Incog's Agent eMails Mike & Mike To Call Out Martin's Hypocrisy | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Incog's Agent eMails Mike & Mike To Call Out Martin's Hypocrisy

At this point I don't care about either subpar football player that will never again wear a dolphin uniform. Martin will play elsewhere maybe while we wait for Incognito's next drunken rant.
Jesus I cant stand much more of this nonsense.

I dont know which one I despise more....... the Snake or Incognito. Both of them are a couple of clowns and losers.

How much longer until neither one is spoken of as "Miami Dolphins". All both of them do is make our team look ridiculous, but of course most of FH wants to blame the media for that.

Says the guy who posts a screen cap of our QB with his finger up his nose.
The reporters are going to drop the story like a "hot potato" they made their money they have no scruples and will NOT "stay" on the story those who took Martins side will act like nothing happened - Richie like him or Not will Not get his day - his lawyer could take over ever air wave for 30 minutes and people will just Shut it off - Martin did act like a snake and he is DONE in the NFL
if you were to pull Jon Martin out of a burning house he would file kidnapping charges...
I honestly don't know what to say anymore that I haven't said.

If you can't see JM is a *****, weak minded ****head, I don't know
what else to say. It was pretty clear to some of us. Like....Really, super clear
without having to hear a whole lot.
So sort of drifting in and out of Mike & Mike this morning, I guffawed as I saw how the narrative is now changing at ESPN now that all Richie’s texts from Martin were released, including his compassionate concern and reaching out to him, Martin responsively texting back that he didn’t blame anyone until he just stopped responding when the lawyer got involved. Even those dolts had to concede that things weren’t as they first appeared to be. However infuriatingly, instead of offering a mea culpa such as “maybe this rush to judgment really was improper and libelous to someone who sure looked like Martin’s friend”, the metrosexual Mike uncomfortably stammered something like “I don’t know what to think, it’s confusing,” when it fact the reality was as plain as the nose on his face. Don't wait for BSPN to actually apologize, it ain't gonna happen.

I hope that you recover quickly, Vaark! I am looking forward to some pain-pill induced rants from you.

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Percocet - and lots of it! (how was that rant for a start?)


So sort of drifting in and out of Mike & Mike this morning, I guffawed as I saw how the narrative is now changing at ESPN now that all Richie’s texts from Martin were released, including his compassionate concern and reaching out to him, Martin responsively texting back that he didn’t blame anyone until he just stopped responding when the lawyer got involved. Even those dolts had to concede that things weren’t as they first appeared to be. However infuriatingly, instead of offering a mea culpa such as “maybe this rush to judgment really was improper and libelous to someone who sure looked like Martin’s friend”, the metrosexual Mike uncomfortably stammered something like “I don’t know what to think, it’s confusing,” when it fact the reality was as plain as the nose on his face. Don't wait for BSPN to actually apologize, it ain't gonna happen.

Percocet - and lots of it! (how was that rant for a start?)



That rant was way too coherent and made way too much sense. I want some psycho, neurotic babble with no discernable purpose other than to perplex the rest of us as to what the **** you are taking about! Take more pills! :D

In all seriousness, I am glad that you are doing alright.

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Our boy was feeling rough...

So, he had some surgery.

He finally got home...

And felt a little groggy.

Being home with the little Vaarks made him feel a lot better...

Soon, he will be back to his old self!

Welcome back!

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