"I’ve got picks and money" | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"I’ve got picks and money"

I cant wait till Ireland and Philbin come through this year with some awesome offensive players. I hope Crazy305 starts another taking names thread. I believe he will nail it this time if he does.
Giving Ireland a bunch of draft picks and a boat load of money to spend is like giving the car keys to your Ferrari to a 7 year old and tell them not to wreck it.
For christ sake......some of the posters heads on here are just like Sun Life Stadium....EMPTY!!! All the facts both good and bad have been layed out on the table for all to bitch, complain, cheer, cringe, vomit, smile, cry or whatever it is you want to about it. Like it has been said before JEFF IRELAND IS HERE FOR THE 2013 SEASON!!!!! Let's see what happens before the pitchforks and torches are completely put away or raised even higher.

I mean lets be real here...we got people saying Tannenbaum is better than Ireland...and nobody brings up Jerry Jones!!! The guy is the GM and the owner and he still can't do $**t with all that money and talent!!!! Their is a very good possibility that the Cowboys, Giants, Saints and Steelers could end up with the same record as the Miami Dolphins!! Now I'm no genious but I think all of those teams have very good WR's, RB's and QB's...well maybe 3 out of 4....and look at what we have!!

This team has a very good upside to it....only thing we know for sure right now is that "time will tell all!" Until next year lets just all sit back and have a nice big glass of chill the F*** out!!
For christ sake......some of the posters heads on here are just like Sun Life Stadium....EMPTY!!! All the facts both good and bad have been layed out on the table for all to bitch, complain, cheer, cringe, vomit, smile, cry or whatever it is you want to about it. Like it has been said before JEFF IRELAND IS HERE FOR THE 2013 SEASON!!!!! Let's see what happens before the pitchforks and torches are completely put away or raised even higher.

I mean lets be real here...we got people saying Tannenbaum is better than Ireland...and nobody brings up Jerry Jones!!! The guy is the GM and the owner and he still can't do $**t with all that money and talent!!!! Their is a very good possibility that the Cowboys, Giants, Saints and Steelers could end up with the same record as the Miami Dolphins!! Now I'm no genious but I think all of those teams have very good WR's, RB's and QB's...well maybe 3 out of 4....and look at what we have!!

This team has a very good upside to it....only thing we know for sure right now is that "time will tell all!" Until next year lets just all sit back and have a nice big glass of chill the F*** out!!

Love when people are told not to bitch about a gm that has us headed to a 4th straight non winning season. Why do people need to wait and see what happens to state the obvious that he hasnt did a good job.
We always seem to hang onto coaches and gm's a year too long
Ireland in a vacuum, by himself would scare the hell out of me with all the changes that will occur this offseason, but he's not operating in a vacuum. I just don't have faith in him alone. But I do have faith in Philbin, and his staff, and you're nuts if you don't think he (and his staff) don't have a huge say in the personnel decisions that will be made in the upcoming offseason. The 2012 draft looks, at this point, as if it was our most succussful in years. I think Philbin and co's fingerprints are all over it. Seeing that we have the picks we have, and the flexability in FA to remake this roster this year with players that better fit our new coaching staffs systems and mentality (they had 0 flexibility last offseason) I see no reason not to be optimistic this off-season. Yeah, Ireland could Jeff it up, but even he's more likely to hit on talent when you give him more picks just by the law of averages. And instead of having Sparano in the draft room with him, he has Philbin now. That alone should make you somewhat more comfortable with draft day.
Love when people are told not to bitch about a gm that has us headed to a 4th straight non winning season. Why do people need to wait and see what happens to state the obvious that he hasnt DONE a good job.
We always seem to hang onto coaches and gm's a year too long

I never told anyone that they couldn't bitch...I just merely stated the facts.

As far as the waiting part....what other choice do we have? Unless your season tickets allow you to draft players, we can't do a damn thing!

P.S. I corrected your post....little bit of grammar police!
Ireland in a vacuum, by himself would scare the hell out of me with all the changes that will occur this offseason, but he's not operating in a vacuum. I just don't have faith in him alone. But I do have faith in Philbin, and his staff, and you're nuts if you don't think he (and his staff) don't have a huge say in the personnel decisions that will be made in the upcoming offseason. The 2012 draft looks, at this point, as if it was our most succussful in years. I think Philbin and co's fingerprints are all over it. Seeing that we have the picks we have, and the flexability in FA to remake this roster this year with players that better fit our new coaching staffs systems and mentality (they had 0 flexibility last offseason) I see no reason not to be optimistic this off-season. Yeah, Ireland could Jeff it up, but even he's more likely to hit on talent when you give him more picks just by the law of averages. And instead of having Sparano in the draft room with him, he has Philbin now. That alone should make you somewhat more comfortable with draft day.

