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Miami and X Made a Deal.

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Such utter nonsense.

How can ANYONE outplay a 5 year contract in year 1? Let alone the contract that was the top paying contract at the time he signed.

X is a top 5, some would argue top 3 CB -- no doubt. Unless teams are allowed to keep the player on contract but change the terms down when a player gets injured or has an off year, players shouldn't be allowed to break the contract up when the have a great year. Odds are, even as great a player as X is, he's unlikely to match last year.

Teams end contracts every year by releasing players.

Its not like he asked for an additional 7 years guaranteed or to rework the entire contract. He just wanted to ensure money was guaranteed vs non guaranteed.

This should have never made its way to the public. If the team just took care of this early behind the scenes noone would be saying anything negative about it.
Teams end contracts every year by releasing players.

Its not like he asked for an additional 7 years guaranteed or to rework the entire contract. He just wanted to ensure money was guaranteed vs non guaranteed.

This should have never made its way to the public. If the team just took care of this early behind the scenes noone would be saying anything negative about it.

If you were to dig up one of my first posts on the subject, I wrote something to the effective of "If X had kept things in-house, Miami could have giving him some form of a bonus with 'he had a super star year and we're going to guarantee next year (or 2)' and both sides would have won". With that being said, once X went public, I was 100% on the teams side.

As for "it's not like he asked for an additional 7 years guaranteed", how do you know? Miami never said anything. All you have it X's side from X.
If you were to dig up one of my first posts on the subject, I wrote something to the effective of "If X had kept things in-house, Miami could have giving him some form of a bonus with 'he had a super star year and we're going to guarantee next year (or 2)' and both sides would have won". With that being said, once X went public, I was 100% on the teams side.

As for "it's not like he asked for an additional 7 years guaranteed", how do you know? Miami never said anything. All you have it X's side from X.
All I know is I wanted that guy playing for us and nothing else. I’m glad it’s done. The Fins stayed classy the entire time once it went public, from Flores saying things like “it’s a unique situation” to “there’s a way to make it work” etc. He never took a shot / he and the FO were the “bigger people” than X and his agent. All that said, just intercept a lot of balls and cover guys all over the field, X!
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