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MERGED: Official NHL Thread

pigskinguy said:
Care to back all the above jibberish up with a nice friendly wager. Whatever you want, cuz I have no worries about losing.

well we'd have to see if the Flyers and Sens meet in the playoffs
" Todd Bertuzzi could be on his way to the New York Rangers, says the Rocky Mountain News, though the paper doesn't mention who might be heading to Vancouver in return. The Rangers do have room under the cap, with a player or two heading to Vancouver, to accomodate such a trade. The paper also notes that Dominic Moore, brother of Steve, plays for the Rangers. The Edmonton Journal throws the Florida Panthers into the Beruzzi mix, suggesting that Nathan Horton and Mike Van Ryn would get the Panthers in the ballpark
Slappy8800 said:
" Todd Bertuzzi could be on his way to the New York Rangers, says the Rocky Mountain News, though the paper doesn't mention who might be heading to Vancouver in return. The Rangers do have room under the cap, with a player or two heading to Vancouver, to accomodate such a trade. The paper also notes that Dominic Moore, brother of Steve, plays for the Rangers. The Edmonton Journal throws the Florida Panthers into the Beruzzi mix, suggesting that Nathan Horton and Mike Van Ryn would get the Panthers in the ballpark

I'm sure the last thing Bertuzzi needs is to be put in the media capital of the world where he can be investigated as the biggest goon in the league for his cheap hit on Steve Moore. But why would the Canucks do it? Who could the Rangers give them that they could use as a Bertuzzi caliber player and continue to have the success they've had this year and in recent years. Especially after they just beat one of the best teams in Hockey.
i dont know....i dont want him anywhere NEAR MSG...if he does get traded here, i will make it a personal mission to do to him what he did to steve moore, Dmonic Moore's brother, mark messier's nephew. Just when i thought Sather was getting smart.....god i hate him too
QB2RonnieTD23 said:
That's uh....not what happened the last time these teams met.

I'm no homer, the Flyers when healthy are the BEST team in the Eastern Conference, PERIOD. I dont care about the emergence of the Sens or their 4,000 year old relic in net. IF we get all our players back healthy on the ice there isn't a team that will stop us getting back to the Cup Finals, the question is will we get healthy? Forsberg and Esche are back today but now Gagne is out 2 weeks. Primeau, Dejardins and Pitkanen are also out for a while and Turner Stevenson hasn't been able to consistently remain in the lineup all season. 16-7 is an impressive mark for this Flyers team right now considering what they have already had to deal with. We'd be better than that if the depth we had at defenseman was a hell of a lot more than lousy Chris Therien. After the Olympic break when the Flyer players should be healthy i look for them to show why they are the best team in the east.

While the joy in my heart proceeds itself to see how many of you have hopped on the Senators bangwagon. You neglect to see at how Physical the Flyers are, how well coached the Flyers are and how good the Flyers FANS are. Loud enough ESPECIALLY come playoff time to take over a game. I reiterate, if the Flyers were healthy they would beat the Sens in 6 games in a playoff series.

I think that tells me you are more of a homer then I thought.
QB2RonnieTD23 said:
I'm sure the last thing Bertuzzi needs is to be put in the media capital of the world where he can be investigated as the biggest goon in the league for his cheap hit on Steve Moore. But why would the Canucks do it? Who could the Rangers give them that they could use as a Bertuzzi caliber player and continue to have the success they've had this year and in recent years. Especially after they just beat one of the best teams in Hockey.

I hope you did not just say Bertuzzi is the biggest goon in hockey because he is FAR from the biggest goon in hockey. CNN and other uninformed media outlets call him that. The guy made a big mistake. I could debate the Steve Moore incident to death but that has been done already.

On the topic of Bertuzzi getting traded. I think if a team can get him now, whole his value is lower then it could be, I'd trade for the guy in a second.

He needs a change. When he is healthy (which I don't think he is right now) and motivated (always an interesting dillema with him) the guy is a DOMINANT player.
Bertuzzi and Dominick Moore on the same team?

Rangers should stay away.
name a bigger goon that bertuzzi? hes a POS and shouldnt be in the league.
Slappy8800 said:
name a bigger goon that bertuzzi? hes a POS and shouldnt be in the league.

He should'nt be in the league? Why? The Moore incident? The ONLY reason this is still an issue is because Moore was injured on the play. That is a big thing of course. It was viscious to say the least BUT Bertuzzi paid the price.

