I want to see what we have in Rosen, win or lose, good or bad because it’s a no lose proposition in that we see what we have and if he’s good that’s great and if he sucks we are nicely positioned for next year.
However, the one take away I have from that video is that I really want to buy one of those fitzmagic shirts!
This is what I hope the plan isTrade Fitzpatrick before the season start to a team that loses their Quarterback. Get a draft pick. Start Rosen and see what you have. This is absolutely the plan.
They don't believe that, any more than you do, but that is just what coaches say.This whole "we get to see him everyday," so "we can evaluate him from practice" makes my stomach hurt.
Trade Fitzpatrick before the season start to a team that loses their Quarterback. Get a draft pick. Start Rosen and see what you have. This is absolutely the plan.
I think we keep Fitz to be the backup. It's the NFL QBs get hurt every week. It's smart to have two quality players especially at the price we are payingTrade Fitzpatrick before the season start to a team that loses their Quarterback. Get a draft pick. Start Rosen and see what you have. This is absolutely the plan.
I think this is really a good point that even myself has to stop and rethink some things..Hopefully we can poach some high potential Olinemen to help in achieving a legit evaluation of Rosen. A true pocket passer does require a pocket!