Merged: Jake Grove Agrees to Five Year Deal! | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Jake Grove Agrees to Five Year Deal!

Grove and Satele battling for the starting spot could be good. I still haven't given up on Satele personally.

Once Grove gets up to speed, Satele is done at center. Grove is a very good run blocker, which is why he is being brought in. If our trainers can keep him on the field (Grove has durability issues), this is going to be a very good o line. I like Satele competing at both spots, he would be a good guard because of his mobility, but he still needs to get stronger.
LOL. ROFL. Take a look at some film. Even if he averages 10 games a season, it is a significant upgrade for those 10 games. Look at the film. Grove is considerably better than Satele.

So what do we do for the other 30 games? This is brilliant.
yeah good move and tes now we just need a cb and wr. than go out and sign another backup de. so now are line looks a little like this;
RG-Thomas or Satele
backup center is berger and satele
backup gaurd is alleman plus who dosent start thomas or satele
backup tackle is Garner and Frye
we also have Ikechuku on the roster who can play G/C
So what do we do for the other 30 games? This is brilliant.

Berger or Satele plays. That is why you have backups. The point of the post is even with such a bad playing time to injury time ratio; he is better than Satele. The Trifecta has a knack for reducing injury time. I bet he makes at least 14 games next season. I am hoping for a full season.
It all comes down to the Contract.

It better be cheap. 2 mil tops

Still scatching my head on this one.

I don't care how good he is if he's not on the field they might have well signed one of us.....

Smiley, ANOTHER injury prone player.

Another year of him not being available for 1/4 to 1/3 of the season, we'll be pounding the street looking to fill that spot again and dealing most likely with even high wages scale in the future.

Now we have another " paper lion ",

I hope it works but this organization is throwing the dice in areas which are surprising the hell out of me.

Grove Starts

Smiley starts


And these guys are Not getting any younger.
I'm not one to criticise this staff, but I got to say I'm a little shocked at this kind of strategy from our experts............
I hope the trifecta knows that Grove was a major bust in Oakland....


Not really the OL addition I was expecting or hoping for, but I guess he's all we could afford right now. Unless Sparano is able to turn on a light that Grove has yet to find, I don't think he'll be here very long. He's also not a very reliable player in terms of staying healthy...

I'd even consider Grove a downgrade at this stage....

Are people in this thread really saying that "yea the guy may play only THIS many games" but he is an upgrade no matter . . . that is homerism at its finest. If people who agree with the signing but also agree he may only play less than 16 games . . . than I don't like this signing.

I haven't watched much of Grove . . . but I remember him from college and the draft. Hell of a Center back then. Still at a reasonable age. 5 years 25 million would hurt because we could have just spent the extra on Brown IMO.
I hope the trifecta knows that Grove was a major bust in Oakland....


Not really the OL addition I was expecting or hoping for, but I guess he's all we could afford right now. Unless Sparano is able to turn on a light that Grove has yet to find, I don't think he'll be here very long. He's also not a very reliable player in terms of staying healthy...

I'd even consider Grove a downgrade at this stage....

you hope the trifecta know? im pretty sure they know and know more than anybody on this board. we just have to wait and see how grove turns out . will the trifecta make mistakes yes thier human. when parcells was rumored to be leaving everybody was panicking, parcells stays and everyone questions the moves hes making. erenst was a mistake so far but what did it really cost us. the staff is adding depth to the team with moves like grove now satale can be a back up guard,centre, in on the wild cat as the extra blocker
Who is this NFL source that the Herald is getting the info from, I wonder. I have looked at the Dolphins site, and and none have the info that we signed Grove.
Who is this NFL source that the Herald is getting the info from, I wonder. I have looked at the Dolphins site, and and none have the info that we signed Grove.

Funny thing is . . . his visit wasn't scheduled until today.
:confused: Doesnt sound like a good singing to me. This is the first time I have doubted the Trifecta. We just signed a guy who is the same height and weight, 5 years older, than our starting center, and is injury prone.. This very confusing seeing we wanted someone much bigger than Satele, so why do we go after this guy.
At the very least its good for depth purposes, especially if he stays healthy and starts at C. If Satele can make the move to guard, I feel better about the OL situation.
To tell you the truth it would make more sense to me that Grove came and went without a contract.

We want to build a strong tuff and yes Reliable offensive line not a "Mash Unit".
At any price........
At the very least its good for depth purposes, especially if he stays healthy and starts at C.

Sure, if he stays healthy he'll be great for depth purposes. Do you think that's the reason he was signed??...

If Satele can make the move to guard, I feel better about the OL situation.

Well, you're placing your well being in the hands of a lot of "if's". Good luck with that. I sure wish I had as much faith in this move as you do....

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