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Merged: Matt Leinart

go back to liking ur Bruins ur wagon hoper :D

but seriosuly, Matt is a good College QB, but wasnt Vinny Testaverde, Jason White, and Timmy Chang?
FinFan90 said:
go back to liking ur Bruins ur wagon hoper :D

but seriosuly, Matt is a good College QB, but wasnt Vinny Testaverde, Jason White, and Timmy Chang?

Vinny wasnt a horrible nfl qb just not a good one ;)
but seriosuly, Matt is a good College QB, but wasnt Vinny Testaverde, Jason White, and Timmy Chang?<<<<<<<<

this isnt even an argument....what kind of statement is that??? so basically anytime someone is good in college you can say "what about so and so werent they a good college _____" .... doesnt make any sense...
waypoint said:
I'm not quite sure about everyone else, but the parts of your post that I highlighted in bold, and underlined might have had something to do with some of the negativity your recieving.

It was a pretty decent write up. I may not agree with all of it, but it was still good nonetheless.

Maybe next time try just giving your opinions on the subject instead of throwing in the snide remarks about people here. Even though you named no names, I'm pretty sure it might have turned some people off.

Afterall, these are nothing more than YOUR opinions, as are the ones who think he might be a bust.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

uhm ok.... but isnt that right in the preface of my thread??? does it not say the following will be an analysis from an SC fan?? the people I was referring to would have no reason to read my analysis as they themselves have already formed there own opinion. My thread is for those who dont know much about leinart and who are, in my opinion, being misled by posters who havent seen much of leinart in forming there opinion. BTW I dont have a problem with people's negativity at all... in fact if someone cant make a decent argument against my points and has to resort to correcting my spelling or things of that sort than it just goes further to prove my point.... thanx for looking out though....

Can I look out for you one more time? No offense but reading the post's the way you quote them is hard on the eyes. Use the reply with the quote button at the bottom of each post.

My point was that this thread had the makings of a real good thread, but to me you could have left out the "I'm going to tell you guys the real scoop because I know what I'm talking about and anyone else don't know didly".

Going right into the comparisons would have proven you did some homework, and spoke for itself. No need to pat yourself on the back with one hand while slapping someone else in the back with the other. Let us read it, then figure out that it's worthy. Not that my opinion matters though......
waypoint said:
but seriosuly, Matt is a good College QB, but wasnt Vinny Testaverde, Jason White, and Timmy Chang?<<<<<<<<

this isnt even an argument....what kind of statement is that??? so basically anytime someone is good in college you can say "what about so and so werent they a good college _____" .... doesnt make any sense...

im not agreeing with you or dissagreein with you im just saying (and it has happened before) that overhyped players rnt good in teh nfl. its all im saying i knwo he is a great QB
All of these QBs right now are going to improve anyway come draft time. They will all gain arm strength too. Leinart's arm right now is stronger than Brady's was before the 2000 draft, that's for sure...
Leinart is really really good, that's all I can say, however it's just a question of how much you give up for him.

As for the arm strength thing, he's got a stronger arm than Brady had coming out of school. Leinart's arm will improve by the combine and it'll always be good not great. He's fine in that respect. His arm is stronger than Alex Smith's.
Being a USC fan I feel that I'm qualified :chuckle: to critique his comparison of Carson & Matt

ACCURACY- Carson was a VERY streaky QB at USC when it came to accuracy. SC fans and coaches always expected alot of carson, even as a freshman but he was prone to going through extended periods of inaccuracy right up until midway through his senior year. It took carson awhile to get get the idea of putting the right kind of "touch" on certain throws. Even now when I watch carson I see a couple throws that he still struggles with his touch on. As for Leinert, in my book, he is the king of the touch thrown. What he does so well, is put the ball where he only gives his reciever a chance to catch it. He is also a master at being able to throw the ball to places where he can hit his reciever in stride, which in turn gives the WR a chance to make plays down the field after the catch. Matt is simply the best I have ever seen at this at USC or almost anywhere else... he is the most accurate QB at his age I have probably ever seen ....

Over his career Leinart has been more accurate, & yes, in Carson's first 4 years he was very streaky with his accuracy. But the year that counts the most is his senior year. He was lights out with his deep & intermediate passes. As for touch passes, of course Leinart is better with those since that is the majority of what he throws because he doesn't anywhere near the arm that Carson does, as you said.

