Judging Tannahill On Remaining Games | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Judging Tannahill On Remaining Games

I could have sworn that someone said win/loss is a team stat. But maybe just for convenience we join the #qbwinz group. :bobdole:

Of course it is a team stat and with those teams, it is all the more impressive.

Leading a below average team to an 11-5 record is much more impressive than leading a stacked team to an 11-5 record.
im just curious who would be better? I don't think anyone in the draft is a day 1 fix. no FA is better. so why keep talking about it? if im wrong please tell me who
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Of course it is a team stat and with those teams, it is all the more impressive.

Leading a below average team to an 11-5 record is much more impressive than leading a stacked team to an 11-5 record.

Kind of like leading a college preseason #8 ranked team to a 7-6 record despite being underdog in only one game
I don't believe RT will be our QB next year, unless he takes a large pay cut. The last three years have shown him to be unreliable, both in terms of availability, and in moving the ball.

Unfortunately that's not the way the world operates. Recency is allowed absurd degree of weight. Check out Predictit, the political wagering site. The odds shift wildly based on whatever just happened. For example, when Dr. Ford testified in the morning those odds on Kavanuagh confirmation dropped to 40 cents, then hours later during his testimony the odds soared to 80 cents.

I'm using this not as political example but of flawed thinking example. There is absolutely zero chance that the actual odds on confirmation shifted to that extent. They probably didn't shift at all. I certainly played it that way.

But it is an example of how people can be fooled based on their biases backed by a small mostly meaningless sample in that direction. Your big picture perspective is perfect. That's the way Dolphins brass should be thinking.

But there is considerable likelihood they won't apply that approach at all. If Tannehill has a good to great finishing stretch they'll want to believe all is swell.

The flawed thinking mode is in play here based on the Colts result. If Tannehill does well and we win, then all of a sudden there are threads mocking anyone who ever knocked Tannehill, and the Superman comparison shows up again, and we would have been 8-2 with Tannehill all season instead of Osweiler, etc.

If Tannehill fares poorly or gets hurt again, then his most prolific fans are silent for a few days, and threads show up ripping Tannehill from all directions, taking it further than deserved.

I am jealous of the franchises not stagnated by flawed thinking. The recent Dolphin seasons all run together.
OK you win, I'll take a break from this site and maybe return if this place becomes more reasonable in my view on it's opinions on where we should be headed as a franchise, right now I don't think it is and it's clear from your comment here that I'm the one whose not in line with the consensus. Have fun guys, hope we win on Sunday and the rest of the season and Tannehill proves idiots like me wrong and you guys right.

It's not about being in line with anything nor does it matter what your opinions are. What some of us have issue with- is you taking what Albert said in a post and completely twisting it to try and make his point for him, essentially putting words into someone else's mouth. You straight up called him a liar, and then when people posted articles discussing it your response is to basically put your fingers in your ears and scream and shout and dismiss it. The issue is your way of going about things right now bud
No that wasn't your point dude, stop lying, dunno why you insist on doing it. You were telling everyone Luck sucked and only started to play well when the line got better. Tannehill sucks every time we have line issues and only gets marginally better when the line is healthy. There is a world of difference between these two guys, if you can't see that I honestly don't know what to tell you. Next time before making dumb statements, do a tiny bit of research first.
When luck is given time by his O-line he’ll carve anyone up. When Tannehill is given time he may have one of those above average games.we know the miami O-line has been in shambles for what seems like 10 years now. We’ve seen plays when Tannehill has forever to throw and he ended up taking a sack because he couldn’t find anyone open. The major difference between Luck and Tannehill is pocket presence. Most O-lines can look even better than they are when they are blocking for QBs with high pocket presence. And a O-line can be dragged down by a qb with poor awareness as well.
It's PRO-fessional athletics! Of course you're going to be "judged" (evaluated) game in and game out. And few players maintain excellence (PRO-duction) consistently. I mean even Marino had a few "bad games" (by his standard) and I remember him catching flak for that. So EVERY player is always 100% responsible/accountable for their performance, or lack thereof.

In addition, there's also the "body of work" a player produces, which gives you some "reference standard" relative to their typical performance -- week in and week out. That said, it's hard to see how anyone can rate Thill's "typical performance" as an NFL PRO QB as anything beyond "average," or even below average in terms of production and POINTS scored. At best he's a gamer who doesn't lose the game for you -- but he's NOT the type of dude you KNOW is going to WIN you games based on his proficiency and consistent high-level execution. IMO he simply lacks some of the core attributes of a top shelf QB. So yea -- based on his proven body of work, he's never going to attain the vaunted "franchise QB" designation (subjective as it is)!

What bothers me more, at this stage, is the legit concern that we've already seen the best of RT and there's literally NO UPSIDE at this point, only a downside. My gut instinct tells me that's precisely where we're at with him -- in the here and now.

And last -- the unending debates about him has become really stupid in so many ways. The dude just can't execute at a high PRO LEVEL consistently -- his career literally exemplifies that fact!
Funny except he’s been pretty sorry in the pros too. What happen to your comparisons between him and Drew Brees trajectory?!

The team has been sorry. Tannehill has been fine.

Last 16 with Tannehill - 11-5
Last 16 without Tannehill - 5-11

I know Dolphins fans don't want to admit it, but for the last few years, this has been a middle of the pack roster. 8-8. A good QB & schedule takes that to 11-5. A bad QB & schedule takes that to 5-11. From 2012 - 2015 this was a 5-11 roster.

The Dolphins didn't become the Saints. I never guaranteed Tannehill's career would have the same trajectory as Brees. I said Brees' career was evidence that the first few years of a career don't set the remainder in stone.
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I could have sworn that someone said win/loss is a team stat. But maybe just for convenience we join the #qbwinz group. :bobdole:

Because all your side ever said was he isn't winning games.

Just trying to point out you should be happy (if he was healthy). Most of the supporters take have been that he can be a winning QB (no, not elite), with a good supporting cast, ESPECIALLY the OL. And again, not that he needs and allstar cast, but at least competitive players. This team has shown so far that they can win when healthy. That includes RT. Why is that bad?

So it's more if moving the goalposts.
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