La Canfora: Dolphins PERHAPS facing loss of draft pick | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

La Canfora: Dolphins PERHAPS facing loss of draft pick

Is it possible to get struck by lightning? Then this is a possibility. Do you worry about getting struck by lightning? I sure don't but I find the power of lightning storms alarming and we are in a storm.

I don't believe we deserve such a punishment. Ross intelligently opened the doors immediately for an investigation. However, how can a fan not worry?

With the misfortune we've experienced for so long, one can't help but to feel that Miami always bears the brimful brunt of Murphy's Law.

To use yet another metaphor, if we were on the sand, the possibility would not exist but we are neck deep in shark infested waters. It sure seems that luck sees to have us, more likely than any other swimmer, get bit in the a$$.
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The heck with La Canfora, I have it on good authority that we will be put on DOUBLE SECRET PROBATION and that our O-line will not be permitted any more toga parties this season!



To hell with that...

I guess I would be mad if the dolphins knew how to draft but they don't so who cares. I wanted ross to clean house but no!! He keeps that sorry ass q card reading clueless dumb ass and conducts a bizzare search for a gm that ended up producing the dark horse Hickey which hopefully will end up being the right choice. I guess losing a pick would be bad considering Hickey probley could turn it into a productive player for miami. Hickey along with his choice of a new coach would have been way better. As long as philbin is around the stench of bullygate will always be around not to mention his suck ass playbook uhgggg!! Philbin haters show yourself I know I'm not the only one.
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