and make them question thier decision to wear that in our HOUSE.

Don't be "that guy". Everyone pays to get in, so everyone has a right to enjoy the game without being hassled.
I think it is particularly frustrating when you read the newspaper the next day, and one of our players is quoted as saying something like, I looked at the bench and 95% of our team wasnt really into it...c'mon..first game, home crowd, one loss..and ALREADY you arent into it???? How many times do we have to go through THAT? too many already..
all you can really ask is that the games sellout. we do sellout our games. if people choose not to go after spending the money to go, there's not much we can do about that!
djphinfan said:
I believe the reason we came out flat is because what our team witnessed at pittsburgh compared to being introduced to half a stadium in our home opener is a distinct reality,what do you think zach was talking about, our players don't repect us as fans and if you think it does'nt matter i disagree,,, in the moment,the cheers and intensity of the crowd is what you play for not the money.


These are professional athletes. They shouldn't need the crowd to get them up to play a division rival at home, especially when it's their home opener.

I believe the fans can be a 12th man and certainly help at various parts of the game, but getting up for the game is the players responsibility. They should be able to play in the parking lot in front of a bunch of squirrels if need be.

In addition, even "In the Moment" the goal is to win a championship, not to solicit the adoration of the crowd. If they let the crowd's intensity rule their play they should be finding work elsewhere.
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