I didnt know we had so many YOUNG Dolfans | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I didnt know we had so many YOUNG Dolfans

LIQUID24 said:
I'm not necessarily calling you a homer, but you have to admit there's A TON of them here.
The ones that are satisfied no matter what we do.
If we woulda drafted Greg Jones in the 1st, I bet there would people here justifying that move, just because they trust the FO no matter what.

Oh I agree with you that there are a lot of people here that think the FO can do no wrong. But will you agree there are (maybe not as many) people that think they can do no right?
LIQUID24 said:
I'm not necessarily calling you a homer, but you have to admit there's A TON of them here.

I think you would be hard pressed to find a single MB for any professional team that didn't have an at least 3:1 homer/non-homer member ratio.

This is a site for Dolfans, which means we get people who only care about the fins and what they do, and a good portion of those people will see the bright side of every move we make because they want to beleive we are doing the right things.

I'd honestly think it would be a horrible place with homers. Any board would be.
Jimmy James said:
I'm about to forget about that thread for my own sanity, to tell you the truth.

Dont blame you there ... it took quite an unexpected turn on you there. But I have to admit I enjoyed reading it and laughing quite a bit.
Omaha_Dolfan said:
Oh I agree with you that there are a lot of people here that think the FO can do no wrong. But will you agree there are (maybe not as many) people that think they can do no right?
Yep, and usually the truth lies somewhere in between. Personally, I like hearing both views, negative or positive.
LIQUID24 said:
Yep, and usually the truth lies somewhere in between. Personally, I like hearing both views, negative or positive.

As do I as long as it isnt stated in a way that sounds like the sky is falling ... plus I like reading anything you post regardless of what you say because your signature is hot.

I hope you dont take that the wrong way. Just complimenting your signature.
Omaha_Dolfan said:
plus I like reading anything you post regardless of what you say because your signature is hot.
I hope you dont take that the wrong way. Just complimenting your signature.
Jimmy James said:
I do agree that we have people here who are quite negative. I guess what I'm asking is whether you're in a position to start a list of these negative posters.

IM thinking that would probably be taken as attacking other posters on a personal level and Im not sure if I can lurk if I am banned so will have to wait on that one :-)
I understand totally. I would hope that there is some room for a rational discussion on the issue, but I could understand a leadership stance that no such discussion could stay rational for long...
Omaha_Dolfan said:
I mean seriously .... I havent heard this much whining and crying since My 10 year old was 5.

I apologize if this is considered a personal attack on other posters of this board but a man can only take so much.

So what if the Dolphins didnt draft who you want. They grabbed a Starting caliber O-Lineman with Carey who will fit into the right side nicely if you ask me. Oh .... Hmmmmm sounds like everyone was complaining we had a gaping hole in our O-Line before we drafted ... so why is ANYONE disappointed with this pick?

Okay ... now to round 4 .... we picked up a 1st/2nd round talent in the 4th round. Hmmmm sounds like a good plan regardless of his position?

People cant complain about drafting for need ... or drafting best player available because as far as I am concerned we did a pretty damn good job of drafting both this year.

I mean a lot of people are acting like the season is over because we didnt draft this player ... or sign this player in the off-season.

Well in case you didnt watch any football last year ... well we were in both games till the very end against the superbowl champions ... yes I will utter their name ...the Patriots .... Am I the only one to think that well .... if we were just a play or two from beating them twice during the year that could of been us holding the big Trophy at the end of the season?

We are not as bad as a lot of you people make us out to be. Sure we are stuck on the hump ... and well ... a lot of times one player is all it needs to get over the hump. We have complained about Fiedler ... we got an upgrade in my opinion in Feeley ... and if he isnt the upgrade .. the additions to the line will make Fiedler better.

We complained that Chambers was having problems because DT couldnt get open or catch a football if it came with handles on it ... well now we have David Boston ... a top three talent at WR if in the right place with his head on straght ... Hmmm last time he worked with our New WR Coach he what ... only caught 1500+ yards of passes.... not too bad in my book.

And we complained that the Defense let us down ... was over hyped and didnt stand up to the challenge and lost some games for us late.... so what did the FO do? They actually went out and upgraded the Defense.

We now have close to what could arguably 4 starting Cornerbacks.

Sure DW is still the coach ... but you know what ... he isnt that bad of a coach... he is a horrible personal director (GM) but he isnt that bad of a coach and well you can argue that he doesnt motivate the players ... well it seems to me that they play pretty hard for him as is.

Stop acting like this is the end of the world because we didnt pick whatshisname or whosoever. We did good in the draft ... we did good in the offseason ... and I personally believe that an average offseason or average draft might of put us over the hump.

I am looking forward to next season with the league's toughest schedule and gaining home field advantage throughout the playoffs. If we dont get this ... call me out ... and I will eat my crow ... but when we do either stop whining and complaining or be prepared to eat some of your own.

My Apologies for coming off as an arrogant @&&hole but am tired of the whining.

edit: Fixed a typo

The above looks like a whiny tirade to me as well. Hmmmm.
Trekbiz said:
The above looks like a whiny tirade to me as well. Hmmmm.

If you want to state why that is whiny and debate it thats fine ... if not will take that as your opinion and let it go.
LIQUID24 said:
Yep, and usually the truth lies somewhere in between. Personally, I like hearing both views, negative or positive.

Hence the reason we all come to a discussion board.... to exchange ideas.
Someone else who gets it.
Many seem to think the reason for the board is for us all to all hold hands in cyber space and sing the "When you say Miami your talking super bowl" hootenany jingle song.
Omaha_Dolfan said:
If you want to state why that is whiny and debate it thats fine ... if not will take that as your opinion and let it go.

I'm just saying man.... those who live in glass houses.
i´m with Omaha. i don´t mind if someone criticizes the FO or bash a player (sometimes i do) but there are some posters that see everything dark, if things aren´t done just as they want (cause they think they are always right) they say the season is over, we´re screwed, bla bla bla. . . . there are many ways to have a good offseason, you don´t have to follow a specific way to do things and if the FO does something that you wouldn´t do, it doesn´t mean is wrong.
one thing is being critical and other very different is being a whiner that can´t stand any frustration.
for the whiners: life is full of frustration and you have to deal with it and not cry and complain about it the whole time.
Phin19 said:
i´m with Omaha. i don´t mind if someone criticizes the FO or bash a player (sometimes i do) but there are some posters that see everything dark, if things aren´t done just as they want (cause they think they are always right) they say the season is over, we´re screwed, bla bla bla. . . . there are many ways to have a good offseason, you don´t have to follow a specific way to do things and if the FO does something that you wouldn´t do, it doesn´t mean is wrong.
one thing is being critical and other very different is being a whiner that can´t stand any frustration.
for the whiners: life is full of frustration and you have to deal with it and not cry and complain about it the whole time.

There's a big difference between crying and complaining and discussing both the positive and negative angles of moves that were made. Many on here pull out the "who are you to question anything" crap WAY too much.
That's why we are here.... to debate our team and what it is doing.
It defies logic for some of these guys who always show up in the middle of a discussion and pull out that 2nd grader comeback that's no better than "well my dad can beat up your dad" type of response. If you have different views then discuss them. The views not whether or not people should have views.
Trekbiz said:
There's a big difference between crying and complaining and discussing both the positive and negative angles of moves that were made. Many on here pull out the "who are you to question anything" crap WAY too much.

My Point EXACTLY but then again there are just as many saying the opposite.

EDIT: Screwed up the quote.
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