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MarinoEqualsGod said:
Don't be "that guy". Everyone pays to get in, so everyone has a right to enjoy the game without being hassled.


I was at the playoff game vs the Ravens oh so many years ago it seems, we gave the Ravens fans a tough time, messing around with them but we didnt like make them uncomfortable or anything. They were nice guys
djphinfan said:
I've had enough,enough bad publicity about our fans, we don't do this or we don't do that,,you know what, there right!!!

I believe the reason we came out flat is because what our team witnessed at pittsburgh compared to being introduced to half a stadium in our home opener is a distinct reality,what do you think zach was talking about, our players don't repect us as fans and if you think it does'nt matter i disagree,,, in the moment,the cheers and intensity of the crowd is what you play for not the money.

So i admit i might be a loser for writing this thread but i'am going to do my part to try to change this perception and maybe you will do the same and tell somebody else to do the same.

Get into the game from the start and yell a little louder and a little longer and if someone tells you to sit just ignore them,you have the right!!!! thanks sorry for the dare.

Again, how in the hell was the stadium half full? There were fans everywhere!
PhinGeneral said:

These are professional athletes. They shouldn't need the crowd to get them up to play a division rival at home, especially when it's their home opener.

I believe the fans can be a 12th man and certainly help at various parts of the game, but getting up for the game is the players responsibility. They should be able to play in the parking lot in front of a bunch of squirrels if need be.

In addition, even "In the Moment" the goal is to win a championship, not to solicit the adoration of the crowd. If they let the crowd's intensity rule their play they should be finding work elsewhere.
your opinion makes a lot of sense and i think thats they way it should be but unfortunately thats not human nature, you hear them talking about being a gladiator and that its a war out there,that is how some of these atheletes motivate themselves,and i can relate to that point of view.

I don't think there sitting around itellectuallizing how well their going to compete today.

All that i'am sayin is i'am going to be louder yet respectful because whether we like or not the negativity is there about us and i would like to try to change that.
DefensiveEnd#76 said:
Again, more excuses for not filling up the stadium. I don't think there's any question that the Miami Dolphins have the most fickle fair weathered fan base in the entire NFL and it's sad. When the Arizona Cardinals can fill their stadium and we have thousands of empty seats it's pathetic. Maybe every team in the league needs to have a domed stadium so the weather doesn't have any impact then. For crying out loud, get out there and support the team and yell and scream at the home games. Or maybe you want the Miami Dolphins to relocate and be called the Los Angeles Dolphins or the Portland Prairie Dogs?

I doubt seriously that would happen. But, for the team to more centrally locate in the state to say...Orlando, would be a master stroke by WH, if the fans attitude and attendance doesn't improve.

That would put the team right in the middle travel wise (2-3hrs) of its state fan base. This doesn't include from Tallahassee west to Pensacola.

Only problem with that is, I believe the NFL has awarded Orlando to the Jags franchise area. :fire:
djphinfan said:
I believe the reason we came out flat is because what our team witnessed at pittsburgh compared to being introduced to half a stadium in our home opener is a distinct reality,

This is garbage.

A winning team will win in front of an empty stadium bottom line. If they need fans cheering to get pumped up for a division game then they aren't a good team.

Do I wish our atmosphere was better? Yes, but you guys are WAY overplaying this crap.
well, im flyin down from jersey tonight for my first game of the year..

i will be there givin my full support.

i have prepared my self to be voiceless on monday.....

but the stadium capacit, or lack there of, has been lie this for awhile even with DCs signing...the only thing we can hope for is winning to change that.
Trekbiz said:
This is garbage.

A winning team will win in front of an empty stadium bottom line. If they need fans cheering to get pumped up for a division game then they aren't a good team.

Do I wish our atmosphere was better? Yes, but you guys are WAY overplaying this crap.

And a losing team will win in front of a full one. Look at Kansas City's home record over the past years.

I was at the game last Sunday, my first at Dolphin Stadium, and I was let down by our fans almost as much as I was by our team.

We were a nonfactor. I came in expecting it to be so loud I couldn't talk to the guy next to me but ended up hearing the conversations of people five rows back. And this was in the first and second quarters, with the game well in reach. The only time the crowd was ever in the game was on 3rd downs and even then the noise wasn't much.

