MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!! | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MIAMI: Worst fans in AMERICA!!!

DolFinatic718 said:
I am talking about Miami fans who are in Miami!!

Just to clear that up.

Please know a few few things about the people you criticize before you yap. You are just justifying what people from other states think of NY'ers.

1. A huge no. of So. Fla residents are your fellow NY'kers to begin w/ :rolleyes:

2.Did you know that a huge no. of those So. Fla residents are immigrants which are from countries that are soccer fans and don't care about the NFL?

3.The weather and location makes one have diferent interest other than Sports..... women, beach, clubs,fishing, women, jet ski, did I mention women? :D Having lived in both WNY and So. Fla. , I am able to compare. Unless you snow ski, all people talk about are work, weather and sports in cold winter states .

Because of 1 & 2 you know now that not a lot of finfans are from So. Fla and before you blast those that are , how the hell are you a so called true fan and haven't been to a single home game? If some fans can fly all the way from the West coast I don't think you have the right to call anyone out.
Two problems with this....
First.. you are a "die-hard" Dolphin fan, but you've never been to a home game? REGARDLESS of where you live (unless you are 13 yrs old) how can you love a team without EVER having gone to a home game? Especially when you can fly RT for under $200?

Second you being a "die hard" fan should include yourself in that "we" category you so mention. First you state that you are a fan, but then you state that "But I must say that you Miami fans are by far the worst!!!!! "
So are you a fan or not?

Not every fan is strictly on the negative side so don't generalize... and furthermore, the negative criticism has nothing to do with where you live.

One last point to all who bash on how a person should act when they attend a game.... until the time comes when you volunteer YOUR credit card # when it comes time to for me to pay for MY season tickets. Who really cares what your perception of a fan is. ITS ALL OPINIONS! And you know what they say about those....

DolFinatic718 said:
Hey how is everyone doing tonight? I have been trying to post a new thread ever since this new format was done and I just figured it out :confused: I know I'm clueless. But on to the reason I am posting this very true thread. I am a die hard Miami Dolphin fan who resides in the world renowned, world famous, mecca of sports, NEW YORK CITY. And living in new york city us fans have been known to be very harsh on our teams (Knicks, Jets, Giants, Rangers and yes even the Yankee's). But I must say that you Miami fans are by far the worst!!!!! :roflmao:

What I have notice about you guys which is the sad part is that its a trickle down effect. It starts off up top with the media!! :eek: Yup, these Miami based sports journalists are some of the worst around. And then you guys read them, believe them, and comeback to sites like these and post all kind of nonsense. Too many times i have come to this site first to see what you guys are talking about only to read the exact same words on a article posted by a journalist. :shakeno:

Now some of you might be reading this and shaking your heads in denial :shakeno: which is understandable because that of course is the first reaction of a guilty person. But this conclusion I have come to was thought out long and hard, and it all started with the Miami Marlins. I'm am in no way a baseball fan but I do enjoy how the Yanks seem to pull it off every year, with last year of course being the exception. But coming here on the regular last year I came across some threads about the Marlins. I even read some articles about the Marlins and heard a few things on WQAM and the biggest thing last year was the poor attendance you fans had for your beloved team. There were talks of selling the team, and how bad they were, and me not knowing no better believed what I read. Then out of nowhere, HEY THE MARLINS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS :eek: . I can remember the guys on WQAM saying "All we know is all you guys bashing this team before better not hope on the bandwaggon now." And guess what, you guys took heed, because even in the playoffs the Marlins attendance wasn't nothing to brag about, until the World Series.

After the Marlins won it all you bashers looked like bafoons and hid in your little corner until the coast was clear. But it wasn't you guys fault because like I said it all started with the media and you guys didnt know any better. I witnessed the samething with your Miami Heats. SAME EXACT THING. First it was "they suck, they suck, they suck" Now its a different story coming out of Miami.

Fortunately I like neither the Marlins or the Heat, but unfortunately for me, I do love my Miami Dolphins and because I do live in NY and have to read articles based in Miami I have to put up with constant nonsene, negative publicity, and quick judgements. It is very frustating but it is something I do put up with and deal with. Anyone who disagree's just look at what you guys have posted today and look at the articles posted by your Miami based journalist.

Hey its just something to think about and observe.


NY based Dolphin fan signing off!!! ;)

You're not really serious are you? That's the marketing people PAYING the Transportation people for advertising!!
Team Pride cost money!!!!

