MERGED: Diversity Group Upset With Mueller Hiring | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Diversity Group Upset With Mueller Hiring

The bottom line to all this is that the Phins knew about this program and should have informed them of their intentions and how they were hiring Muller, which would have cut all this mess off. There's a protocol that the NFL buys into and whether we, the fan or anyone else likes it or not, it's there and should be follow. There's a reason it's there and there's a reason the NFL signed off on it. This is much to do about nothing, and the comment here are offensive on a lot of levels. Every thing should be done in a decent and orderly fashion, and since the phins didn't do it right, of course there will be a backlash, as it should when policy is not followed. We can make every excuse and comment because it's our team, but that doesn't make what happen right. Our team should be held to the highest standards just like everyone else..Period.

And as Dolphans, those of us who can't spell or use puctuation and syntax properly,should return to grammar school immediately..........
poppy said:
So are you saying that the process is biased and unfair against minorities when it comes to Kicking and punting? I don't believe it is. If it is then I'm with you. Open up the process to minority PK and punters. Its about the process for me not the outcome.

P.S. I do feel the process is much fairer over the last 10 years Re: Minority quarterbacks. Me thinks you might not like the outcome. And we know what that means.
And methinks you have your head somewhere that's dark and gaseous. :lol:

I did not say I don't like the outcome, so don't make assumptions about me. You're resorting to the usual nonsense that crying minorities resort to, "he doesn't agree with us, so he's racist." It's getting tired, bro. :rolleyes: :shakeno:

You're ducking the question. What I'm saying is....there's no punters OR kickers in the NFL right now that are black, at least to my knowledge. Why aren't the powers that be for diversity screaming about that?

There's at least 5 black QBs and 5 black head coaches however, and they're saying that's still not enough.

You can try to paint it any way you like, use any rhetoric you want, and duck the question all you want, but the FACT remains that unless it's a position of power or glamour minorities don't care if they don't occupy it. That's the bottom line.
TARHEEL38 said:
As sad as it may be, you are correct. Hiring practices haven't changed, even though they should have. I really have never understood minorities point. If we are supposed to hire the same percentage of minorities per each job as there are in the poplulation, no matter if they are qualified or not then why does it not work the other way? I guess under that system we should have the majority of NBA players that are white?? Does that make sense?? And just b/c I am old, fat, and can't jump, all that shouldn't matter. I should still get an interview??

What a load of crap!! These are multimillion/billion dollar organizations. If you think they are not gonna get the best person avaliable you are out of your mind. If there is a better black or Asian, or any other race who is better qualified then THEY will get the job. No way these people are gonna get people who will make them less money just b/c they have a certain skin color. Not in todays society anyway.

It is so funny how the most racist people in the country are the minorities who try to say others are the ones who are racist. All they are doing are making other dislike them, not b/c of there skin color, but b/c of their actions

yea, intelligent things like that.
Philter25 said:
So let me get this straight, according to the US census bureau, the percentage of black population is 12%

Hmm, so there are 5 black head coaches and 32 NFL teams, which is roughly 16%.

My basic math is pretty bad, which number is bigger.... the 16% black coaches in the NFL or the 12% black population nationwide?

To me it would seem we need to fire the black head coach and hire a white one... that would make it 13% and it would therefore go along with the US census data.

Im going to call the diversity board president and see what he thinks. :lol:

You're using the wrong population in your analysis. The population should be restricted to those that actually contribute to the pool of coaches, primarily players, and coaches in the college ranks. The main beef of the diversity groups is that the percentage of black coaches does not approximate the % of black players.

I think it would be interesting to see a study of NFL coaches (HCs and assistants) and compare to the coaches in the college ranks. It would also be interesting to know what % of NFL coaches actually played in the NFL/division 1 NCAA, etc.

The idea that the % of black coaches should match the general population is not correct. I believe that the assumption that it should match the racial breakdown of current players is also incorrect.
And methinks you have your head somewhere that's dark and gaseous. :lol:

You're ducking the question. What I'm saying is....there's no punters OR kickers in the NFL right now that are black, at least to my knowledge. Why aren't the powers that be for diversity screaming about that?

Because the process is perceived to be fair. Perhaps the lack of is due to a non pursuit of those positions by said minorities.

I did not say I don't like the outcome, so don't make assumptions about me. You're resorting to the usual nonsense that crying minorities resort to, "he doesn't agree with us, so he's racist." It's getting tired, bro. :rolleyes: :shakeno:

I said you MIGHT not like the outcome. Read before you react. Perhaps I should have put an IF qualifier in there as well to make it perfectly clear. The "Crying minority" reference is interesting and provocative HMMMM...... :rolleyes:

There's at least 5 black QBs and 5 black head coaches however, and they're saying that's still not enough.

Again its not about the outcome for me it's the process and I'm all for pressure on the status quo to make it as inclusive as possible.
P.S. I'm in the racial majority in this country.

You can try to paint it any way you like, use any rhetoric you want, and duck the question all you want, but the FACT remains that unless it's a position of power or glamour minorities don't care if they don't occupy it. That's the bottom line.

OOOhhh Those greedy minorities. Why can't they be satisfied? :rolleyes:

Take care. I'm out.
poppy said:
OOOhhh Those greedy minorities. Why can't they be satisfied? :rolleyes:

Take care. I'm out.
LOVE how you duck the truth. ;)

I'm out also. :D
FinfanInBuffalo said:
You're using the wrong population in your analysis. The population should be restricted to those that actually contribute to the pool of coaches, primarily players, and coaches in the college ranks. The main beef of the diversity groups is that the percentage of black coaches does not approximate the % of black players.

