First of all, an athlete can never, ever, ever, ever tell the fans to kiss any part of his body. Second of all, it's even worse to tell them not to come back and pay his checks. When they come back, they're gonna give away lollipops to get people to come to their games.
However, this might have been a little reverse psychology. This is the first attention, albeit negative, that the NHL has gotten in a long time. Even when the season was cancelled no one cared. Now, though, hockey is suddenly popping up on TV, radio, and message boards like this one. Now JR can come back and retract his statement and invite the fans back, and maybe it could help.
But I'm overanalyzing this. In all likelihood, JR's passion got the best of him and he made a boneheaded move. Realistically, the NHL is no more than the AFL right now and will take a lot to get back to its previous level. The devoted hockey fans in each town will go back to their game, but the league will need to undergo some fan-friendly changes to get this thing back to somewhat normal.