I ran into Daunte Culpepper last night at the ale house in Ocala. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I ran into Daunte Culpepper last night at the ale house in Ocala.

I shook his hand and all that and I said it sucked that things did not work out for him in Miami. I said I was rooting for him. He told me that he thinks the Dolphins have three really great QB's and the Dolphins are better off with Saban in Alabama. I was shocked to see him and his bentley at the ale house in freaken Ocala. I hope to see him again cause he is a cool dude to have a beer with.

why did you have to lie?....we all know you are rooting for Stafford :chuckle:
i will admit when we picked him up i was excited the guy has a cannon for a arm and boy did he kick the **** out of us in that raider game that was all him i wish him well he was really cool to bad he blew out his knee sometimes he happens to the best of them look at brady i don't think he wil be the same another good shot to that knee and his career is done.....
i wish he would have been given the chance to play when scam was here
Culpepper was a has been when we traded for him. I never liked the guy. I always thought he was over rated and I couldn't wait till he was out of Miami.
Sorry, but his telling our potential trading partners to hold off so they could get him for free, comparing his situation to Gandhi and then taunting our team and fans during one of his few shinining moments as a Raider, for me indelibly tarnishes him as a douchebag no matter how personable he may be with a few beers in him.
he didn't taunt us, he was just letting us know we made a mistake and that his knee was ok now....
Sorry, but his telling our potential trading partners to hold off so they could get him for free, comparing his situation to Gandhi and then taunting our team and fans during one of his few shinining moments as a Raider, for me indelibly tarnishes him as a douchebag no matter how personable he may be with a few beers in him.

He was treated far worse by the fanbase before he did any of that.

The man was a pro bowler for crying out loud and he was booed at halftime of his first home game in a Miami uniform, because he threw one interception. Joey Harrington was a far worse quarterback and yet he was everyone's white knight. It was kind of sickening, to me.

I realize that getting Daunte Culpepper instead of Drew Brees may end up going down as one of the worst personnel decisions the franchise ever made. Fully cognizant of that fact. But fan treatment of Daunte Culpepper before he even had a chance to do anything was one of those moments where I was ashamed of my fellow Dol-Fans and that's the truth.
He was treated far worse by the fanbase before he did any of that.

The man was a pro bowler for crying out loud and he was booed at halftime of his first home game in a Miami uniform, because he threw one interception. Joey Harrington was a far worse quarterback and yet he was everyone's white knight. It was kind of sickening, to me.

I realize that getting Daunte Culpepper instead of Drew Brees may end up going down as one of the worst personnel decisions the franchise ever made. Fully cognizant of that fact. But fan treatment of Daunte Culpepper before he even had a chance to do anything was one of those moments where I was ashamed of my fellow Dol-Fans and that's the truth.

Amazing too because most fans on this board realized he was not going to be ready to start the season and were all right with that but he actually did start the season and to me never looked ready as he should have been.
Cameron is looked at for being an idiot in all areas here but in this one matter most fans act like Culpepper was the one that was wrong. Kind of funny how the team decided to let him go instead of going to the hearing.
The new regime never had any type of repoir with Culpepper and he did not owe CAm and Mueller anything. This was not Daunte versus the Dolphins this was versus our people in charge. Daunte has never once publically said anything bad about the dolphins or its fans. I guess some just want to make him public enemy number one because Cameron and Mueller totally mishandled that situation like almost every other one.

I admit Culpepper has not seemed like the same Qb since his injury but neither was Trent Green who was horrible in St Louis last year. For all the venom thrown at culpepper we would have been no worse keeping him in 2007 than we turned out and still had a 5th round pick. None of our qb's from that season have proven to be any better and all were cut this offseason. Culpepper for all his criticism still has a job and might even be Detroit's starter and at worse backup while the guy we replaced him with is now in retirement. For all the flack his agent gets he still is making around 5 million this season.
Sorry, but his telling our potential trading partners to hold off so they could get him for free, comparing his situation to Gandhi and then taunting our team and fans during one of his few shinining moments as a Raider, for me indelibly tarnishes him as a douchebag no matter how personable he may be with a few beers in him.

Are you nuts? We screwed him more than he screwed us. We rushed him back to early, then the next year we outcast him during mini and training camp. So really I have nothing against the guy.

I wish him the best and hope he gets another shot at being a starting QB in the league. As for what he did to us against the Raiders, I believe that was just showing the fans, knee was fine they didn't want me.