I think it would be interesting to see a study of NFL coaches (HCs and assistants) and compare to the coaches in the college ranks. It would also be interesting to know what % of NFL coaches actually played in the NFL/division 1 NCAA, etc.

The idea that the % of black coaches should match the general population is not correct. I believe that the assumption that it should match the racial breakdown of current players is also incorrect.

Well using that same logic, one could then argue that the percentage of white players does not approximate the percentage of white coaches and owners.

I made a little analysis just showing that the racial breakdown in the USA is VERY similar to the HC racial breakdown in the NFL.

--For the record, I think this is all complete BS and the best person should be RB, K, GM, HC, president, etc. The fact that people actually have a job and argue seriously that the percentages are not even is complete BS.

Compared to society and the actual population, the NFL looks pretty good IMO.

I would also like to see a more developed study and see the percentages. I think we would all be suprised at the numbers...
What a load of ****!! What's next, is Jesse Jackson going to come lecture Saban, so that he can get another free trip to hang out with white chics on South Beach?

How many minority's do the Dolphins have on their roster anyway? I'll bet it out numbers the whites.

And another thing, I live in Miami, I am white... So, who is the minority again?
Philter25 said:
Well using that same logic, one could then argue that the percentage of white players does not approximate the percentage of white coaches and owners.

One could, but the cry would be for more minority owners, not fewer minority players.

Philter25 said:
I made a little analysis just showing that the racial breakdown in the USA is VERY similar to the HC racial breakdown in the NFL.

--For the record, I think this is all complete BS and the best person should be RB, K, GM, HC, president, etc. The fact that people actually have a job and argue seriously that the percentages are not even is complete BS.

Compared to society and the actual population, the NFL looks pretty good IMO.

I would also like to see a more developed study and see the percentages. I think we would all be suprised at the numbers...

I believe that the focus on hiring practices in professional sports has an overall negative impact on minorities (particularly african americans). I believe it sends a message that the most likely path to success is via sports. Any study will tell you that this is a pipe dream for millions of young people.

I agree with you that the best person should be hired. The problem is that there is no realistic way to ensure that the best person is even identified as a candidate in the first place. I think the diversity groups have their place. Maintaining awareness is a good idea. I hate quota systems, especially in an environment like the NFL where the only color that matters is green.
Dolphreak said:
What a load of ****!! What's next, is Jesse Jackson going to come lecture Saban, so that he can get another free trip to hang out with white chics on South Beach?

How many minority's do the Dolphins have on their roster anyway? I'll bet it out numbers the whites.

And another thing, I live in Miami, I am white... So, who is the minority again?

You are not white a "Person Of Less Color". White is a racist comment.
I almost didnt read this thread because I knew I was going to get pissed at some of the ignorant and misleading statements. I was right. First of all, as an African American, I am quite pleased we hired Randy Mueller.
However, to all those people who say big business always hires the best person for the job STFU! Or explain to me Rich Kotite, Dennis Erickson, Dave Wannestadt! Not that Art Shell was the greatest coach (cuz he wasnt) however, if those clowns deserved another chance he sure as hell does.
Secondly, I agree with the posters who say it shouldnt be about race, but unfortunately racism persists and if people dont complain then change wont happen. Its really sad to see that some people on this board are using the same arguments that some of our Supreme Court justices used in upholding Plessy v. Ferguson. (Separate, but equal, for those who didnt pay attention in history class) (note: Plessy v. Ferguson was overturned for those who have no idea what I am talking about!)
I am inclined to agree with the posters, who say its all about money, not race. I believe its starting to move in that direction. I mean look at the OJ Simpson case, we all know he is guilty as hell! However, he was rich and he got off. John Hinkley shot the damn president and he gets to come home and visit. Why because his family is rich! If you or I shot the president we would be under the jail.
Finally, in response to some of the posters. As far as the poster who said he didnt get into the CA school even though his SAT grades were higher than some minorities. I am inclined to say that is BS! First, quotas are against the law! Second, just because your SAT is higher than someone's doesnt mean you are more qualified. Contrary to popular belief there are more factors involved in the admissions process than SAT's and race. To the poster who had the audacity to complain about BET! Why are you whining? Every channel since TV has been a popular medium has been dedicated to the entertainment of our caucasion population. It has just been in the last 20-30 years you have even seen blacks on TV with any regularity. So please go back to the blog site where you got that bs statement from! Because that was not original thought on your behalf because i have read that before too.
Also, the diversity group is obviously an African-American advocacy group, so of course they arent going to be going to bat for Gays, women, or hispanics. I mean do Right wing Conservative groups go to bat for the Log Cabin Republicans? Not really to answer your question, yet they are all Republicans. So don't wonder why the Diversity group or whatever they are called are not going to bat for other minorities!
Well this was way too long but hell I was bored! I personally just want to win! If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan could get us a SB win, I would support him. :evil:
dcdolfan said:
Finally, in response to some of the posters. As far as the poster who said he didnt get into the CA school even though his SAT grades were higher than some minorities. I am inclined to say that is BS! First, quotas are against the law!

There's plenty of things against the law but that doesn't mean they're not still in practice. Whether you want to believe it or not, universities are still using them.

dcdolfan said:
To the poster who had the audacity to complain about BET! Why are you whining? Every channel since TV has been a popular medium has been dedicated to the entertainment of our caucasion population. It has just been in the last 20-30 years you have even seen blacks on TV with any regularity

It should be a two way street. There's a BET channel and no one complains but if someone dare come up with a WET channel, it would be the end of the world.
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