DolFinatic718 said:
I actually go to phillly fairly often and the enthusiam that city has for their team whether good or bad, losing or winning is amazing!!!

I was just blown away when i first went there and every city bus i seen said go Sixers (during basketball season) or go eagles. Thats real team pride for team right there. (And the sixers suck) lol
TheBostonBomber said:
I agree.............especially with all this crap I have been reading latley on the BEST FINS SITE EVER, some of u guys are really bad. The first sign of any bad news and 10 posts pop up about how "WANNY SUCKS!" "FEELEY SUCKS!" "OUR TEAM IS TO OLD" "ARE O-LINE SUCKS".

You guys ever hear about BELIEVING in your team instead of bashing every damn move they make and second guessing everything as if u know something that the FO doesn't.

I don't go to many other team sites, but I can't imagine a group of fans more utterly spineless then alot of u guys. You know who u are and u should be ashamed to call urself MIAMI DOLPHIN FANs. Recently, coming to this site and reading alot of the threads makes me so annoyed. Its no wonder why there is so much hostility on this board, all alot of u guys want to talk about is how bad we are going to be and how bad of a job the fo is doing..............always negative I swear...............makes me think that alot of the posters here are a bunch of people that always looks at there world in a negative way. Anything that is positive is disregarded but anything that is negative is analyzed with a microscope. And after the analyzing is done its on to the bitc*ing and moaning. Its like im posting with a bunch of little girls, that when they don't get there way, first thing they do is start crying.

In sure i will get alot of flack for this but i guess that is to be expected, considering what type of fans will be reponding in a NEGATIVE fasion(see above)
DolFinatic718 said:
1st off what has any team from Atlanta done worthy of much praise? We are not talking about the Atlanta Falcons here we are talking about the great franchise of the Miami Dolphins ( lets stay focus here).

Secondly the attendance for Marlins games during the regular season was pitiful to put nicely. Showing your a true fan doesn't start during the playoffs.

Thirdly Yankee fans are tremendous, and why shouldn't they be? They are the most spoiled fans in baseball in the last decade. Thats like saying the bulls fans were awful when Jordan and Pippen were winning everything. And your attendance argument has no merit and is based on speculation, remember you live in NY how do you know where most of the fans in Miami are from? And I have been down in Miami on a few occasions and I dont care how many names you can call Miami I dont know too many places more diverse then NY. So that argument for fan attendence is pure speculation. Like someone already posted, Hurricane games be jumping! And the columnist here are among the best around the world, I read the paper alot and even when the Knicks were doing bad there was always a ounce of optimism, thats what being a New Yorker (not Yawker) is all about.

Lastly I am not bashing my beloved die hard fans. I love the devotion they have for this team. I dont appreciate the ones looking for attention so they post nonsense, we all know who they are. If this doesn't apply to you you can just ignore it but as we already know, the majority of you here are guilty of pathetic negative threads, and anyone who has been here atleast a week will admit to it.

I think you are missing the $$$$$$ aspect of this. These franchises are business first and foremost. As you know, if they don't make money, they go to a place where they will. The bottom line is regardless of when the fans leave the game, be it in the 3rd or 4th quarter. The Phins still get paid! They are making their money.... Blackouts are business decisions to get people to purchase tickets and usually it works.

You can't compare Marlins to Yankees.... in a business sense, the Yankees are an upper eschelon team with a very high salary base. They pay the $$$$ to get the players to win the rings to pay the salaries to get people to watch the overpriced players and buy their merchandise so that they can afford to pay even higher salaries. After the Marlins won the first time, management did just the opposite of what the Yankees do every year. So Marlins owners have just begun to market their team in a way that may increase the business and the fan base as well.
I share your sentiment.... having been on this board for a couple of years, I've come to expect this type of cynicism in the offseason. It has become tradition to use Finheaven to vent the offseason frustrations. Its nothing more than apprehension for the upcoming season.

