i hate jj more than wanny and heres why | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

i hate jj more than wanny and heres why


Oct 19, 2002
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when jj came in he said we would be in the super bowl in 3 years...we didnt get close...he bashed shula as much as possible and forced him out as well...shula could have went 8-8, 9-7, 10-6 every year...he killed marinos career...he handcuffed the greatest passer of all time...he made sure he got a 1000 yard rusher his 1st year because kaj had so many carries...i will give him credit for drafting jt, zach, madison, surtain and gardener...but he also drafted john avery, yatil green and jj johnson...he got rid of irving fryar for fred barnett...he was great in dallas but totally underachieved in miami...then he conviced huizenga to hire wanny...and give him total control...so i blame jimmy just as much as wanny...and huizenga for listening to him...thats why we are in the mess that we are in...at least wayne hired saban...
jd13 said:
when jj came in he said we would be in the super bowl in 3 years...we didnt get close...he bashed shula as much as possible and forced him out as well...shula could have went 8-8, 9-7, 10-6 every year...he killed marinos career...he handcuffed the greatest passer of all time...he made sure he got a 1000 yard rusher his 1st year because kaj had so many carries...i will give him credit for drafting jt, zach, madison, surtain and gardener...but he also drafted john avery, yatil green and jj johnson...he got rid of irving fryar for fred barnett...he was great in dallas but totally underachieved in miami...then he conviced huizenga to hire wanny...and give him total control...so i blame jimmy just as much as wanny...and huizenga for listening to him...thats why we are in the mess that we are in...at least wayne hired saban...

wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh.

jj did so much more for this franchise than wanny it's not even funny. who cares who he bashed, i want results. sure he didn't get to the pinnacle but he had family problems and inherited the twilight of marino's great career.

jj built the defense we had for the past 5-6 years. all wanny did was slowly make us worse and draft like crap. good riddance and here's to a new beginning.
InMyChambers said:
wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh.

jj did so much more for this franchise than wanny it's not even funny. who cares who he bashed, i want results. sure he didn't get to the pinnacle but he had family problems and inherited the twilight of marino's great career.

jj built the defense we had for the past 5-6 years. all wanny did was slowly make us worse and draft like crap. good riddance and here's to a new beginning.

right on. and nice sig btw :)
InMyChambers said:
wahhhhh wahhhhh wahhhhh.

jj did so much more for this franchise than wanny it's not even funny. who cares who he bashed, i want results. sure he didn't get to the pinnacle but he had family problems and inherited the twilight of marino's great career.

jj built the defense we had for the past 5-6 years. all wanny did was slowly make us worse and draft like crap. good riddance and here's to a new beginning.

I hated Jimmy also, I cant stand to even see him on TV. Any one who bashes Shula and treats Marino like trash gets no respect from me
I understand what you are saying about jj.. At least he did something positive for the franchise, in building a great defense from scratch.. Wannstoop did nothing to help the dolphins. In the entire time he was here he made no positive contributions. jj built a d, wanny did zilch but let us get old. He added zero talent, his coaching staff was horrible, his drafts were horrible, his gameday mgmt was horrible. But hey he was a heck of a nice guy. f you wanny, dont miss you at all. Just like to take a sec to compliment bates who did an excellent job during the initial post wanny era. He actually made the end of last year fun to watch.. Good luck jim--
Hey I somewhat agree with jd13, but even Shula the last few years was saying how we needed to get a running game to help out Marino. JJ did good things and bad things, we never made it far in the postseason and we weren't a terrible team but we weren't the greatest either. I just love the Dolphins and enjoy watching them, the last two years that has been hard to do though.
I'd take either coach if we did'nt have NICK and I'd be happy, you cant blame a coach because some guys feel like they aint gotta' try as hard or at all. or if other players dont respect you cuz your white, thats just friggin' silly.
gonick1 said:
I'd take either coach if we did'nt have NICK and I'd be happy, you cant blame a coach because some guys feel like they aint gotta' try as hard or at all. or if other players dont respect you cuz your white, thats just friggin' silly.

you'd take Wanny?
jd13 said:
bottom line is they both sucked...

