MERGED: Aaron Hernandez questioned in murder investigation | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Aaron Hernandez questioned in murder investigation

My understanding was that at first they didnt believe he was connected but now the police have reason to believe he was. I also heard something on the radio about him shooting someone in the face a year or two ago and it neer went reported, but I don't know anything else about that.
My understanding was that at first they didnt believe he was connected but now the police have reason to believe he was. I also heard something on the radio about him shooting someone in the face a year or two ago and it neer went reported, but I don't know anything else about that.

I have heard all of that as well. I live near all of this. The media is following him with a helicopter lol.
Isn't it nice not to have to root for a team of thugs and drug addicts. Not saying all we have are boy scouts but high character is important to this staff. Another reason to love Philbin.
its also against the rules when you are a college athlete to stay past curfew or drink alcohol. you also need to be in study hall so many hours a week (which most players are). do you consider those charcter issues? i played collegiate sports (albeit not hernedez's caliber), and ive done all those things and so did everyone else. its just kids being kids. everyone breaks the rules.

I'm not condemning or condoning it. I'm simply pointing out the line of thinking...
You seem to keep missing the point, so I'll put it simply for you. Thats why we have laws so the NFL and people like you who may think they can be judge and jury dont over react.

I havent missed any point u and your friends think that a first time dui is not a big deal its a minor thing, I dont agree. The reason people still drink and drive is because they dont get caught and by the time they are caught or not caught its too late. Im not trying to be judge and jury Im stating quite simply we do not do enough to discourage drunk driving and much of it has to do with the silly attitude that its not that big a deal
I havent missed any point u and your friends think that a first time dui is not a big deal its a minor thing, I dont agree. The reason people still drink and drive is because they dont get caught and by the time they are caught or not caught its too late. Im not trying to be judge and jury Im stating quite simply we do not do enough to discourage drunk driving and much of it has to do with the silly attitude that its not that big a deal

Nope i clearly said I dont need an education in the risks, and I DONT DRINK AND DRIVE.Neither of my friends thought it was OK,they both did like a lot of normal people unlike yourself who walk on water and went out had one too many and saw flashing lights in their mirror and found out they were over the legal limit.

Your comments are the exact reason that they make laws,so the know it alls in the world dont play judge and jury.

Drinking and driving is legal.But not in excess.
Nope i clearly said I dont need an education in the risks, and I DONT DRINK AND DRIVE.Neither of my friends thought it was OK,they both did like a lot of normal people unlike yourself who walk on water and went out had one too many and saw flashing lights in their mirror and found out they were over the legal limit.

Your comments are the exact reason that they make laws,so the know it alls in the world dont play judge and jury.

Drinking and driving is legal.But not in excess.


This is so true. Dude was calling for Randy Starks to get cut when he had that traffic ticket for having too many people in his car. Guess we know now that dlockz was that guy in the corner sipping a pepsi while everyone else was doing keg stands...
It isnt about educating you or anyone you said u and your friends feel someone's first dui is not that bad. You do realize that many usually drive drunk a few times before they are caught and that many a drunk driver has killed someone before he has ever been caught with a dui. If you have two drinks dont drive its that simple. .

If the first part of this doesnt have "I am better than everone else" written all over it I dont know what does,along with not really understanding what was in the post.

I said I had a few friends that said it wasnt as bad as one would think,Not one thread said anything about me or them thinking it was OK,it was the end result of what the penalty seemed to be lighter than one would expect.Come off your high horse.
From PFT's comment section:

smokingconch says: Jun 20, 2013 2:40 PM

Man, do the Patriots know what they’re doing. Broncos? Tebow media circus. Jets? Tebow media circus. Patriots? Just one instance of accusing the leader of a world superpower of theft and a simple murder and Tebow is successfully swept under the rug. 3rd string quarterback who?

ABC News reports that Aaron Hernandez destroyed his home security system and cell phone.
Police are back at Hernandez's home Thursday with a warrant based on evidence that he destroyed the home security system, which included video surveillance, intentionally. Hernandez also handed over his cell phone to investigators, and it was "in pieces." Additionally, authorities want to know why a house-cleaning team was hired to "scrub" the 23-year-old's mansion on Monday. One police official says Hernandez isn't a suspect, but he "has not been ruled out" and is "definitely not in the clear." The tight end sure isn't painting a pretty picture by destroying what could be deemed as evidence

Man, Hernandez is just digging himself a deeper hole, what an idiot.
ABC News reports that Aaron Hernandez destroyed his home security system and cell phone.
Police are back at Hernandez's home Thursday with a warrant based on evidence that he destroyed the home security system, which included video surveillance, intentionally. Hernandez also handed over his cell phone to investigators, and it was "in pieces." Additionally, authorities want to know why a house-cleaning team was hired to "scrub" the 23-year-old's mansion on Monday. One police official says Hernandez isn't a suspect, but he "has not been ruled out" and is "definitely not in the clear." The tight end sure isn't painting a pretty picture by destroying what could be deemed as evidence

This story is going all over the place,saying he isn't a suspect,yet the news helicopters followed his car to an under ground parking garage which is the building where his lawyer works out of.
Also the fact the he destroyed his cell phone/security system and this info just reported it looks real bad.

The body of the victim, Odin Lloyd, 27, who played football for the Boston Bandits, was discovered after a night out with Hernandez and two other men, the source told the station.
The four men left in a car together, driven at one point by Hernandez, but only three men returned to Hernandez's home at the end of the night and Lloyd was not one of them, the source told the station.
Police have not named any suspects and Hernandez and his lawyers have not addressed the media.
Police have also issued a "BOLO" or "be on the lookout" for a silver Chrysler 300 rental car with Rhode Island registration which may have a connection to the homicide. A 2013 Chevrolet Suburban rented in Hernandez's name emerged as a key piece of evidence in the investigation.
These geniuses went about it to where officer barbrady could solve the case. I guess if youre dumb enough to murder someone you should get caught.
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