Jay Cutler - seems to be fins top choice | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Jay Cutler - seems to be fins top choice

Cutler is a big fan of Gase. He fully understands the coach's Offensive system and he has a big arm. He also has the big time ego to come into the locker room and command the huddle from the getgo. We have a lot of talent on the team and Gase knows it.
BTW - I predicted that Cutler could be the prime backup in a Tannehill disaster scenario here on FH months ago. One should be careful about one's dreams.
Say what? Let me get this straight . . .

First you beg for the mods to recognize the political aspects of the Kaepernick debate, then when you're directed to the thread in which that discussion is taking place you heckle the opportunity which was afforded you.

Careful, don't get too dizzy. Those are some vicious circles in the cul-de-sac of stupidity there.

As for your cul-de-sac comment. Enjoy your gated community.
You proving the point that, CK is by definition a political bean bag, made it clear...no discussion of CK can't be had without political POV is impossible.

Sure it can. Should we sign Kaep, I'll be going thru his tape to get a better look at his talents and I'll share them in the appropriate thread.

Meanwhile let's stay on topic here.

Kaepernick will give the team first downs with his feet, they have to game plan for that posisition and the running game will be more potent.
Personally I am torn between Cutler and Kaepernick. I like that Gase knows Cutler and that Cutler knows our system. However, I think the ceiling for Kaepernick is much higher than Cutler and I wonder what Gase could do with a QB like Kaepernick considering how much he helped Cutler, and Tannehill, improve. That said, I am concerned about both of their personalities. I don't care for Cutler's demeanor and I doubt his teammates do either. I believe our team is really cohesive right now. Guys are really laying it on the line and selling out for each other. I don't know if Cutler came in that it would be the same. He seems to have a way of driving guys apart instead of pulling them together like Tannehill does. As for Kaepernick, I think the players could relate better to him than Cutler; however, I am not sure the South Florida Cuban community would support him after he was seen sporting a Fidel Castro shirt. Maybe he is misunderstood, I don't know, but he would really need to clear the air before some people would accept him. This whole thing sucks. It's a shame that it's August and yesterday morning I was so excited about our team and our chances to make some noise this year and then when I got home from work I heard about Tannehill. I am confident our team will respond. Our guys know that who ever is QB that they will have to really step it up and support him. I just don't want a QB who is going to drive guys apart or one who is a constant distraction. IDK, maybe Gase can do something with Moore, we still have a lot of training camp left. But Moore still seems like just a good backup to me. A short term, break glass when needed type, but not a season long solution. Sigh...no easy solution here I am afraid.
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I am also torn between the two. Why I'm beginning to favor Cutler is the familiarity with this offense, connection to Gase, and the gunslinger mentality which works with the weapons we have. I like Kaep a lot but he may stunt the development of our skill players, especially Parker who has been outstanding this summer. Cutler was solid under Gase, and we've got far better weapons here.

I feel like we can compete for a wild card spot with either guy.
I also don't mind guaranteeing a starting gig to Cutler because he's undoubtedly better than Matt Moore.
god these names are so depressing. two words - Matt Moore.
Both options are about the same go with Jay and Gase is familiar with him. Go with Kaep because he is more mobile and with the oline already with an injury our QB might be running again. They should flip a coin.
Would it be disrespectful to Moore if Miami brought Cutler in off the strret and assured Cutler of the starting job if Tannehill was out? I could see allowing Cutler to compete with Moore, but I wouldn't promise him anything.
Why would it be disrespectful? Moore has had plenty of opportunities to land a starting gig the last few years and couldn't. He knows his role in this league and on the Dolphins, a backup qb.
I'd give up a 7th rder no sweat to have a guy on the roster who knows and had success in Gase's system and isn't a divisive presence. Osweiler may not be a better option on the field than Kap or Cutler (though all three are bad) but he wouldn't be a PR nightmare nor a flat out bad player who thinks he should come in and be given a starter job and starter money.

A 7th yes. Will Cleveland do that? Doubt it.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Kaepernick has some of the worst throwing stats among qbs in the modern era. His field awareness is truly deplorable. We need a drop back pocket passer who can make quick reads and snap decisions for completions 8-10 yards down the field.

Kaepernick is the worst possible fit for this offense. Cutler's skillset is much better suited for Gase's scheme. Problem is Cutler simply isn't very good. I would personally rather take a chance on Cutler as a starter than Moore, though.
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