INTELLIGENCE/DECISION MAKING- This was the biggest downfall for carson at USC as almost any true trojan fan will tell you. Carson could make the big play and then on the next play make a throwing a decision that would almost make you choke on your bratwurst. It was something as a fan, that would always be in the back of your mind in any SC game with carson at QB.

This is true of his freshman, sophomore, RS sophomore, & RS junior years, but again, the season where it counts the most, the season where you show off your development as a QB he was about as smart as you could get. Having to learn 3 offenses in 4 years & being hurt most of one stunts the development.

there would be almost no doubt he was gonna thrown for close to 300 yeard with a couple TD'S (especially his jr and sr years)

Carson struggled his junior year with the learning curve of Norm Chow's offense. If I remember correctly he only threw 300+ yards once & 2+ TDs a hand full of times.

i think palmers stats are skewed because of the competition cincinnati has played. against the only real team he looked lost

LOL, WTF are you talking about? He's had a QB rating of 100+ in 11 of his past 12 games. He's done this vs Baltimore, Chicago, & Jacksonville this year, each have better defenses than Pittsburgh, plus Green Bay who has a top 10 D. Then last year vs Baltimore & New England to start the streak. Carson is simply the best or next to best QB in the NFL (Peyton).
SMadison29 said:
Being a USC fan I feel that I'm qualified :chuckle: to critique his comparison of Carson & Matt

Over his career Leinart has been more accurate, & yes, in Carson's first 4 years he was very streaky with his accuracy. But the year that counts the most is his senior year. He was lights out with his deep & intermediate passes. As for touch passes, of course Leinart is better with those since that is the majority of what he throws because he doesn't anywhere near the arm that Carson does, as you said.

This is true of his freshman, sophomore, RS sophomore, & RS junior years, but again, the season where it counts the most, the season where you show off your development as a QB he was about as smart as you could get. Having to learn 3 offenses in 4 years & being hurt most of one stunts the development.

Carson struggled his junior year with the learning curve of Norm Chow's offense. If I remember correctly he only threw 300+ yards once & 2+ TDs a hand full of times.

LOL, WTF are you talking about? He's had a QB rating of 100+ in 11 of his past 12 games. He's done this vs Baltimore, Chicago, & Jacksonville this year, each have better defenses than Pittsburgh, plus Green Bay who has a top 10 D. Then last year vs Baltimore & New England to start the streak. Carson is simply the best or next to best QB in the NFL (Peyton).

So how do you Leinart developing then SMAD?
He's always been smart so his decision making can't really be question. You can see that he has come back his senior year to work on his arm strength & it shows every now & again, but IMO he's not in the same class as Carson, Peyton, or Eli coming out. He or Reggie should be #1 & #2, but Leinart is anything but a sure thing like the other 3.
SMadison29 said:
He's always been smart so his decision making can't really be question. You can see that he has come back his senior year to work on his arm strength & it shows every now & again, but IMO he's not in the same class as Carson, Peyton, or Eli coming out. He or Reggie should be #1 & #2, but Leinart is anything but a sure thing like the other 3.

This is going to surprise you, but the QB I could see doing surprisingly well in this offense if he ever stayed healthy is Rex Grossman. Yes overall I agree he just doesn't have the physical skills of two of those two and well Peyton is Peyton, but he can be better in my mind than Tom Brady.
I hope there is no way we get Leinart.

I think he is going to be a huge bust. I don't think he has the arm strenght to make it in the nfl. Personally with all the talent USC has I think I could throw well if I was USC's QB. Maybe even Gus could throw well with all that talent. Then again it is Gus?
I think Leinart will be good in the NFL, but he's not a "Franchise" QB like everyone says he is. I think his success in the pros will depend entirely on the system he is placed in.(and I don't think he fits ours)
Ronnieisabeast said:
I think he is going to be a huge bust. I don't think he has the arm strenght to make it in the nfl. Personally with all the talent USC has I think I could throw well if I was USC's QB. Maybe even Gus could throw well with all that talent. Then again it is Gus?

i agree i would rather have vince young
id rather not have a rookie QB ever

Leinart wont be succesful, Young will be a star QB but not in our system
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