F150&Dolfan said:
I had gotten to the point where I hardly ever read or respond to all of the negative Dolphins threads that show up on this message board a long time ago this off season. I use finheaven mostly for DOLPHIN NEWS and not the poetic insight of many of our more pessimistic posters. As die hard Dolphins fans the state of our team should be blatently obvious and shouldn't need to be repeated every freakin day. It's really quite simple. We have question marks on this team and if they work out the team should be really good but if they don't the team could be really bad. I would never go into a season with an attitude that the team has no chance of winning or why would I bother even watching??? Anybody who is worried about anything that happens before late July really needs more hobbies because they have too much time at their hands.
Trekbiz said:
Careful with trying to turn something around that you don't understand.
You might end up looking like an idiot. :D

Yap first listen or read later ( a habit NY'ers are well known for) seems to be in affect here.
While I know it would crush your rather sizeable ego to think someone would respond to someone elses post in this thead but...... I wasn't responding to you! You can go back to your mirror and continue staring!
I responded to another poster that if YOU had read brought up rudeness of fans. In response to his post it was a valid response. Further more, if fan behavior is an attribute of fans then it is a valid point when discussing what makes good or bad fans. I think that would make it a valid subject for this whole thread..... Am I going to fast for you here?

Everyone posting in response to your thread including myself are wasting time on you.

To quote yourself.... "I dont appreciate the ones looking for attention so they post nonsense"


You have no point. You came here for attention. It's the only reason you'd sign in to a site where fans go to discuss strenghts and weaknesses about their team and call out the fans themselves stating they are the worst. Your intention here is obvious. Yes there are a few fans on here that sign in and post nothing but negative. You get that at EVERY team site. Most fans are here to discuss their team objectively though. If the majority of people on this site were bad fans then they would'nt waste their time coming here and discussing the team. That thought ever cross your mind for a fleeting moment??????

You've had your 2 minutes of fame on a message board.
Now go back to your mirror and leave us horrible fans be. :D


This response will be short, "***ADMIN EDIT***: please refrain from personal attacks. Thanks

I do have a point, a very good point, and I have seen a few other threads saying the samething I am saying right now, just in a different light.

I think the Miami based media views this team in such a negative way, and see's everything that goes wrong as such a season ending occurance that what the media chooses to put out is garbage alot of times. That is then carried over and the hostility on is 10x worst. Just look at the sites name for crying out loud FinHEAVEN but no we make it seem like finearth or finhell :fire: with Fiedler being the Devil himself.

I just dont agree with that.

PS. If i didnt have a point then the Dolphins organization wouldn't of called for a sitdown with the press to talk about why is every move made out to be so negative, and why is the season labeled a failure so soon.
mike_vee said:
Homer post of the month considerng that you posted it on a MB where finfans are at each others throats especially in a thread where one finfan is calling another, the worst fans in america .

Oh CandaduH :lol:
Justasportsfan said:
Please know a few few things about the people you criticize before you yap. You are just justifying what people from other states think of NY'ers.

1. A huge no. of So. Fla residents are your fellow NY'kers to begin w/ :rolleyes:

2.Did you know that a huge no. of those So. Fla residents are immigrants which are from countries that are soccer fans and don't care about the NFL?

3.The weather and location makes one have diferent interest other than Sports..... women, beach, clubs,fishing, women, jet ski, did I mention women? :D Having lived in both WNY and So. Fla. , I am able to compare. Unless you snow ski, all people talk about are work, weather and sports in cold winter states .

Because of 1 & 2 you know now that not a lot of finfans are from So. Fla and before you blast those that are , how the hell are you a so called true fan and haven't been to a single home game? If some fans can fly all the way from the West coast I don't think you have the right to call anyone out.

1. So what, what is your point? New york is as diverse as they come. New Yorkers are not really New Yorkers, they are people from the south, west and even other countries. But once they are here they adopt our customs, sports, and teams.

2. So what, what is your point? Are you blaming immigration for quietness at games? O or maybe immigration has something to do with the negative publicity I have been reading lately, maybe that journalist was a immigrant.

3. :confused: are you so sure? :confused:
Few teams for you: Patriots, Packers, Eagles. What do they have in common? All outdoor, cold, snow filled places, and they are all louder, and harder places to play for opposing teams then South Florida. And I dont know what kind of person you are but New Yorkers I know dont talk about skiing in the winter.

Sorry but I dont see what your 1&2 have to do with anything. I suggest reading my original post over and you will see that your 1&2 is not even worth me debating.

I never said how many games, jersey's, autographs or etc you have make you more or less of a fan. Dont try to insult me just because I along with many others dont appreciate the garbage that litters this site. Just because you fly from the westcoast to attend a home game, good for you, if you have it like that, and you are able to do that, and have the time, and income to do such a thing, good for you, but dont measure a true fan on that. Thats stupidity.

Now did I justify what people from other states think of me yet? :cooldude:
DolFinatic718 said:
1. So what, what is your point? New york is as diverse as they come. New Yorkers are not really New Yorkers, they are people from the south, west and even other countries. But once they are here they adopt our customs, sports, and teams.

