MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!! | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!!

I'm a Braves fan. First, Atlanta does have bad fans . . . but I would not call them the worst in sports. Somebody made the comment about Miami being a melting pot. Atlanta is very similar. It's filled with people NOT from there. You want to talk about TRUE Braves/Falcons fans . . . drive out of the city a ways. One of the big problems for Atlanta is that the traffic is so horendous it scares a lot of people away from games. People from outside the city have little desire to drive all the way in, watch a game, and then spend 2 hours sitting in traffic just to get on the interstate.

As for Phins games, they do seem quiet. Unfortunately, I can't say that I have ever been to a home game. I'm not sure how to explain it. A lot of times when the cameras pan over the crowd, it's a bunch of older people not making ANY noise.

Worst fans = Philly . . . hands down, no questions asked. For all the talk I hear about them being behind their teams, I have definitely seen them leave early from games. I've also seen them boo their own team more times than I can count. They cheer when opposing players get injured. They are rude and torment the opposing team. There was an article in the paper just this week talking about Phillies fans. Five got kicked out of a game for non-stop cussing at the Diamondback's bullpen. EVERY team that has played there has complained about the fans afterwards. Some of you might consider that being a "devoted" fan, but I call it classless and an embarassment. That city does not deserve a championship . . . in any sport. There, I said it. I'm sorry to all you Philly supporters. I know it's not everyone that acts like that, but it really casts a bad light upon your city . . . and I cannot believe that sort of obnoxious behavior is tolerated by the rest of you. In fact, I sometimes get the feeling as if you all have embraced that stereotype. I just don't get it . . .
DolFinatic718 said:
I actually go to phillly fairly often and the enthusiam that city has for their team whether good or bad, losing or winning is amazing!!!

Yup, it's enthusiasm like this that gives them such elite standing among sports fans. :tongue:
Dolfan954 said:
I knew a thread like this would pop up somewhere...

Yeah, a lot of members post negative foolishness here, but to say that they and the media represents the ENTIRE population of Miami fans is ridiculous.

The Marlins argument is weak. I'm tired of hearing about it. The national media always puts a negative spin on it. We never had baseball here until '93, and it started to catch on somewhat, we win the World Series in '97...then the team is stripped apart. Then we're supposed to still support them even though ownership showed NO commitment to winning? Everytime a player got better, they traded him because of payroll concerns. What kind of team is that to root for?

Imagine going through this....."My favorite player is Kevin Brown..oh wait, they traded him for a scrub minor leaguer...okay well I still like Edgar Rentaria (sp?)...he's gone too? Umm, Gary Sheffield is still worth paying to go see..oh they traded him for a pack of cigarettes. That's okay. Let's go out to the ballpark anyway and root for that #24 kid who just came up from AAA..whoever he is."

Then, finally, they put a team together again, and NOW you're seeing good's funny how fan support changes when the people in charge actually show a commitment to winning. Part of the reason there wasn't much support before is because the fans didn't know if the Marlins would even be around.

This is one of the many reasons we all hate NY fans...your snobbish attitude. NY fans always want to come down from the mountain with tablets and declare us bad fans. Typical. :rolleyes:

:shakeno: u need a hug

Frayser said:
Worst fans = Philly . . . hands down, no questions asked. For all the talk I hear about them being behind their teams, I have definitely seen them leave early from games. I've also seen them boo their own team more times than I can count. They cheer when opposing players get injured. They are rude and torment the opposing team. There was an article in the paper just this week talking about Phillies fans. Five got kicked out of a game for non-stop cussing at the Diamondback's bullpen. EVERY team that has played there has complained about the fans afterwards. .

I have to agree with you hands down.
I was 100% convinced that the lowest and classless fan base had to be the Jets fans UNTIL the Eagles game here in S. Florida last year.
These guys not only matched the rudeness of Jet fans but they take it a step further into flat out violence. There was an entire section..... not just one or two idiots but an entire group of Eagle fans in the upper deck that were chucking full beer bottles onto Dolphin fans below. It was simply unreal.
I have never seen anything like it. Jet fans are professionals at being obnoxious, rude and starting many scuffles in the bleachers but they take runner up honors for low class when Eagle fans are put in the mix as far as I'm concerned.
Finfan80 said:
I agree wholeheartedly, unfortunately, with some of the criticisms of Miami fans. It does start with the press, who get down on our guys very quickly with a "We're doomed! Doomed!" attitude. It does spill over to the fan base and the players. Also, as much as there are Dolphin fans country-wide, why is it that Jets games in Miami seem like they are in NY? What happened last season on Monday night vs. the Eagles, why were we outcheered so badly? Even in games where there are NOT large throngs of guys outcheering us it does seem that people leave too early and sit on their hands while there.
We have a good team! We should recognize that, maybe put a little passion into it. Part of being a fan is wishful thinking -there are better teams than the Dolphins, but when we play them I still think we will win

And to back up even more that it starts with the press you guys remember that "sit-down" Dave had with the press because he didn't appreciate the negativitythat was being printed in the papers?

I dont know how many other coaches in other cities have to do that for their team. And like i said all that does is create a trickle down effect, the media has a big enfluence on people.
Trekbiz said:
Once a New Yorker always a New Yorker!
Regardless of who they root for New Yorkers always ..... LAUGHABLY.... think they are better than the rest. Do all of us horrible fans in this horrible city a favor. Stay there in your beloved city and keep the rest of your arogant NY buddies there with you.