He got suspended for the balance of the season (12 games if I remember correctly), the playoffs (7 games) and lost over $500,000 in salary. He also missed a chance to play in the World Cup and could not play overseas because the IIHF upholds NHL suspensions. He's also getting sued and will have to pay a large judgement to Steve Moore.

It is all about the injury. If Steve Moore gets up after the play it is a non issue.

Look at what Matt Johnson did to Jeff Beukeboom. Ended his career on a punch that was a lot worse then what Bertuzzi did to Moore. Johnson got 12 games.

Gary Suter crosschecked Paul Kariya in the face, sending Kariya to the pressbox for a calender year. He got three games.

Tie Domi suckered Scott Neidermeyer the same way Bertuzzi got Moore. the ONLY difference is Neidermeyer did'nt have 3 guys land on him when he fell.

Ulf Samuelson made a living ending people's careers. Pierre Mondue for example. Cam Neely had to work his *** off for 2 years to come back from an Ulf cheap shot and had to retire 5 years too early because of it.

What happened to Moore was unfortunate. Bertuzzi should not have done it BUT there are MANY other's to blame for the incident besides Bertuzzi:

Gart Bettman - He brought in the instigator rule. It allows borderline NHL players (Steve Moore is an example of this) to runaround a take liberties against the game superstars without fear of retribution.

An incident just like that (a borderline NHLer taking runs at superstars) led to all the crap that happened. If the instigator rule did not exist, Moore would have had to fight on the night he elbowed Markus Nasland in the face and everything would have ended that night.

The NHL - Besides the instigator rule the NHL does NOTHING to protect it's stars. The night Moore ran Naslund and gave him a concusion Markus was the league leader in scoring. Can you seed the NBA allowing some 3rd string guard to take out Allen Iverson without some kind of fine/suspension or both?

Tony Granato - He had Moore on the ice. When the game is 8-2 in the third period and the Canucks are looking to get him why is he on the ice? He should not have seen a shift for the balance of the game. The situation was volotile and he threw fire on it.

Marc Crawford - See Tony Granato. Bertuzzi should not have been out there in an 8-2 hockey game.

Steve Moore - I'm not saying he is to blame for getting hurt. He is not. That being said, people act like he is an innocent babe of the woods. He is NOT. Only a week after his concussion hit on Naslund he laid another cheap shot on Martin St. Louis that got him a warning from the NHL. He was beginning to get a rep for what he was...a marginal player who was getting by with clutching, grabbing and dirty play.

I feel sorry for Steve Moore. He might never play again. That being said, he was'nt guarenteed a roster spot anywhere to begin with. The only reason he was in the league was because the Av's had 5 regular forwards out with injuries.

Saying Bertuzzi is a cheap POS who should'nt be in the league is uneducated and sounds like something, someone who has never watched a hockey game would say to be honest.

The guy has only been suspened one other time by the NHL (leaving the bench during a brawl). He served his suspension and paid his fine...that is all he is expected to do. I'm sure he feels as bad as ANYONE about what happened.
I got season tickets to the Calgary Flames, and all I can say is what I've seen the last month is, the cup is going to have to come through Calgary again, we are playing with some determination.

Just got back from the game tonight, we beat the mighty sens 2-1
KTownsDolphins said:
I got season tickets to the Calgary Flames, and all I can say is what I've seen the last month is, the cup is going to have to come through Calgary again, we are playing with some determination.

Just got back from the game tonight, we beat the mighty sens 2-1

Just finished watching it...the Flames look good. The only question I have is will they be able to play the style they play all year.

I have to say my opinion Dion Phaneuf is going to be the best defenseman in hockey in 3 years. I hope Gretz picks him for the #7 defensman spot on Team Canada, the experience will be great for him because he'll be the #1 guy on the 2010 team.
Slappy8800 said:
name a bigger goon that bertuzzi? hes a POS and shouldnt be in the league.
Bert's going to take Jagr's lunch money on Tuesday.....count on it.:lol:
unifiedtheory said:
I have to say my opinion Dion Phaneuf is going to be the best defenseman in hockey in 3 years. I hope Gretz picks him for the #7 defensman spot on Team Canada, the experience will be great for him because he'll be the #1 guy on the 2010 team.
I said those very words just tonight.:D
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