Better post....Agreed.

Anybody could have made the Cowboys great as long as the Vikings were still dumb enough to trade away all those draft picks for a washed up running back. JJ was lucky and his FAILURE in Miami proved that. Wanny is just a horrible coach.
Why are dolpfans still hating me ......Well Shula I still love as a coach but face it he left the Dolphins with over budget cap-space and got player like Steve No-Knee Eatman or Eric I play when I wanted to Green and don't forget his greatest pick up Mike I love doughnuts at ESPN Golic which left Miami in the hole for at least two years....The person who really hurted Marino career at the end was Shula. I gave you JT,Zach,Surtain, SamM,Darryl Garnder but Shula I give credit for TimBo and The Greatest Quarterback to play the game Marino but my worst move was getting my best friend Wanny in the organization...I'm sorry Dolpfans for that, but I had the defense and Shula had the offense hopefully Nick will finally have a balance team to work with. Don't hate !!!!!
JimmyJohnson1 said:
Why are dolpfans still hating me ......Well Shula I still love as a coach but face it he left the Dolphins with over budget cap-space and got player like Steve No-Knee Eatman or Eric I play when I wanted to Green and don't forget his greatest pick up Mike I love doughnuts at ESPN Golic which left Miami in the hole for at least two years....The person who really hurted Marino career at the end was Shula. I gave you JT,Zach,Surtain, SamM,Darryl Garnder but Shula I give credit for TimBo and The Greatest Quarterback to play the game Marino but my worst move was getting my best friend Wanny in the organization...I'm sorry Dolpfans for that, but I had the defense and Shula had the offense hopefully Nick will finally have a balance team to work with. Don't hate !!!!!

Sorry Jimmy.

I take it back.
What "Great" defense? Did Jimmy build a solid defense, sure, but "GREAT?" not hardly, the Bucs Defense their super bowl season, the Ravens defense their super bowl season, THOSE were great defenses. Those defenses SHUT down the opponent and even scored when and if necessary. 21 Points in the super bowl by the Bucs defense ALONE! Point is, Jimmy had good intentions, some good draft picks, but started the downfall of this organization and the PR of this team by critisizing Shula and putting restraints on Danny. When Don and Dan were here, we had respect from all over the NFL. Jimmy brought his super bowl rings and had a small amount of respect, but, it and the "Dolphins Legacy" went up in smoke in Jacksonville by the score of 62-7. I feel, we've been fighting up hill ever since that day. You say Jimmy did so much for the team and it was Wanny that slowly made us worse, well, who do you think got Wanny the job here, JIMMY DID! So if you're going to blame Wanny for EVERYTHING bad the past 5-6 seasons, then you need to blame the man who got him the job. Fact is, it's over, it's spilled milk, it's a new day in Miami and hopefully with Nick, Hudson, Linehan, Mueller, we're on our way back to our once proud history and legacy. Let's start it when the induction of our greatest Dolphin ever, and keep this party rocking indefinately!
JimmyJohnson1 said:
Why are dolpfans still hating me ......Well Shula I still love as a coach but face it he left the Dolphins with over budget cap-space and got player like Steve No-Knee Eatman or Eric I play when I wanted to Green and don't forget his greatest pick up Mike I love doughnuts at ESPN Golic which left Miami in the hole for at least two years....The person who really hurted Marino career at the end was Shula. I gave you JT,Zach,Surtain, SamM,Darryl Garnder but Shula I give credit for TimBo and The Greatest Quarterback to play the game Marino but my worst move was getting my best friend Wanny in the organization...I'm sorry Dolpfans for that, but I had the defense and Shula had the offense hopefully Nick will finally have a balance team to work with. Don't hate !!!!!
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