Merged: Breaking News: Jason Taylor agrees to play for Jets | Page 12 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Breaking News: Jason Taylor agrees to play for Jets

This is something I never thought I would see. He's a Jet so I'll root for him, hopefully we can get him a ring and really rub the salt in the wound:lol:

you know now you guys wont make the playoffs and we should win the division.. thats the Kharma of having JT on your team.
I dunno. I think JT's actions as a Jet will determine his legacy. If he retires and says he is a Dolphin at heart, all should be forgiven in time.

For now, he is a loser.
OMG, just remembered, JT hates the J-E-T-S, jets jets jets chant. He is going to have to hear it at leat 8 times this year.:lol:
The funny thing is we have DolFans getting all pissed because they feel like the FO dissed JT. but if I remember correctly JT doesn't care about the Phins. He only cares about HIM and his legacy.

When we went 1-15 he threw us under the bus to go dancing. And couldn't wait to sign with Washington. When we won the division he couldn't wait to come back and get in on the action. Unfortunately he and Porter are part of the reason we didn't make the playoffs.

Now being as selfish as possible.. he sells HIMSELF out to go to the JETS.. the glamour team of the offseason. JT is showing his true colors. Which aren't aqua and orange or gang green.

JT simply will prostitute himself to any team that has the hype, the cameras, and the glamour. Football is blood and guts. Not tights and mascara.

Think about that before some of you get a JT love in going on.

Well, he never said he wanted to be remembered as a Dolphin.:err:

“In 10 years from now, when I’m 43 years old, I’m hoping that people are talking more about the things I’ve done in the film business than what I did in football or dancing.”
I agree to an extent. Its hard to pass up a few million. I just hope Long and Carey crush his arse.

If Jake gets his hands on JT Jake will certainly own him... If JT gets a step on Jake, Jake will get burnt.. JT is still fast
you know now you guys wont make the playoffs and we should win the division.. thats the Kharma of having JT on your team.

Exactly.. JT signs with the Redskins.. we win the division.

He comes back.. we don't.

Maybe he's a jinx.

All those years in the late 90's early 00's when our defense was good.. but always seemed to cave when it counted. Just sayin..
He coulda retired.. trust me, he wont have to work another day in his life
Apparently, Bill Gates hasn't retired. And trust me, he can raise a nation with money he is making. But doesn't. IDK, maybe its called passion.
Oh Boo Hoo you guys, you sound like you just lost your puppy dog.

He wasn't offered a contact anywhere else and if someone offered you millions vs. no job at all what are you going to take. Blame the FO for turning their backs on him first. Bunch of sour grapes....
good luck JT. you will be sorely missed. i wish things were different, but they are not. thank you for all the great years being a miami dolphin. you were my favorite player through many of the bad years. just take it easy against us please!!
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