We have to rely on the heat and humidity for home field advantage which is why we usually do so poorly when the temperature begins to drop.
SECfootball said:
And a losing team will win in front of a full one. Look at Kansas City's home record over the past years.

You mean the team that has had one of the best offenses in the league during the time you are referencing.

Yeah, I'd give more credit to their fans than Priest Holmes, a TOP OL, one of the best TE's in the game and Trent Green. :rolleyes2

Again, you guys are WAY overplaying this.
Ronski_doodle said:
Winning gets cheers, I mean when you win each down. I was in that stadium, we were just off. The whole game we were just off. The F16 flyover came in the middle of the national anthem, Then the poor first couple series,then clouds came in and there was cooling breezes. Game time temp was supposed to be in the 90's and the temp wasn't going our way. It was a funky day, I will be there this Sunday, I will be rowdie, I will make sure any a-hole in Tennessee colors feels uncomfortable and make them question thier decision to wear that in our HOUSE.

I travel to see the Phins all over the country... wearing our colors... Im thankful that most fans dont make me question why I see my team in their stadium. we are all football fans. Im sure our players like to see Phinphans in enemy stadiums. i think the real issue is that there are at times the perception that there are more opposing jerseys to Dolphin jerseys in Dolphin Stadium. we can argue about demographics, or income, or whatever. If you want to see that change you have to go to the games. But acting like a moron because someone actually GOES TOP SEE THEIR TEAM and SUPPORTS them is rediculous. You should respect the fact they make the journey.. and have the balls to do so. So long as they remember where they are and show respect ... Let the best team win.. Besides,, Tennessee is so bad... Im sure they dont need someone yelling obscenitites at them just for the sake they want to be an *********.
Trekbiz said:
This is garbage.

A winning team will win in front of an empty stadium bottom line. If they need fans cheering to get pumped up for a division game then they aren't a good team.

Do I wish our atmosphere was better? Yes, but you guys are WAY overplaying this crap.
if you wish our atmosphere is better than do something about and ouit calling people's opinion garbage and crap@@@
Canadianfishfan said:
I travel to see the Phins all over the country... wearing our colors... Im thankful that most fans dont make me question why I see my team in their stadium. we are all football fans. Im sure our players like to see Phinphans in enemy stadiums. i think the real issue is that there are at times the perception that there are more opposing jerseys to Dolphin jerseys in Dolphin Stadium. we can argue about demographics, or income, or whatever. If you want to see that change you have to go to the games. But acting like a moron because someone actually GOES TOP SEE THEIR TEAM and SUPPORTS them is rediculous. You should respect the fact they make the journey.. and have the balls to do so. So long as they remember where they are and show respect ... Let the best team win.. Besides,, Tennessee is so bad... Im sure they dont need someone yelling obscenitites at them just for the sake they want to be an *********.

I agree with you.
As long as they don't start a bunch of crap (See Eagle and Jet fans) then there's no reason to go beyond giving them a little amusing heckling.

No fan should be afraid to wear their teams colors anywhere
djphinfan said:
if you wish our atmosphere is better than do something about and ouit calling people's opinion garbage and crap@@@

I do.
I'm a season ticket holder and have been going for over 20 friggin years now so shut your pie hole.

IMO if your going to base an entire teams play on whether the fans are cheering than the opinion is GARBAGE.

Funny how you guys can post time after time calling out fans yet you get all bent out of shape when someone shovels it back your way. TOUGH.
Trekbiz said:
I do.
I'm a season ticket holder and have been going for over 20 friggin years now so shut your pie hole.

IMO if your going to base an entire teams play on whether the fans are cheering than the opinion is GARBAGE.

Funny how you guys can post time after time calling out fans yet you get all bent out of shape when someone shovels it back your way. TOUGH.
So am i,iam sorry your not smart enough to understand what iam saying.Its unfortunate.
djphinfan said:
So am i,iam sorry your not smart enough to understand what iam saying.Its unfortunate.


If it that makes you feel better, good for you.
Clearly you need something.
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