Most underrated/overrated players on team and league | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Most underrated/overrated players on team and league


Jan 13, 2005
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Just wondering who everybody thinks is the most underrated and overrated players on the team and in the league. I think Chambers and McMicheal are pretty underrated and the Mare is pretty overrated.

Chambers has had bad QBs throwing to him his whole career and has been part of a mostly running offense. Also untill now there has not been any good WRs other then Chambers so Deffenses could focus on him more.

McMicheal is one of the most productive TEs in the league, but suffers from the same problems as Chambers. I would love to see both of them in a good offense.
most overated - terell owens
most underated - rohan davey

most overated - dan marino
most underated - sammy morris
Well, Underrated in the NFL would be LB Donnie Edwards.

Overrated is Champ Bailey.
ricky williams said:
most overated - terell owens
most underated - rohan davey

most overated - dan marino
most underated - sammy morris

wow. What has Davey done in the NFL to be rated at all? And no comment on the Marino pick :shakeno:
ricky williams said:
most overated - terell owens
most underated - rohan davey

most overated - dan marino
most underated - sammy morris

marino overated ?? :confused:
davey has done nothing. i just think that people don't see how good he is because he is stuck behind brady.

?? if u want to know why i think marino is overated i wrote something about it about 3 post ago. look at my post history.
haha how is chambers underrated? if anything, he might be OVERRATED. if you ask anyone, they all will tell you that chambers has the potential to be a top10 WR but hes stuck in a bad system.

Mod Edit: Keep the language cleaner in this forum. I deleted the part that ain't gonna fly. Thanks.
ricky williams said:
davey has done nothing. i just think that people don't see how good he is because he is stuck behind brady.

?? if u want to know why i think marino is overated i wrote something about it about 3 post ago. look at my post history.

I agree, Davey is a talented player rotting away on the bench, but he isnt even rated at all. Hes not overrated or underrated, he's not rated. You cant rate him.

Marino is probably the greatest pure passer of all time. Fin fans really have to think though, COuld you guys not run the ball for him because you couldnt, or he really didnt want to run the ball?

WHo knows, but I think he wanted to win it all with his arm, unlike ELway who just wanted to win it all, no matter how they did it.
Marino overrated??????? methinks u shud stop taking ya medicine!!!!!!!
Does Hall Of Fame say anything to you? :confused:
Dolphin whos overrated IMO is Boston. I put it down to him having a pro bowl year. I wanna see if he can get that back. Until then i wont go overboard on him until he proves me wrong.
dolfan348454999 said:
Just wondering who everybody thinks is the most underrated and overrated players on the team and in the league. I think Chambers and McMicheal are pretty underrated and the Mare is pretty overrated.

Chambers has had bad QBs throwing to him his whole career and has been part of a mostly running offense. Also untill now there has not been any good WRs other then Chambers so Deffenses could focus on him more.

McMicheal is one of the most productive TEs in the league, but suffers from the same problems as Chambers. I would love to see both of them in a good offense.

McMike is his mind...seriously..he hasn't gone over the top yet...but I think he's on the verge...

From last year, but I thought Knight and Marion were overrated....
LarryFinFan said:
McMike is his mind...seriously..he hasn't gone over the top yet...but I think he's on the verge...

From last year, but I thought Knight and Marion were overrated....

I think McMike gets alot of praise. He is always rated behind Tony G., Gates, and maybe Crumpler, but he is always top 5.

Oh, Add Heap ahead of McMike.
Ricky how can you even say Dan was overrated??? Look at the top of all the categories and you'll see his name there. He was clutch( all those 4th quarter comebacks). He did everything for this team, great leadership, intangibles and he worked hard. What more could you want??? You have to mention Marino as one of the greatest Qb's of all time and if thats overrated than everyone in the NFL is overrated. And why would anyone complain about designing an offense to suit your players??? I think every team has to design their gameplans around their players so that arguement is off too. And everyone is the bay area thinks Montana is God. Marino can't be overrated.

Underrated- Hines Ward- should be mentioned in the best WR discussion.
Overrated- Terrell Owens- Drops a lot of passes
i think marino deserves to be in the hall of fame and that he is a great quarterback in his own right. but i think stats aren't always a measuring stick of your greatness either. everyone says you can't judge marino because he never had talent around him. we were preseason picks to go to the superbowl many of years and we had lines that gave outstanding pretection but we never did. he was great but it never seemed like it was great at the critical times of playoffs or late in the season. i personally like the qb who in the 4th quater w/ 2:00 left in superbowl has the best performance of his life. until dan can do that w/ he can't, then he ranks farther down the line in terms of best qb's of all time. top 20 but not top 5.
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