It always amazes me to hear all the NY'ers, who live here in S. FL. tell me how NY is the greatest place in the world to live although they moved! :lol: NY is the greatest city in the world yet NY'ers flocks out of their great city to move to S. Florida quicker than a prostitute would run out of church. :shakeno:


:confused: How does a post like this even make it through without being moderated? :confused: But whatever the case is, I'll just ignore you because your not worth a stimulating response. :cooldude:
Muck said:
Yup, it's enthusiasm like this that gives them such elite standing among sports fans. :tongue:

Like that hasn't been done around here. Just not on a public stage like Mcnab. That is understandable, if you want to draft a player that is available and your team doesnt, the fans have a right to voice their opinions.

That is totally different but thanks for the clip.

If you have been to philly then you would know what I am talking about, I dont care about what happen on that draft day.
Ross said:
Every year you hear about Fin's games in danger of being blacked out in Miami...


But how often does it actually happen??

The games always sell out. Even in the rare occasion when a game is blacked out (sold out, but didn't meet the Thursday deadline). For all the talk of the 2000 Indy blackout, the game was still a sellout....despite the fact that Indy mopped the floor with us 13 days earlier at The Pro.
Trekbiz said:
I have to agree with you hands down.
I was 100% convinced that the lowest and classless fan base had to be the Jets fans UNTIL the Eagles game here in S. Florida last year.
These guys not only matched the rudeness of Jet fans but they take it a step further into flat out violence. There was an entire section..... not just one or two idiots but an entire group of Eagle fans in the upper deck that were chucking full beer bottles onto Dolphin fans below. It was simply unreal.
I have never seen anything like it. Jet fans are professionals at being obnoxious, rude and starting many scuffles in the bleachers but they take runner up honors for low class when Eagle fans are put in the mix as far as I'm concerned.

Yea you are really smart, you have alot of nerve to call anybody a "idiot". Go back to school and learn how to summarize what you read. If you read my original post, which I know you did, nothing in it was about:

1. Attendance
2. Rudeness at a game
3. or fights

Yet you wasted your pointless time in posting about how eagle fans are the worst fans for this reason. A home Eagle's game is 10x louder then any home dolphins game. When sports analyst ask where is one of the worst most intimidating (because of the crowd) places to play, you will NEVER get the answer Pro Player Stadium.

But the point I was making was more about this site and the threads some people choose to post and just some things I have observed in my short time here. I will not argue that NY and philly have some rude people, but we are still great fans who stick by our teams. On this site on the other hand, I will need 4 hands to count the number of people on this team that people gripe about. Its pathetic.
I wouldn't say that Dolfans as a whole are the worst, but I would say that the local ones certainly take the team for granted. No matter if the game is a "sellout" and the weather is perfect and we've got an elite opponent, the stadium is always one-third empty at kickoff, half empty for the start of the second half, and often looks like a ghost town in the fourth quarter...even if the game is close. Plus they seem relatively unappreciative if the team is doing well and they want to off everybody from the owner down to the towelboy after a loss. The times I've gone to Miami road games, the other Dolfans are there early and support the team much more seriously.

But it doesn't have to be that way. UT fans have been notorious for treating football games like a ****tail party instead of a sporting event, so when Mack Brown showed up, he started the mantra, "Show up early. Stay late. Be loud. Wear orange." Maybe the marketing folks ought to start something like that to try to help our home-field advantage. With as many tickets as we sell, <Your Company Name Could Be Here> Stadium should be a more intimidating place to play than it is.
DolfanDaveInATX said:
I wouldn't say that Dolfans as a whole are the worst, but I would say that the local ones certainly take the team for granted. No matter if the game is a "sellout" and the weather is perfect and we've got an elite opponent, the stadium is always one-third empty at kickoff, half empty for the start of the second half, and often looks like a ghost town in the fourth quarter...even if the game is close. Plus they seem relatively unappreciative if the team is doing well and they want to off everybody from the owner down to the towelboy after a loss. The times I've gone to Miami road games, the other Dolfans are there early and support the team much more seriously.

But it doesn't have to be that way. UT fans have been notorious for treating football games like a ****tail party instead of a sporting event, so when Mack Brown showed up, he started the mantra, "Show up early. Stay late. Be loud. Wear orange." Maybe the marketing folks ought to start something like that to try to help our home-field advantage. With as many tickets as we sell, <Your Company Name Could Be Here> Stadium should be a more intimidating place to play than it is.

good point
What bothers me is the amount of threads that aren't much more than redundant waste of space. I mean, I could lump about 15 threads together here and make one gigantic "<insert name/title here> thread (unfortunately I can only log on at night these days, so it's useless for me to tackle the mountain of threads/posts sometimes).

Anyway, I think all the "realism" tends to be a buzzkill sometimes. Now I'm choosing my words carefully here. As an Admin, I do not want to give the impression that dissenting opinion is unwelcome here, because that is 100% not true. I'm just speaking as a fellow poster on this site. Call me a homer. Call me whatever you like. I just tire of the "realism" sometimes. And I feel some could temper it a bit.

By the same token, people shouldn't be bashed for not agreeing with the status quo. The lack of respect we seem to have for one another at times is disappointing. So that's something we can work on.

It's one thing to present yourself and your opinion in a coherent, respectable manner, But it's another to flail your arms about and hurl insults at the coach, players, organization, or your fellow posters. That gets you no respect. And it all but assures that the reader will disregard the valid points in your post.

Ok, I'll get off my little off topic soapbox now.
CirclingWagons said:
the majority of finfans in Miami could care less. Don't believe me?...go to a game, you could study for finals there.

Sadly, you're correct.

Most Fins fans only get hyped up for night games.
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