Merged: WR Kevin Johnson cut by Browns! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: WR Kevin Johnson cut by Browns!

Originally posted by Muck

According to Butch Davis, underachiever and malcontent.

Sounds like he will fit right in with the rest of our underachiever. :(
He would be a stunning midseason pickup if he dropped to us. However, he will never dawn a Miami uniform this year and we can't even egt the ball out of the qb's hands with this putrid O-line so I don't see him contributing even if he did.
he will end up a redskin you wait and see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats what we need kevin johnson another average reciever HELLO anybody pay attention to kendall newson sunday in 1 game he showed he was better than derrius we dont need kj we need some freakin lineman and our billion dollar defense to start playin like their paid for christ sake they give up 31 points play like you are paid their is to much talent to give up that many points zach or no zach!
Originally posted by tenndolfan4ever
kendall newson is better than derrius and kevin johnson sir!

He's probably as good as Thompson right now. Maybe better.
Originally posted by Samphin
He would be a stunning midseason pickup if he dropped to us. However, he will never dawn a Miami uniform this year and we can't even egt the ball out of the qb's hands with this putrid O-line so I don't see him contributing even if he did.

I am sorry, but I will have to correct you. The ball has been coming out of our Qb's hands over the last 2 games with this offense. Normally as INT or fumbles....

Sorry, I should not be so negative, but its the mischievous side of me...

I have the Faith that the TOs will be solved and get better within the next few weeks.


I would love to pick up this guy - But, does anyone seriously believe that Wanny will pick up a guy that Butch Davis thinks is a malcontent?

Wanny is too much a part of the "buddy system" of JJ coaches. If one of them says a guy is bad news, he's not going to touch him.

It's not very smart, but it's DW. That's who he is. Won't think outside the box.
I had Johnson and Northcutt on my fantasy team(took the reigns of the team over from a friend of mine...that boy cannot draft!) and Ill tell you Northcutt is awesome! I ended up dropping Johnson because he never played consistanly. Still didnt expect him to be cut though. surprise
johnson is similar to terry glenn/bledsoe in that he really had a groove with couch, but holcumb is more in tune with northcutt and davis, like brady was with brown/patten, therefore pretty much making johnson expendable because of his locker room attitude
What I heard is that he was benched last week, and then he was cut........doesn't is sound a little weird after being an average WR on a not so decent team.

I think someone has some 'tude problems.

Seems like it would be a Cris Carter of this year to me.

How about giving our regulars a chance, aka Simmons, Tolver, or how about throwing to Chambers a little more often????
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