Miami and X Made a Deal. | Page 19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami and X Made a Deal.

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NFL players are not stocks. It's not about maximizing player value, its putting a good team on the field. This team was 10-6 last year and is in that rare window where they have a possible franchise QB playing on a rookie contract. There is no way this team is better without Howard, a true game changer, on the field. You trade Howard for future assets, you're basically punting a good portion of the team's championship window.
NFL players are assets and any asset has defined values for defined periods of time (nominally). It is a given at this time HOWARD will begin to enter the declining part of this career after this year.

Championship window I believe is NOT this year, next year is when I believe that window opens. Playoff team yes, Super Bowl winner, I would not wager it and I'm a fan.
NFL players are assets and any asset has defined values for defined periods of time (nominally). It is a given at this time HOWARD will begin to enter the declining part of this career after this year.

Championship window I believe is NOT this year, next year is when I believe that window opens. Playoff team yes, Super Bowl winner, I would not wager it and I'm a fan.

Gotta strike while the iron is hot.

Championship window is until Tua is wanting another contract, gotta keep the team intact until he's up for a new contract.
NFL players are assets and any asset has defined values for defined periods of time (nominally). It is a given at this time HOWARD will begin to enter the declining part of this career after this year.

Championship window I believe is NOT this year, next year is when I believe that window opens. Playoff team yes, Super Bowl winner, I would not wager it and I'm a fan.
SB part will depend on k.c ravens,bills,browns Tennessee...maybe Steelers..
As a fan, the money, principals and ethics are second.
How many times have we let players walk.
This move added 2 wins to our season. That is the bottom line
My main concerns were that we'd fold like little bitches and trade a second pro bowl DB with little leverage into the exact situation they wanted. Or we'd completely fold in contract negotiations.

This restructure is perfectly reasonable to me, and I was somone that was not expecting to be pleased with the outcome here.

Good job Grier/Flo in holding strong
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well I had a feeling this was going to happen , x really meant what he said when I saw him that day in Ft lauderdale . He wanted to stay in Miami, he always wanted to stay . He has been mentoring Igbo all off season . He didn’t really want much and it’s apparent from the restructuring .

All of you slandering the man , calling him not a team player owe him an apology . Nobody really knows what’s going on but your so quick to tear him down after he produces pro bowl like numbers . Unreal , don’t understand it .

It's not just what "X" said, it's what he wrote down and published on his own initiative. You know, where he said "... he didn't understand the contract". The fact that he contradicted what he said earlier isn't a clarification, it's an outright contradiction. This man is immature, not too smart and dishonest. No one cornered him to make him say all that dumb stuff. He did it on his own volition. The man showed himself to be a liar and that he is a self- aggrandizing personality. None of that works in his favor.

I do hold him responsible for his public proclamations.

I took him at his word, not some pretenders interpretation of his word.

To the Dolphins credit, they ignored those aspects of his personality and came up with a contract that had only a minimal effect on the cap, but guaranteed his performance with bonuses; which means if he doesn't perform he doesn't get paid.

They also addressed this malcontent's pension for wanting new contracts before the current contract is completed by assuring there will be a new contract next year. If "X" does not exceed all his goals he will have no basis for asking for more money. This takes the "other guy is making more than me" argument off the table.

In coming up with this contract they let the player bet on himself while hedging that bet in case he fails. Not a bad idea for a contract. Very team friendly, without putting undue requirements on the player. If the player doesn't like the requirements he doesn't have to sign here. That is what Free Agency is all about; no contractual obligations remain between the player and the club. I bet this type of contract will become the "boiler plate" for all new contracts and extensions by the Dolphins.

This lets a team effectively plan for the future as players progress and enter free agency. That also eliminates the complaint of "I'm so good so why did they draft or pick up a Free agent that plays my position" off the table. If you are really that good, free agency will take care of you and if you aren't that good, your history.

Money talks, bulls**t walks - LOL
Then what kind of crime did he commit? - LOL
Well, had be assaulted 24 women like Antonio Brown and DeShaun Watson, or was into Aaron Hernandez type trouble it would have crossed the ethics line for me. Far as I can tell he just wanted a raise. No crime in that. **** him for making this a thing and giving me indigestion since it started !!!
I realize this is irrelevant news, but thought I would throw in this article about Patrick Robinson retiring for the Saints. They are very thin at DB. And I wouldn't be surprised if they were one of the two "playoff" teams that may/may not have inquired when the X saga was playing out:

Patrick Robinson retiring

Again, I'm not saying the Saints new about Robinson retiring then. But I believe their prior situation would have already had them looking.

Good timing we got our drama resolved. Else this may have gotten interesting.
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