I completely agree with this but why don't we get a guy that compliments Philbin and can be be good in his own right instead of a guy that Philbin has to offset.
I completely agree with this but why don't we get a guy that compliments Philbin and can be be good in his own right instead of a guy that Philbin has to offset.

If we bring in another GM he's going to have his own philosophy, and probably will want his own guy as a HC. The mistake was in not firing Ireland when Sparano was let go, but what's done is done. If Ireland and Philbin have a good rapport it could be more threatening to bust them up than it would be to ride with Ireland at GM with Philbin by his side. If our 2012 draft looked like a flop at this point, I'd be worried, but right now (I know it's early), it looks like Ireland best draft. To me, that's reason for a little optimism. And while his FA pickups this past off-season didn't stick, he had little $ to work with. The one guy he did spend $ on was hurt all year (Marshall). Looking at FA signings from years past is more fruitful. Bush, Starks, Dansby, and Burnett have all been excellent this year.
Ireland in a vacuum, by himself would scare the hell out of me with all the changes that will occur this offseason, but he's not operating in a vacuum. I just don't have faith in him alone. But I do have faith in Philbin, and his staff, and you're nuts if you don't think he (and his staff) don't have a huge say in the personnel decisions that will be made in the upcoming offseason. The 2012 draft looks, at this point, as if it was our most succussful in years. I think Philbin and co's fingerprints are all over it. Seeing that we have the picks we have, and the flexability in FA to remake this roster this year with players that better fit our new coaching staffs systems and mentality (they had 0 flexibility last offseason) I see no reason not to be optimistic this off-season. Yeah, Ireland could Jeff it up, but even he's more likely to hit on talent when you give him more picks just by the law of averages. And instead of having Sparano in the draft room with him, he has Philbin now. That alone should make you somewhat more comfortable with draft day.
Perhaps you are right about Ireland being clueless to a degree, regardless I tend to sway more on board with keeping Ireland pretty much based on what you have pointed out that last years draft and college free agents were much more sucessful than in years past which means we are trending upwards for wahtever reasons. I do agree that the coaches have much more input on the draft and free agents than most fans want to give them credit which when you flip this whole situation around many of these draft picks that everyone is complaining about I also feel had Bill Parcells and Tony Sporano written all over them. Going back to that motto that Parcell's used to quote if you are going to be reponsible for cooking the dinner shouldn't you be responsible for purchasing the ingedients. Taking that theme I look as Ireland as the guy given the shopping list by the coach and it is up to him to purchase the items at the best price which I think he is decent at. The shopping list is the coaches Ireland is looking at the product so if Tony or Parcells only wants tall, large players then thats all Ireland is going to spend top dollars on but if Philbin wants smart, gym rat players that are in the Zach Thomas sort of mold then Ireland is going to have more to choose from. Anyway you cut it if you believe the new coach has input on Irelands picks you pretty darn well better believe that Parcells and Tony S had a lot more input on Irelands picks especailly seeing as he was hired by Parcells and was a rookie GM when he came on board.

---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:51 PM ----------

I completely agree with this but why don't we get a guy that compliments Philbin and can be be good in his own right instead of a guy that Philbin has to offset.

How do you know your going to get a better canidate? We have had plenty of worse ones thatn Ireland so simply anyone than Ireland excuse does not wash either.

How do you know your going to get a better canidate? We have had plenty of worse ones thatn Ireland so simply anyone than Ireland excuse does not wash either.

That's the same argument people made for keeping Sparano.
That's the same argument people made for keeping Sparano.

No its not. You are living by a one year time line. People may have wanted Sparano two years ago. One year ago it was time to go.

BTW, I was totally for getting Harbaugh, I just didnt see it happening. The dude was in SF for a reason.
No its not. You are living by a one year time line. People may have wanted Sparano two years ago. One year ago it was time to go.

BTW, I was totally for getting Harbaugh, I just didnt see it happening. The dude was in SF for a reason.

yea it wasnt happening because our genius owner forgot to fire his coach and was trying to hire a guy with a guy still in place.
yea im sure that shows how good your organization is
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