MERGED:Don Banks SI calls Phins Losers in FA | Page 10 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED:Don Banks SI calls Phins Losers in FA

Dolfan1000 said:
Again, for someone who claims to love facts- YOU ARE SPECULATING.

Culpepper has said he will be ready.

Saban has said that its a good possibility.

You are in no position to make such a prediction.

If you ask me, you're just scared. And you should be.

:lol: Losman! :lol: :lol: :lol:
that was my opinion that he won't start when season starts. Not even a doctor can be sure . Helloo!!!!

Yeah, I'm scared of a qb that's no better than Drew Bledsoe. Hell even Drew had a better season than Culp. If you guys got Brees , yeah I'd be scared but Culp?

Does this mean that finfans that wanted Brees over Culp are also scared of culp? :lol: I don't blame them.
Trekbiz said:
Nice point.

They've been spun on both Brees and Culpepper.

That's why I don't have a problem with Banks viewpoint.
Like I said, whether you agree with him or not he made valid points that I have thought about too.

I'm hoping for the best and that Culpepper does regain the form he had that one season. We'll see.

He had a lot more than one good season, he has the highest completion percentage in NFL history, he is the 5th highest rated passer in NFL history.

Billsfan would have you believe that those first couple games before his injury last year is the real Daunte Culpepper, where he had a new coordinator, where his center was injured, where the Viking organization was imploding, where they faced the toughest defenses they faced all year, where Culpepper was trying to do too much thinking he had to win on his own,
as it was he was improving last year right up to the injury.

I prefer to judge him on his entire career, just as I would do with Brad Johnson or Drew Brees, and from that standpoint Culpepper is clearly the better QB.

Drew Brees is a short QB with average arm strength, I don't like the idea of him losing some arm strength from this injury.
Justasportsfan said:
that was my opinion that he won't start when season starts. Not even a doctor can be sure . Helloo!!!!

Yeah, I'm scared of a qb that's no better than Drew Bledsoe. Hell even Drew had a better season than Culp. If you guys got Brees , yeah I'd be scared but Culp?

Right, so you can justify your view with opinion but we must stick to facts?

And again, care to provide some evidence that Bledsoe > Culpepper?
Dolfan1000 said:
And furthermore, there is no guarantee Brees will be ready for Opening Day, so in what way is Culpepper riskier?
I don't disagree :D.
Dolfan1000 said:
Right, so you can justify your view with opinion but we must stick to facts?

And again, care to provide some evidence that Bledsoe > Culpepper?
You sure you want me to pull last year nos? :D.
When talking about what happened in Minny lasy year, yeah I want facts , not spins.
Justasportsfan said:
He's right on even with regards to the Pats and almost everyone here will agree with that as well. But he's only an idiot for the fins part?

i'll bite. i agree with the pats part. i disagree with the seeming lack of standards. it has been mentioned here: he says TO is not a risk, while C-PEP "imploded" last year. what did TO do in san fran AND philly, if not implode? also, he praises the titans' signing of givens, saying they "had to overpay." why? to get ANOTHER number 2 receiver in town? the panthers' section of his article is a little off, too. he glosses over the loss of witherspoon, saying that kemoeatu offsets that. and while he notes that damione lewis is a known underachiever, it must not cost them any points. so all this is neutral, and their big win is re-signing a guy who has finished every season of his pro career on IR? (deshaun foster). or maybe it's the safety they "stole" from the giants? what standard is banks using? i'm not following it...

i'm not one of those who gets mad every time he sees something "negative" about the phins. i do take issue with the laziness that passes for "journalism" these days. luckily, football journalism isn't all that important and it isn't all that damaging when it's wrong...
It could definitely be argued that in fact it was Brees' supporting cast that made him look better than he actually is. After all, Culpepper had his best season when Moss was injured and playing only 1-2 series each game. Brees, on the other hand, was considered a BUST before Antonio Gates.
EBMisfit said:
Yeah, he waved his magic wand and *poof* chicken feathers turned into chicken salad.:rolleyes2

and doesn't miami have a very similar system to that of linehan? so waht's this all about.
When the next season is over the win lose record will tell if we improved or not. Everyone has an opinion, we will just have to wait until next season is over, to see who is right.
Justasportsfan said:
You sure you want me to pull last year nos? :D.
When talking about what happened in Minny lasy year, yeah I want facts , not spins.

Sure, pull out their career numbers. You want to focus on one year, that is your perogative. But look at their careers- and dont try and argue that this was the year Culpepper did not have Moss, because when he threw 4700 yards the year before, Moss missed games and when he did play, he was often taken out after 1-2 series.

So, lets deal with facts then. The fact is, your opinions seem to matter yet we must base our statements on evidence. Double standard much?
BlueFin said:
He had a lot more than one good season, he has the highest completion percentage in NFL history, he is the 5th highest rated passer in NFL history.

Billsfan would have you believe that those first couple games before his injury last year is the real Daunte Culpepper, where he had a new coordinator, where his center was injured, where the Viking organization was imploding, where they faced the toughest defenses they faced all year, where Culpepper was trying to do too much thinking he had to win on his own,
as it was he was improving last year right up to the injury.

I prefer to judge him on his entire career, just as I would do with Brad Johnson or Drew Brees, and from that standpoint Culpepper is clearly the better QB.

Drew Brees is a short QB with average arm strength, I don't like the idea of him losing some arm strength from this injury.
How about the ability to win big games? Drew Blesoe is one of the best passing qb's the league has seen in the past. Means nothing during big games because he chokes.
Justasportsfan said:
How about the ability to win bug games? Drew Blesoe is one of the best passing qb's the league has seen in the past. Means nothing during big games because he chokes.

Daunte won a playoff game at Lambeau did he not? Against the great Brett Favre? With no running game.
I'll tell you what, I'd rather roll the dice that Culpepper will be ready for the seasons start than go into next year with JP Loseman.

It looks a sweep next year for the Dolphins.
Dolfan1000 said:
Sure, pull out their career numbers. You want to focus on one year, that is your perogative. But look at their careers- and dont try and argue that this was the year Culpepper did not have Moss, because when he threw 4700 yards the year before, Moss missed games and when he did play, he was often taken out after 1-2 series.

So, lets deal with facts then. The fact is, your opinions seem to matter yet we must base our statements on evidence. Double standard much?

That's the only way you can compare two qb's who's played on the same team with the same supporting cast.

If you want to pull out carreer nos. I'lll just say Brad=1 sb ring Culp=0. Then again you wont agree to that FACT so that would make you double std as well no? That's not fair because they were on different teams.
BlueFin said:
I'll tell you what, I'd rather roll the dice that Culpepper will be ready for the seasons start than go into next year with JP Loseman.

It looks a sweep next year for the Dolphins.
And waht does Losman have to do with the article? You're turning into FTP. If you can't disscuss smack em'. :rolleyes:
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