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Just when it couldn't get any worse

This entire thread just makes me think of this gif:

Freak Out Panic GIF
Then don't respond. You just invalidated your response by prefacing it with saying that you have no knowledge or training to speak from.
Thanks but no. You don’t need to be a physician to read a medical study. If someone says they’re a doctor on an anonymous internet forum and tells you that bubonic plague and influenza are the same thing, your response does not need to be “I have no knowledge or training and so cannot possibly evaluate this contention.”
If the NFLPA really cared about players they would have stopped Thursday night football!! They are all about the money grab and faking outrage.
The NFLPA is players. It’s right in the name. Players don’t like playing Thursday nights, but they do like record contracts, and those things go hand in hand. The NFLPA’s job is to advocate for players against the league. If they could have every game be optional and every contract be fully guaranteed, they would. This is a strong negotiating platform for them—nothing more. The more they can incite public sentiment against the league, the more leverage they have in negotiations.
I'm guessing the Venn diagram between people masquerading as neurologists as well as immunologists is a circle.
Why does everybody think tonight’s injury to Tua was a direct result from what happened on Sunday? The same result could have happened to him tonight even if he never got hurt on Sunday. It was the hit itself that injured him. What part of that do people not understand?
That reflexive thing he was doing with his fingers while he was on the turf concussed last night likely was part of a cumulative effect….but I call FU to the NFL with their f…ing mandatory “vaccines” that has likely murdered several players in this offseason - a Dallas Cowboy - Baltimore Raven - they such a bunch of lying hypocrites….their protocol FAILED - so now it’s our fault? Creeps!!!!
Why does everybody think tonight’s injury to Tua was a direct result from what happened on Sunday? The same result could have happened to him tonight even if he never got hurt on Sunday. It was the hit itself that injured him. What part of that do people not understand?
Which is what bothers me. There is clear difference between Sunday and Thursday.
That reflexive thing he was doing with his fingers while he was on the turf concussed last night likely was part of a cumulative effect….but I call FU to the NFL with their f…ing mandatory “vaccines” that has likely murdered several players in this offseason - a Dallas Cowboy - Baltimore Raven - they such a bunch of lying hypocrites….their protocol FAILED - so now it’s our fault? Creeps!!!!
So here is what the NFLPA is trying to determine if Tua did undergo the concussion protocol or did they take his word about it being a back issue. I’m not sure what to believe but most can agree we were all surprised when he came back into the game, if he would have sat out last night’s game the question would have been why did he go back in on Sunday.
So here is what the NFLPA is trying to determine if Tua did undergo the concussion protocol or did they take his word about it being a back issue. I’m not sure what to believe but most can agree we were all surprised when he came back into the game, if he would have sat out last night’s game the question would have been why did he go back in on Sunday.
Well proof was in the pudding - if he concussed Sunday and the authorities (said like South Park) blew it - don’t chase bad $ w good $….
In this case, the patient shoulders some of the responsibility because he was "well enough" to pass protocol, but probably didn't divulge all of his symptoms to the doctors evaluation him. He knew what he was doing. I can understand he probably did it in the name of competitive spirit, but it was wrong and he put himself in real danger for second impact syndrome. The doctors that evaluated will claim they did nothing wrong because he passed protocol and he didn't complain of head related symptoms, which would've been an automatic disqualifier, but as a professional, you also have the responsibility to protect patients from themselves. I stress again that ANY board certified physician, let alone a neurologist or neurosurgeon, would not and should not have cleared him to return after watching him stumble around like that on Sunday. It's a non-starter. I've been on a Big 10 team where players are held out for a whole lot less. It may not be the Dolphins organization, but somebody is in trouble. I am 1000% sure that we can expect the protocol to change going forward.
In this case, the patient shoulders some of the responsibility because he was "well enough" to pass protocol, but probably didn't divulge all of his symptoms to the doctors evaluation him. He knew what he was doing. I can understand he probably did it in the name of competitive spirit, but it was wrong and he put himself in real danger for second impact syndrome. The doctors that evaluated will claim they did nothing wrong because he passed protocol and he didn't complain of head related symptoms, which would've been an automatic disqualifier, but as a professional, you also have the responsibility to protect patients from themselves. I stress again that ANY board certified physician, let alone a neurologist or neurosurgeon, would not and should not have cleared him to return after watching him stumble around like that on Sunday. It's a non-starter. I've been on a Big 10 team where players are held out for a whole lot less. It may not be the Dolphins organization, but somebody is in trouble. I am 1000% sure that we can expect the protocol to change going forward.
Two board certified doctors evaluated him and cleared him to return. Whether they should or shouldn’t have is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose, but I don’t know how a doctor can essentially call a player a liar if he says he had no concussion symptoms, the evaluation and protocols revealed no concussion symptoms, and the player says the reason for the stumble was that his back gave out.

I don’t think you’re saying anything crazy, but take your proposed policy to the logical conclusion.

To avoid what just happened, you’d have to say that a player stumbling conclusively requires them to sit out the rest of the game and the next game, no matter what a concussion evaluation reveals and no matter what the player himself says. Because here, presumably, the concussion evaluation revealed no symptoms and the player denied any symptoms (and provided an alternative explanation). What possible policy would hold such a player out?
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