lance briggs doesn't like the 3-4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

lance briggs doesn't like the 3-4


Oct 19, 2002
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i just saw on kffl that briggs isn't a fan of the 3-4 defense..he said that he's more suited for the 4-3..the one thing that the dolphins can't afford to do is spend big money on a free agent who doesn't fit scheme wise..i guess we should set our sights on adelious thomas..although i remember that jt didn't want to play in the 3-4 either and that has worked out pretty well for us..what do you guys think??
I don't know why Briggs would say that. Maybe it is a show of support for the scheme Smith runs, in effect saying that he wants to stay in Chicago. That would make since because he led the league in tackles this year.

I am not sure if he has ever played in a 3-4. And we don't have a straight up 3-4 defense like the Steelers, Pats, or Chargers. But judging from those defenses, linebackers thrive in the 3-4. Porter, Bruschi, Vrable, Merriman, and Phillips all thrive under the 3-4. Some of them are considered to be among the best linebackers in the league.

It seems like if Briggs were to stay on the outside of the defense where he currently is in Chicago, he would not only have the opportunity to rack up some tackles, but he might also get more opportunities to rush the passer. He certainly would if he came to Miami based on Capers' scheme last year. But maybe that is what he doesn't like about it. Maybe he doesn't think he is best suited to rush the passer. I don't know because I haven't seen him all that much. But if that were the case, wouldn't he be better suited to playing middle linebacker?
um zach thomas led the league in tackles with 165, briggs only had 130
If he has such a huge price tag we shouldn't bother but otherwise he's a young very talented and well decorated linebacker. I'd love to have him, mayb we should use the 4-3 more cause we'd have ZT, Channing and Lance briggs if we sign him. Otherwise don't bother jus pick up one of those hybrid de/olb rookies.
In a 4-3 LB's fly around and make tackles relatively "clean". In a 3-4 LB's have matchup against OL with 75lb weight advantage.

I'd hate that too.
In a 4-3 LB's fly around and make tackles relatively "clean". In a 3-4 LB's have matchup against OL with 75lb weight advantage.

I'd hate that too.

Then I don;t understand how Zach had one of his best years ever this year in the 3-4, since he is EATEN UP by Olinemen who get their hands on him. He's smaller than the average NFL ILB so I just don;t see how he could flourish but Briggs would not. ESPECIALLY since Briggs would be coming off the edge, so be LESS apt to get the linemen that Zach would see at MLB. SO that doesn't convince me.

I think that the explanation for his reluctance is that a STRONGSIDE LB in a 3-4 has to deal with the tight end AND maybe the tackle, while in a 4-3 the DE can help by taking a double team from the Tackle/tight end, or AT LEAST by taking the Tackle consistently.

Since Channing's our WLB, not only would Briggs be more exposed in the 3-4 to an extra O-lineman coming free, but he'd ALSO have to switch to Strong Side and deal with the Tight End as well. Sounds like it'd be harder for him to be as effective under those circumstances than as WLB in Chicago's 4-3.
i just saw on kffl that briggs isn't a fan of the 3-4 defense..he said that he's more suited for the 4-3..the one thing that the dolphins can't afford to do is spend big money on a free agent who doesn't fit scheme wise..i guess we should set our sights on adelious thomas..although i remember that jt didn't want to play in the 3-4 either and that has worked out pretty well for us..what do you guys think??

Doesn't really matter to me; I've always been in favor of bringing in Adalius Thomas over Briggs.

1a. Adalius Thomas
1b. Lance Briggs
Regardless, what do you expect him to say ...

He is playing in the SB on SUN .... with CHI and the 4-3 ...
Of course he'd say that. Everyone is better suited for the 4-3, who doesn't want another fat guy up in front of them?
Here's the thing; we don't run a traditional 3-4. Linebackers aren't always left to take on the linemen in our defensive scheme, because JT often shifts right back to the line, rather than playing out. We're more of a 3-4 hybrid, than anything else. In fact, I'd say we ran more 4-3 last year, then anything else. I'd liken it more to what Dallas used to do with Charles Haley than a 3-4 scheme. If Briggs came here, I'm sure he'd be in a position to make plays on this defense, because he's a good player who'd fit what we actually run...
Lance Briggs isnt a good 3-4 linebacker, that's why. He's a tampa-2 guy.

I dont think alot of you guys realize that putting Thomas in this defense would result in getting rid of or benching either Zach or Channing Crowder, 'cause Briggs sure as hell aint playing strongside OLB.
Rumors out of Buffalo are that we have Briggs on our radar. He fits our defense, we are in need of a LB, Jauron drafted him, and we are 40 million under the cap.

MLB - Crowell
OLB - Briggs
OLB - Spikes????
Rumor has it that the Bills can kiss my ***

[admin]Please don't try to circumvent the profanity filter[/admin]
Rumors out of Buffalo are that we have Briggs on our radar. He fits our defense, we are in need of a LB, Jauron drafted him, and we are 40 million under the cap.

MLB - Crowell
OLB - Briggs
OLB - Spikes????
Doesn't mean he will go to Buffalo. Bills can love him all they want, but he may not want to live in Buffalo(or Toronto in a year or two).
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