Knicks trade Davis and his crackpot wife for Jalen Rose and 1st rounder | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Knicks trade Davis and his crackpot wife for Jalen Rose and 1st rounder

MikeO said:
Actually Davis is an expeiring contract. And Rose will be expiring NEXT year. So Isiah only gains a year. Plus, next year Rose with an expiring contract will have trade value to a contender!!!

Huh? Why would a contender want to trade for an expiring contract? Rose had no trade value this year and will have less next year since the odds are he wont make it on the court for more than 10 mpg. The only way he will be traded is for a lousy player with a longer max deal, and those are fast becoming a rarity in the NBA.

Until the Knicks accept the fact that they suck and actually try to rebuild instead of adding new big time contracts every year they arent going anywhere. Unless they luck out and the next 'Melo or Bosh falls in their laps.
First of all, Rose is the exact same player the Knicks keep acquiring, a shoot-first 2-3. The pick is nice, so if that was the impetus for taking him on, it's fair enough. My question is why on Earth would Toronto give up the pick? Couldn't they have found a deal for Rose that didn't require that?

Secondly, when, as an athlete, your wife starts being mentioned along with you in trades and stuff, it's not good. Len Martez was talking about it on QAM last night...Brenda Warner, Anna Benson, now Kendra Davis...ouch...
RWhitney014 said:
First of all, Rose is the exact same player the Knicks keep acquiring, a shoot-first 2-3. The pick is nice, so if that was the impetus for taking him on, it's fair enough. My question is why on Earth would Toronto give up the pick? Couldn't they have found a deal for Rose that didn't require that?

Secondly, when, as an athlete, your wife starts being mentioned along with you in trades and stuff, it's not good. Len Martez was talking about it on QAM last night...Brenda Warner, Anna Benson, now Kendra Davis...ouch...

Toronto can buy out the contract of Davis and clear up a ton of cap room. That is why they did this trade. Davis won't play 1 game for Toronto and will be a FA by next week
MikeO said:
Toronto can buy out the contract of Davis and clear up a ton of cap room. That is why they did this trade. Davis won't play 1 game for Toronto and will be a FA by next week

Agreed.. Clearly a cap move to make a run at Nene and keep Bosh..
Ferretsquig said:
Huh? Why would a contender want to trade for an expiring contract? Rose had no trade value this year and will have less next year since the odds are he wont make it on the court for more than 10 mpg. The only way he will be traded is for a lousy player with a longer max deal, and those are fast becoming a rarity in the NBA.

Until the Knicks accept the fact that they suck and actually try to rebuild instead of adding new big time contracts every year they arent going anywhere. Unless they luck out and the next 'Melo or Bosh falls in their laps.

The Knicks can't re-build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno: You can't charge what they charge for ticket prices and courtside seats and just blow it up and rebuild!!!!!! THIS IS A BUSINESS FIRST!!! MSG is in this to turn a profit. And if you field a team with Marbury, Rose, Crawford...etc. Granted no all-stars and not a team that will win, but they can justify charging what they charge for tickets. And MSG turns a profit. If you just "tank it" for 5 years and rebuild, then you can't charge what they charge for courtside seats, and they would lose money!

And a contender WOULD trade for Rose if a team feels he can still play. If you believe he still has "game" you would want to trade for him, pick him up for a half a year, hope he helps you win, then he is gone! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:
MikeO said:
The Knicks can't re-build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno: You can't charge what they charge for ticket prices and courtside seats and just blow it up and rebuild!!!!!! THIS IS A BUSINESS FIRST!!! MSG is in this to turn a profit. And if you field a team with Marbury, Rose, Crawford...etc. Granted no all-stars and not a team that will win, but they can justify charging what they charge for tickets. And MSG turns a profit. If you just "tank it" for 5 years and rebuild, then you can't charge what they charge for courtside seats, and they would lose money!

And a contender WOULD trade for Rose if a team feels he can still play. If you believe he still has "game" you would want to trade for him, pick him up for a half a year, hope he helps you win, then he is gone! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

Couple of problems.. First Rose is done being a valueable player, like I said contenders trade for people that can help them and a 40% FG, 27% 3P, and little to no defense will impress no team. 2nd Rose will be making 17 million next year so he will be tough to trade for another load of expiring contracts. The only gain they make is they get a 1st rounder to lose 8-10 in cap room in this years free agent market, who the Knicks weren't gonna sign anyone anyhow. So they picked up a pick to have Rose play 20 minutes a game.
Isiah will still find a way to ruin usual. I don't see the Knicks making the playoffs once again.
I hope the Knicks can do something with the talent they have because they are in cap hell and there is no chance they can rebuild or sign any big free agents and Isiah usually doesn't make to many good trades. I feel sorry for the Knicks if Brown can't turn this team around and thats sad when a Raptors fan feels sorry for you right now!
GreenMonster said:
Agreed.. Clearly a cap move to make a run at Nene and keep Bosh..

