''I don't believe in throwing the ball. We have to run the ball to win.'' | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

''I don't believe in throwing the ball. We have to run the ball to win.''

FinfanInBuffalo said:
The D is on pace to allow 160 points this year. That would be the best in franchise history.
0-1 the fins are also at pace to be the worse in frachise history if they continue losing . The 1973 D never lost a game. Get my drift?
I support a strong emphasis on the run; however, I don't want us to be predictable either. Dave's system will work, but our guys need to execute! In all fairness, even though I would like a new coach next year, sometimes it's not Dave's fault. Take Feebler for example. In pre-season, Dave said Jay is playing his best ball since he's been here and Jay held off AJ for the job, but then in the Titan's game, he stunk the joint up!! His passes where late, over-thrown or intercepted! Bottom line? Our guys are too inconsistant. One game they show up, the next they don't. It makes for very tough decision making for a head coach.

SuperFin34 said:
I see what your saying but i got the impression that dave doesnt really want balance, Note the quote used in the subject, I dont believe in PASSING the ball. We HAVE to run the ball to win. That doesnt sound like a coach commited to balance, once a gain this is not a knock. As someone pointed out, The ravens used the same philosophy last year and it worked for them. What i am saying is that we dont have J. Odgen or jamal lewis and therefore Saying We have to run the ball to win even with more talent on the passing side just seems asinine.

Yeah I see that, but I do not think, and yes that is MY opinion, he means we will not pass, rather we will not become a pass first offense.
darkoak said:
Is it because he can't coach a pass first offense?

That isnt his philosophy, plain and simple. Never was. He is a defensive minded coach. He believes in an offense that is balanced ball control limit mistakes and with with defense. Do I wish he would be more flexible? Yeah, and maybe (yeah right) he will once AJ proves he can be consistent. We need to be able to run the ball, that I agree with, what we cant be is predictble as to what we are going to run in any given situation.
rickeyrunsover said:
That isnt his philosophy, plain and simple. Never was. He is a defensive minded coach. He believes in an offense that is balanced ball control limit mistakes and with with defense. Do I wish he would be more flexible? Yeah, and maybe (yeah right) he will once AJ proves he can be consistent. We need to be able to run the ball, that I agree with, what we cant be is predictble as to what we are going to run in any given situation.
Well over ten years as a head coach and no Superbowl apperances, maybe he shouls re-think his philosophy. I mean he was in Dallas did he not see the damage done by Novocheck and Irvin???
darkoak said:
Well over ten years as a head coach and no Superbowl apperances, maybe he shouls re-think his philosophy. I mean he was in Dallas did he not see the damage done by Novocheck and Irvin???

LOL Dallas was not a pass first team. That is the type of team Dave wants. Ever heard of Emmit Smith? The pass game was able to do the damage it did because Emmitt did what he did. They ran teh ball first.
rickeyrunsover said:
LOL Dallas was not a pass first team. That is the type of team Dave wants. Ever heard of Emmit Smith? The pass game was able to do the damage it did because Emmitt did what he did. They ran teh ball first.
Sure did and threw long to Irvin. Are we missing something here?? There's nothing wrong with a "run" first philosophy if it not a "run only" philosophy.
darkoak said:
Is it because he can't coach a pass first offense?

I don't think it's that, he knows you need a good running game for passing to be successful, especially at this point of our O. Our OL is still not where it needs to be to do passing, teams will blitz like the titians and we'd be no where, once this OL gels we can pass pretty much and catch everything on the OL part.
I would agree that a potent run offense can open up the passing offense with play-action. Yet, who's to say that a Passing offense can't open up a rushing offense with draws or QB rushes? I'd have to say that you don't have to pick one and could use either method depending on the team you face.

Never stick to just one philosophy, or the opponents will know exactly what they're facing.
darkoak said:
Sure did and threw long to Irvin. Are we missing something here?? There's nothing wrong with a "run" first philosophy if it not a "run only" philosophy.

That cant argue. I dont believe that is what Wanny meant. If it is, he signed his own release papers.
rickeyrunsover said:
That cant argue. I dont believe that is what Wanny meant. If it is, he signed his own release papers.
Well the only way I can see this offense working is to open it up a bit. We have to start giving Chambers a chance to make plays down field, otherwise we'll never get the run established, not without a Pro-bowl back and stellar O-line.
Rafiki said:
I would agree that a potent run offense can open up the passing offense with play-action. Yet, who's to say that a Passing offense can't open up a rushing offense with draws or QB rushes? I'd have to say that you don't have to pick one and could use either method depending on the team you face.

Never stick to just one philosophy, or the opponents will know exactly what they're facing.

NE show us that that doesn't work too well, they've been doing it for awhile. Even thought they've had success with the short pass offense it's not normal.
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