Merged: Breaking News: Jason Taylor agrees to play for Jets | Page 11 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Breaking News: Jason Taylor agrees to play for Jets

I already am. this is what 12 years of blood and sweat gets you. the man has every right to work. this is where sports gets taken too far.

...says the man attempting to emasculate two players in his avatar and sig.

you calling Ginn a ***** is fine.

others expressing their displeasure in JT for joining a hated rival, one which he claimed to hate as much as we did, is not.

got it, thanks.
Good luck JT I sure wish you well. You were over the hill last year, played with a hurt shoulder and never complained when the phins overused you because they thought you were the best they could put on the field. Glad you got your retirement money from Washington everyone should get the chance to hit a home run financially once in their life. You came back to the phins and played for peanuts for what you could have had with Washington. Every man comes to a time when he can decide to just fade into the past or continue the good fight until mother time passes him by. You are choosing the latter a true warrior. Sorry the phins were not an option for you at the end.
so Taylor receives a $2.5 million guarantee in his deal.

Wouldn't the NFL consider this a violation? The Jets are just circumventing the rule. NFL has to approve the deal and if the above is true, then I don't think this passes the smell test.

They can't give Taylor the money in year two. Didn't San francisco get busted for doing the same thing?
JT is dead to me. It is one thing to sign with another team, it is another to sign with a rival you have "pretended" to hate with a passion. I am glad the two faced dancing queen is New York's problem now.
I AM MAD WE DIDNT RESIGN HIM.....coulda traded him to Oakland for 1lb of hamburger....
Sucks he is playing for our biggest rival but he has a family and has to make a living. I do not fault him for that. I wonder if he had any other teams to choose from.

He coulda retired.. trust me, he wont have to work another day in his life
I'm really having a hard time with this one. If the FO said just wait until after the draft and we'll get a contract done, then I think all would have been fine. But JT didn't wait, probably because that wasn't said. And he'd rather play for a team he hates than not play at all this year.

I still can remember back when Jimmy/Wanstache were screwing over Marino way back when. He could have kept playing for the Vikings, who we pretty good team then too. But instead, he chose not to move or be apart from his family, so he chose to retire a little earlier than he wanted.

Just think this is going to turn out to be something JT is going to regret doing after the season is over and he's still not wearing a SB ring.
The funny thing is we have DolFans getting all pissed because they feel like the FO dissed JT. but if I remember correctly JT doesn't care about the Phins. He only cares about HIM and his legacy.

When we went 1-15 he threw us under the bus to go dancing. And couldn't wait to sign with Washington. When we won the division he couldn't wait to come back and get in on the action. Unfortunately he and Porter are part of the reason we didn't make the playoffs.

Now being as selfish as possible.. he sells HIMSELF out to go to the JETS.. the glamour team of the offseason. JT is showing his true colors. Which aren't aqua and orange or gang green.

JT simply will prostitute himself to any team that has the hype, the cameras, and the glamour. Football is blood and guts. Not tights and mascara.

Think about that before some of you get a JT love in going on.
Now I really hope we open and close the season with the JESTS!
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