Merged 3x: Dan Marino Is Gm | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged 3x: Dan Marino Is Gm

Originally posted by RUDEbyallMEANS
I heard Bills are going to sign Steelers offensive coordinator as head coach.. Forgot his name..

Boy, can't wait to hear how they explain arriving at this decision at the PC.
Originally posted by dolfan4good
Did he even interview for this job? Nothing was ever reported that he was even a candidate!

Mixed feelings is an understatement! We better announce that Wolf signed on the dotted line as well! At least he would have guidance that way!

There was a report last week that there was a surprise canidate that they wouldn't name, so I'm guessing it was him.
This is totally out of left field.... Kinda weird how the team was interviewing candidate after candidate and then throws this at us.. I suspect Marino was the man from the beggining and all these interviews were for show.. Wayne is all about the $$$$ and this is a marketing move, he probably thinks more fans will show up if Marino is back running the show.
I've started to calm down a bit, and I think I can see somewhat of what they were thinking. I'm making the assumption here that Wolf is accepting the consulting position.

I think this primarily comes down to the first choice, Wolf, refusing the job. At that point, I suspect no one seemed to have the right mix of skill and experience, and be willing to work with DW as WH has decreed. The exception to this would be Rick Spielman, who is considered by many to be an up and coming young star, has said he can work with Wolf, and can work with Wanny.

The problem here, from a business perspective, is the fans. All along the concern has been that the fans would see promoting RS as simply the same old system with a new coat of paint, and those fans already upset to see Wanny stay would be even more outraged.

So, the club leaks stories about picks Speilman wanted over DW's objectons that would be more popular with the fan base, and brings in arguably the most loved Phin in the teams history as an attempt to reconcile the fans back to the team and regain support

In the meantime, they hold on to RS (considered a lock to leave otherwise) and have him trained at the side of Wolf - a person they feel is the best in the business.

This could work out better than I believed at first.
Well at least we know the offense won't be ignored this offseason.
Len Pasquereli (sp?) said on ESPN that this way is the way that "ruffles the least amount of feathers".
Originally posted by Bumrush
This is totally out of left field.... Kinda weird how the team was interviewing candidate after candidate and then throws this at us.. I suspect Marino was the man from the beggining and all these interviews were for show.. Wayne is all about the $$$$ and this is a marketing move, he probably thinks more fans will show up if Marino is back running the show.

Is there a problem getting people to buy tickets in Miami I would have thought you guys would be sold out ever game?
Originally posted by DolphinzD
Well at least we know the offense won't be ignored this offseason.
especially the horrible passing O :D
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