I didnt know we had so many YOUNG Dolfans | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I didnt know we had so many YOUNG Dolfans

Guys, everyone has a right to their opinion. Everyone here is a fan otherwise they wouldn't spend so muvh time here. I'm a positive thinker and I like to look at the good rather than the bad but that doesn't make me a better fan than anyone else. In the end, we're all frustrated that we haven't won in 31 long years. I liked a lot what we did with the draft and I think our team is better than it was last year..at least we have more talent and we're a lot younger too. But if someone else thinks different is ok with me.But for the most part, we feel like we had a good draft after reading all the threads. Only a very few people seem to be upset imo.

Ozzy rules!!
What is funny is that we could have a thred this long complaining.....about people complaining .....LMAO! Dolfanreal69
LIQUID24 said:
I'm not necessarily calling you a homer, but you have to admit there's A TON of them here.

Could you please explain to me what other option any of us fans have? It's not like any of the unsatisfied and satisfied fans can do a darn thing about any of the decisions being made.

My goodness disagree, but there are some that do nothing but complain about the Dolphins constantly. IMO if you care about something you express your negative concerns and once it's out there move and turn back to a constructive frame of mind, because you care for that thing. Constant complaining and whining as a fan will get you no where but frustrated IMO.

I look at the Miami Dolphins as a hobby; I guess that's why I see things this way. I'm not sure how some of the unsatisfied look at their Dolphins experience. Maybe a chore, pennants or something? That's the only rational explanation that would explain the constant negative POV being expressed by some of the fans here and on other MBoards.

I kinda liken it to someone who hits his head int o a wall.It hurts the first time.If you do it again.Then your plain stupid. Hey that is just my take on people who have a love hate relationship with the team. I mean some people like to rant and get it off thier chest, I understand that. However if you complain, complain, complain. You start sounding like my exwife, who BTW started sounding like a crow after gripeing a while all i heard was ....CAW!! CAWW!!!! lMAO!
Trekbiz said:
. That's why we are here.... to debate our team and what it is doing.
Are we here to debate? Are we here to argue?

Personally, I'm here to share my opinions and read others'.....That's why a lot of times you'll see me say my piece and nothing more....I'm not here to change anyone elses' opinion and I'm not here to have people try and change mine.

Have I gotten into debates and arguments here? Sure I have, sometimes it's unavoidable if you want to save face.. :lol: but, that's not why I'm here?

Trekbiz said:
There's a big difference between crying and complaining and discussing both the positive and negative angles of moves that were made.
I totally agree. One is welcome and encouraged the other is annoying and discouraged....by threads like this.
bump (for the nice dose of common sense)

I couldn't watch the dradt 'cause I was taking the kids to the zoo, so I tuned in to the board Sat. night & all I saw was complain, complain, complain.

You'd haved thought we traded next year's #1 for Drew Bledsoe. :eek:

It's pointless to get whipped up while projecting these college players into NFL games. We drafted a stud OL guy & grabbed a 2nd rd talent CB in the 4th, and addressed our Special Teams (which was a weakness IMO for the past few years).

Let's welcome the new 'Phins and say good riddance to everyone else.
Well, I am happy with the draft, happy with the offseason, shoot I'm even happy with Jay Feidler. Man I'm so happy I could chit all over myself. We are going to 3 straight SBs......OH hang on, Dave is still the coach. WERE SUNK !!!!!!
LIQUID24 said:
If we woulda drafted Greg Jones in the 1st, I bet there would people here justifying that move, just because they trust the FO no matter what.

Some people see rationality in the moves that are made, given the circumstances at the time and try to explain the logic behind it to those who want to ignore the limitations placed upon the team in the circumstance (whether it be, not enough cap room, player not available at the time, whatever), rather than hear some after-the-fact, second guesser who ignores all the relevant facts in order to vent their frustration. You've got to look at ALL the facts (or at least the ones that are known to us) at the time to put the decisions in context. When that is done, the Phins personnel moves look very sound.

Right now, the only one in hindsight that looks questionable, is signing McIntosh, but if he had gotten away, despite the injury, then WHOA BE UNTO RICK. You've got to admit that would have been the case.
Hey aren't we all here (well most of us,there are some Jills and Frets fans too) to talk about our team...Jimmy, you come off negative to many things this FO and staff has done, but that's your perogative...You also make some really good points...Omaha calls it whining. That's his perogative...I love to hear different points of view, because it allows me to look at things from a different perspective...I don't always agree and try to be polite, but if you want a MB or post that only puts the positive spin on everything, create one...I'd read it...might even respond, afterall I am a "glass half full" person anyways...Besides, whining about the draft is like whining about last years record, we can't change it, only hope that the decisions made were better than they have been...It appears that way to me right now, but not one of those guys or the FAs we picked up have played a down yet.
I would love to hear about what I say that comes off as negative other than this year's first round pick. I have great hope for AJ. I support Jay more doggedly than most here. I freaking love Ricky, Randy, Chris, Zach, Jason, Pat, Sam, Sammy, and Junior. I liked the Boston trade a lot.

This is what I don't like -- I'm negative once, and I get this rep. How is that right?
I don't think you're a "negative" person JJ, and I doubt anyone that's paid any attention to your comments for very long would either. However, your posts in "BPA" were a bit over the top at times, which you stated you did purposely to evoke response. Personally, I really disdain that type of approach to message board communication, but that's just my personality make-up. However, if you purposely go "over the top" on a message board, you shouldn't be surprised if some people can't discern that you exaggerated the intensity of your feelings.
I do sometimes go over the top, and I agree that it happened on Saturday in response to the 1st round pick. It is a method I employ on occasion.

I guess you are right -- I just have to weather the storm for a bit. :)
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