MERGEDX8: Tom Brady out for season with torn ACL/Placed on IR | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGEDX8: Tom Brady out for season with torn ACL/Placed on IR

Any chance the Patsies would like to part with a 7th rounder for JOHN BECK.......:lol: LMFAO!!! Wouldnt it be great to send them Beck and Casel go down and they ACTUALLY HAVE TO PLAY BECK!!!! Against us too!! :lol: It would be great!!

You are truly obsessed. You have my pity.
Feel sorry for Pats fans?? Screw that noise, dont remember any of them coming in here giving condolences when we lost RB for the season. Sure I feel bad for Brady as a person getting injured, but as a football player for a rival of my team....not so much. As someone has already said in the thread Karma....gets ya everytime. It's about time it got them.
F those F-ers.... with all the luck they have, i just hope it's not "bledsoe-gets-hurt-and-a-noname-emerges" situation again ...
That changes the landscape of the AFC....

I was telling my step dad that. He was watchin the Sunday night game and i said wow, theres going to be a new force in the AFC this year, and he just pointed to the tv at the colts. Could it be a Manning Trifecta?! I would honestly love to see that.
F Tom Brady and the cheating Pats! After all the chit they pull, why would anyone feel bad?
Why of all the football related things I wished for this weekend did THAT had to be the one that came true? Oh well, I've only been asking for this one for 4 years now.

Ive always thought Brady was completely overrated. This will finally prove me an idiot or prove me right. I've always said anyone could step in to the pats offense and have them win 10 games. He's just always gotten 100% of the credit for the success and I think that's BS. As much as I loathe the pats they been a complete unit.
lmfao just luck Tom the lord works in masterious ways lol! comeon u know we all rooted to see him crushed in The BIG BOWL lol no maybe he can pay his child support! as you can see not a preety boy brady fan.
I'm embarrassed by some of the fans here. Just pathetic. The guy is a human being first; being a football player is his job. Don't start taking cheap shots at the player with a severe injury on his knee that if not treated properly, could effect him for the rest of his life.

This is bigger than football people.

Hope Brady takes care of this and I wish him a speedy recovery. I know this may not sound like the bestest news for the Patriots' organization and fans, but atleast you should feel fortunate that this injury happened this early in the season, giving him more time to rehab and everything, and should be ready for training camp next offseason. Just imagine how devestating it would have been to have this injury late in the season or during the post season? You wouldn't have him healthy enough to even put him on your roster for 2009.
I'm embarrassed by some of the fans here. Just pathetic. The guy is a human being first; being a football player is his job. Don't start taking cheap shots at the player with a severe injury on his knee that if not treated properly, could effect him for the rest of his life.

This is bigger than football people.

Hope Brady takes care of this and I wish him a speedy recovery. I know this may not sound like the bestest news for the Patriots' organization and fans, but atleast you should feel fortunate that this injury happened this early in the season, giving him more time to rehab and everything, and should be ready for training camp next offseason. Just imagine how devestating it would have been to have this injury late in the season or during the post season? You wouldn't have him healthy enough to even put him on your roster for 2009.

Oh please, the dude's won 3 Super Bowls. He's done enough to have a HOF career. Let 'em take the year off, I certainly won't complain.
I'm embarrassed by some of the fans here. Just pathetic. The guy is a human being first; being a football player is his job. Don't start taking cheap shots at the player with a severe injury on his knee that if not treated properly, could effect him for the rest of his life.

This is bigger than football people.

Hope Brady takes care of this and I wish him a speedy recovery. I know this may not sound like the bestest news for the Patriots' organization and fans, but atleast you should feel fortunate that this injury happened this early in the season, giving him more time to rehab and everything, and should be ready for training camp next offseason. Just imagine how devestating it would have been to have this injury late in the season or during the post season? You wouldn't have him healthy enough to even put him on your roster for 2009.

I don't think fans are happy that the man is hurting. It is coming entirely from a football perspective.

The AFC East has undergone such a transformation this year. Really, 3 teams have a legitimate shot at the division title now.
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