Mini-Camp Report | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mini-Camp Report


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Mar 19, 2004
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First of all, let me say this is my first post on any message board before, but I've been coming here for a long time I just never posted (I'm one of those ppl TerryTate was talking about :) ). I really repect all you guys on here, as you have some of the most knowledgable and intelligent posters on any board. That said, I'll try to be as detailed as possible since I know we're all dying for fresh Dolphins news.

As far as who stood out at camp, the person I was most impressed with was Wade Smith. Added a lot of upper body mass (all muscle), while still maintaing his speed and agility which will make him a great player. The guy actually looked faster and more explosive, so I expect a much improved LT for the season. Carey also looked more chiseled, but the man is very intense and gets great push from his stance, I was impressed with him as well. Tony Pape is also huge, although alot of it is fat and he's not too well conditioned. The big dissappointment was Rex Hadnot, man was huffing and puffing and looked out of shape and lazy (was last in drills, sprints etc.) Larry Chester's offseason program looks like its paid off, as he has more muscle and he was doing all the drills with no problem, so it looks like the weight he lost will help his conditioning and overall stamina. He and T-Bow were the 2 biggest guys on the field, followed by Carey, D-Mac and Pape. D-Mac was in a cast so he was just standing around. David Boston also looks like a man among boys, man is JACKED! He looked very smooth and crisp in his routes and running, so he may have found the perfect mix between size and speed. Surtain was also looking real good, no knee problems I could see and he was first in all the drills, and made sharp turns and had no problems at all. Anyways, on to the drills.

Started out with offense vs offense and a few running plays, Smith and Carey were really driving their guys back. Ricky looked sharp and very quick, although the lack of dreads were pretty shocking. Minor also looked real real quick, boy was a blur darting in and out. Then Fiedler took some snaps and passed a couple times to Ricky and Konrad, he threw some real floating passes, one of them I swear to god was in the air for 10 seconds. He also made them reach and overthrew and was real erratic. Then Feeley stepped in and threw some darts, man this kid got some zip! He was hitting everyone in stride, right on the money, with a great deal more velocity than Fiedler. Then he stepped back and delivered the play of the day, a 50 yard bomb to Minnis that was absolutely gorgeous to watch. Minnis caught it in stride, he didn't have to adjust, and it drew a few whistles from the stands. I really liked what I saw from Feely, anyone who said his arm strength is comparable to Fiedlers is crazy, his arm is much better and more importantly, his accuracy is leagues better than Fee-Fee. Then they did some stretching with elastic bands, and towards the end they started flinging them at each other and one hit Wanny! LOL it was hilarious, he tried to restore order but no one was listening, he was like,"Guys...ummm...guys..lets get back...uhh" lol that was the highlight of my day. Anyway they did a few more drills then I had to leave, but overall I'm pretty pumped by what I see. I'll be going to all the practices, so if you guys want me to watch a player or anything, feel free to ask and hope you liked the write-up!
More....more..... Thanx for the post. I've been starved for info. Keep it coming. I'll be looking forward to more posts as minicamp continues.
Thanks for the report, and please keep them coming. It sucks to be an out-of-towner. Although it is early (real early), the news on A.J is great. Lets hope he can continue to look good in practice and win the starting job. I gave Feidler the benefit of the doubt last year, but now it is time for a change. I dont mind him as the 2nd stringer. Thanks again, and I look forward to future reports.
D Mac was out there? What the hell was he doing? Was he on crutches?
Yeah D-Mac was in crutches and a cast. Bua didnt really do much as the defense kept doing drills that didnt show much. Denny on another thread says Jay was looking good and AJ was erratic, were we at the same practice? AJ definitely looked better and had much better velocity. A couple other things I noticed were that Minnis looks pretty quick, but he is SO skinny, I think he was listed at 168 pounds. One good lick and he could be broken in half, so he definitely needs to add some muscle. Whitley and McKinney look identical lol but they both look more condtioned than last year and Whitley changed that god awful hair. Junior's looking pretty cut too as is Zach, I think our strength and conditioning coach is doing a great job. That heat will get them in shape for sure, it was scorching today.
And Nublar, about Poole, as I said the defense really didnt do much but the one thing that really stands out about him are his instincts and the break he gets on the ball. They were doing a drill with the QB passing to a receiver and DBs trying to pick it off, and Poole and Surtain were picking off everything, it was kind of off to the back so I couldn't really get a good look. But from what I did see he is definitely gonna be an upgrade from Fletcher (not saying much). I'll try to keep and eye out and update.
Finsflurry said:
Denny on another thread says Jay was looking good and AJ was erratic, were we at the same practice? .

Welcome to finheaven.... :lol:
Thanks for the info...Being up in canada goin isnt really an option:(
I'm confused...I've heard from other people who were there and some said Feeley looked good while others have said he looked very erratic and had problems with accuracy and that Fiedler looked sharp.:confused: All have said that Wade Smith looked great as did Carey so that's great to hear.
Great post. Keep the info coming as you will be my eyes and ears for camp. Welcome aboard. Lot of people have said we will be impress with Feeley. I hope so. Enjoy and keep the info coming.
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