I read that too but I'm not sure why they would make a run at Nene...
ESPN speculated on the basis that the Raps need a big man and Nene's a restricted FA. Well so are Vladimir Radmanovic, Al Harrington and Nazr Mohammed.
Do the Raptors want to loose this is such a horrible trade i could understand player for player.
MikeO said:
The Knicks can't re-build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno: You can't charge what they charge for ticket prices and courtside seats and just blow it up and rebuild!!!!!! THIS IS A BUSINESS FIRST!!! MSG is in this to turn a profit. And if you field a team with Marbury, Rose, Crawford...etc. Granted no all-stars and not a team that will win, but they can justify charging what they charge for tickets. And MSG turns a profit. If you just "tank it" for 5 years and rebuild, then you can't charge what they charge for courtside seats, and they would lose money!

People want to see a winning team....besides a lineup with Nate, Ariza, Lee, and Frye is probably more interesting than the one on the floor...might win more games too. I'd venture to guess it would be more profitable to make it to the playoffs than to pick in the lottery every year.

And a contender WOULD trade for Rose if a team feels he can still play. If you believe he still has "game" you would want to trade for him, pick him up for a half a year, hope he helps you win, then he is gone! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

I cant figure out what team had 18 mil in dead contracts that they could throw at the Knicks in return for a guy to score off the bench. Somehow I doubt one exists.
MikeO said:
The Knicks can't re-build!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shakeno: You can't charge what they charge for ticket prices and courtside seats and just blow it up and rebuild!!!!!! THIS IS A BUSINESS FIRST!!! MSG is in this to turn a profit. And if you field a team with Marbury, Rose, Crawford...etc. Granted no all-stars and not a team that will win, but they can justify charging what they charge for tickets. And MSG turns a profit. If you just "tank it" for 5 years and rebuild, then you can't charge what they charge for courtside seats, and they would lose money!

And a contender WOULD trade for Rose if a team feels he can still play. If you believe he still has "game" you would want to trade for him, pick him up for a half a year, hope he helps you win, then he is gone! :shakeno: :shakeno: :shakeno:

How is it good business to lose? You don't make sense here. Put a young, talented team thats fun to watch and people will show up. I guess an older, less athletic crap team is a better sell than a young one with exciting future stars on it? The Knicks could rebuild and still sell out the arena. It doesnt take 5 years to rebuild if you have a good GM. New York has always been a sought after place to play, they could entice quality free agents with respectable contracts, draft wisely and be a great team in a couple of years. As it stands now they have no shot at being good for years anyway. If the ticket sales went down, which they wouldnt, it would be offset by having half the payroll they have now.
finfansince72 said:
How is it good business to lose? You don't make sense here. Put a young, talented team thats fun to watch and people will show up. I guess an older, less athletic crap team is a better sell than a young one with exciting future stars on it? The Knicks could rebuild and still sell out the arena. It doesnt take 5 years to rebuild if you have a good GM. New York has always been a sought after place to play, they could entice quality free agents with respectable contracts, draft wisely and be a great team in a couple of years. As it stands now they have no shot at being good for years anyway. If the ticket sales went down, which they wouldnt, it would be offset by having half the payroll they have now.

They don't want to lose!!!:shakeno: But with guys like Marbury, Crawford,...etc they aren't "TANKING IT". By not tanking it they sell tickets.

If they go out and just play a bunch of low-level scrubs, that is tanking it and they can't sell tickets that way
MikeO said:
They don't want to lose!!!:shakeno: But with guys like Marbury, Crawford,...etc they aren't "TANKING IT". By not tanking it they sell tickets.

If they go out and just play a bunch of low-level scrubs, that is tanking it and they can't sell tickets that way

Its questionable in the least to say picking up Jalen Rose isn't tanking it. He hasn't helped any team win in years.
Its not 'wanting to lose' to get rid of overpriced players who don't help u win. Its building so that you can win in the near future. I really think the New York fans would understand it if they had a really young roster that had great talent for a year or two. You act like the fans are so dumb that they don't understand how bad this team is and how stupid it is to keep signing and trading for over priced bums instead of stockpiling good young talent and building a team.
What New York is doing isn't working and hasn't worked for years now. Doing the samething over and over again expecting different results is pretty much the textbook definition of insanity. Isiah actually drafted well this past year and has done pretty good in the draft. Hell of a lot better than in FA or trades thats for sure.
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