As for Saban, the dumbest thing he did was send a second round draft pick for Dante =/
taunting our team and fans during one of his few shinining moments as a Raider, for me indelibly tarnishes him as a douchebag no matter how personable he may be with a few beers in him.

The name Culpepper was synonymous with jack *** after that performance, and I don't mean the TDs.
How dare he point at the knee and show the fans that its ok.

How is this taunting the fans.

I thought it was showing the fans that nothing is wrong with my knee.
He was treated far worse by the fanbase before he did any of that.

The man was a pro bowler for crying out loud and he was booed at halftime of his first home game in a Miami uniform, because he threw one interception. Joey Harrington was a far worse quarterback and yet he was everyone's white knight. It was kind of sickening, to me.

I realize that getting Daunte Culpepper instead of Drew Brees may end up going down as one of the worst personnel decisions the franchise ever made. Fully cognizant of that fact. But fan treatment of Daunte Culpepper before he even had a chance to do anything was one of those moments where I was ashamed of my fellow Dol-Fans and that's the truth.

Gimme a break. You don't see Pennington act like that towards Jets fans, or the organization, and they cheered they he got injured for crying out loud. The organization threw him out like an old wash rag. The guy is pure class, Culpepper is not. I expect some level of professionalism from the athletes. So what, fans boo, cheer, jeer whatever, that's what they do. They pay to do what they want. Although I don't agree with booing the players you'll have to excuse me if I don't shed a tear for the millionaires when it happens, and I certainly don't expect them to hold onto a grudge, and comeback with another team much later and taunt the home crowd. Total Bush league -- total punk.
Amazing too because most fans on this board realized he was not going to be ready to start the season and were all right with that but he actually did start the season and to me never looked ready as he should have been.
Cameron is looked at for being an idiot in all areas here but in this one matter most fans act like Culpepper was the one that was wrong. Kind of funny how the team decided to let him go instead of going to the hearing.
The new regime never had any type of repoir with Culpepper and he did not owe CAm and Mueller anything. This was not Daunte versus the Dolphins this was versus our people in charge. Daunte has never once publically said anything bad about the dolphins or its fans. I guess some just want to make him public enemy number one because Cameron and Mueller totally mishandled that situation like almost every other one.

I admit Culpepper has not seemed like the same Qb since his injury but neither was Trent Green who was horrible in St Louis last year. For all the venom thrown at culpepper we would have been no worse keeping him in 2007 than we turned out and still had a 5th round pick. None of our qb's from that season have proven to be any better and all were cut this offseason. Culpepper for all his criticism still has a job and might even be Detroit's starter and at worse backup while the guy we replaced him with is now in retirement. For all the flack his agent gets he still is making around 5 million this season.

I tell you what, if a team basically locks a player out of camp and tells him he's not going to be a member of that team, and then they insist on holding onto his rights until they can trade him, I don't blame that player for saying whatever he can that is in his own best interest.

At that point the team is saying "We don't want you on our team, we have no intention of paying you any game checks, and we're going to screw you (just a bit) because it's in our best interest to do so."

So, if I'm the player, I say "Well, I don't owe you anything whatsoever now, be it loyalty, allegiance, or even respect. And I'm going to screw you (just a bit) because it's in my best interest to do so."

I'm glad Daunte went "rogue" and told teams to just wait for Miami to cut him. It made Randy Mueller look as ridiculously amateur-ish as he really was. And without exposing Mueller for the fraud that he was, we wouldn't have the capable regime we have today.
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I shook his hand and all that and I said it sucked that things did not work out for him in Miami. I said I was rooting for him. He told me that he thinks the Dolphins have three really great QB's and the Dolphins are better off with Saban in Alabama. I was shocked to see him and his bentley at the ale house in freaken Ocala. I hope to see him again cause he is a cool dude to have a beer with.

Daunte is a good dude I wish him the best .

now the smart *** side of me wants to sya say this" what were you doing driving on the sidewalks ? didnt you you know that you could hit a fire hydrant and cause a gyser , and trust me its a 150. dollar fine for that faux pas.:chuckle:
i will admit when we picked him up i was excited the guy has a cannon for a arm and boy did he kick the **** out of us in that raider game that was all him i wish him well he was really cool to bad he blew out his knee sometimes he happens to the best of them look at brady i don't think he wil be the same another good shot to that knee and his career is done.....

Hey i took a deep breath to read this one.....Thank god it wasn't that long of a parragraph. I would had turned blue.....LOL

JUst kidding.
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