2. So what, what is your point? Are you blaming immigration for quietness at games? O or maybe immigration has something to do with the negative publicity I have been reading lately, maybe that journalist was a immigrant.

3. :confused: are you so sure? :confused:
Few teams for you: Patriots, Packers, Eagles. What do they have in common? All outdoor, cold, snow filled places, and they are all louder, and harder places to play for opposing teams then South Florida. And I dont know what kind of person you are but New Yorkers I know dont talk about skiing in the winter.

Sorry but I dont see what your 1&2 have to do with anything. I suggest reading my original post over and you will see that your 1&2 is not even worth me debating.

I never said how many games, jersey's, autographs or etc you have make you more or less of a fan. Dont try to insult me just because I along with many others dont appreciate the garbage that litters this site. Just because you fly from the westcoast to attend a home game, good for you, if you have it like that, and you are able to do that, and have the time, and income to do such a thing, good for you, but dont measure a true fan on that. Thats stupidity.

Now did I justify what people from other states think of me yet? :cooldude:
I never said you were wrong, my point is that you are easy to judge people without even having been there and understanding why. You yourself haven't proven to be a true fan and yet you blast others?

Yeah, so you've seen the fins when they are in town. Big freakin deal. What a huge sacrifice. Someone call Wanspiel and ask them to give this guy a job in the fins org for being the greatest dolfan. Wait a minute, he'd get lost in Miami, he's never been there. :lol:
goldfish said:
Two problems with this....
First.. you are a "die-hard" Dolphin fan, but you've never been to a home game? REGARDLESS of where you live (unless you are 13 yrs old) how can you love a team without EVER having gone to a home game? Especially when you can fly RT for under $200?

Second you being a "die hard" fan should include yourself in that "we" category you so mention. First you state that you are a fan, but then you state that "But I must say that you Miami fans are by far the worst!!!!! "
So are you a fan or not?

Not every fan is strictly on the negative side so don't generalize... and furthermore, the negative criticism has nothing to do with where you live.

One last point to all who bash on how a person should act when they attend a game.... until the time comes when you volunteer YOUR credit card # when it comes time to for me to pay for MY season tickets. Who really cares what your perception of a fan is. ITS ALL OPINIONS! And you know what they say about those....

Lets makes something real clear right now. They dont call it a homegame for no reason. It is called a homegame because it is more convenient for the people who live in the area or surrounding area to attend. People who fly from the west coast or even from new york, while this may very well happen, is not the majority but instead the minirioty. Do you know why? Because everyone, even a die hard fan like myself, isn't presented with the same chances to do so. That doesn't make me any less of a fan. So get that straight before you offend some one other then myself. I most likely spent more money on one authentic Dan Marino jersey then you spend to attend 4 home games. So lets not make that a bases for being a true die hard fan or not, and that argument has nothing, i repeat nothing, to do with my problem with the media in Miami and the fans that post nonsense on this board.

And for the last time, I said Miami fans and media who are in Miami, and I even gave extra examples (Marlins, heat) to back up my claim.

Someone has a sig about lamar odom asking the media a question, some of you should go check it out before you choose to sit down and type a response. It caught my eye and pretty much backed up what I originally posted, and he posted it after I made this thread. The miami media for some reason just has negative views on their teams (Marlins,Heat,Dolphins) and this may be a hard pill to swallow for some, but thats just my observation of things. Nobody said I was completely right, but until someone can prove me other wise with something other then insults then I will continue to believe what I believe. :cooldude:
I think miami has overall the worst fans in all sports... but not football! heat fans are invisible... unless they make the playoffs and the marlins fans are the same they win now there are plenty marlins fanz...
Justasportsfan said:
I never said you were wrong, my point is that you are easy to judge people without even having been there and understanding why. You yourself haven't proven to be a true fan and yet you blast others?

Yeah, so you've seen the fins when they are in town. Big freakin deal. What a huge sacrifice. Someone call Wanspiel and ask them to give this guy a job in the fins org for being the greatest dolfan. Wait a minute, he'd get lost in Miami, he's never been there. :lol:

I dont have to prove anything to anybody on this site. I cheer my team on whether they win lose or in between.

Whether I have made the "sacifice" to go to a home game is none of your business or anybody elses. Explain how doing so makes you a true die hard fan :confused:

I have been to Miami on a few occasions so please only speak what you know, not what you assume.
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