Merged: here we go, Prediction time, Miam iVS NY | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: here we go, Prediction time, Miam iVS NY

I think the Jets take this one 20-10.

Obviously I hope I'm dead wrong.
17 - 10 Jets

Usually my predictions are wrong so hopefully that trend continues.
Well guys if you like to know i tell ya since i live in miami...>Right now its saturday 9 am and its cloudy but its not raining...Hopefulyy if its like this sunday night it would be a great night to play football. But it kind of rains from on hour to the next so we will see....Yesterday it poured like the afternoon.

my prediction for the game is...

Phins 24

jets 17

We win the game on the last min drive. Just like last year when we wore orange.

24-10 FIns

We will use the wildcat play where ricky flips it back to henne and he hits marshall deep for a TD
i had a dream last night we were up 28-3 at half and ended up winning 41-10. So thats my final score
Miami wins 28-21 Marshall gets game winning TD off a fake ricky williams wild cat run brown dishes to ricky ricky dishes to henne whos chillin by the sideline.. takes a few steps in and bombs it to B MARSH!!
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