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My best attempt to explain

Originally posted by PhinPhreak

Yes, and I got it before, my point is yes these players may all turn out to be Zach Thomas or they can turn out to be John Avery, my point is that on draft day Zach was a fifth round talent, Yes today he is worth more, as well as the players that were drafted this past weekend may be worth more someday. The discussion is what they were worth on the day they were drafted.

As I said if Zach had been drafted in the 2nd round the same things would have been said about him as are being said about Moore, Because even if Zach was a first round talent they could of had Zach and another 1st round player. That is what I believe most people are upset with, so someday if Moore becomes the next LT he will have been a steal, but it won't change the fact that he was drafted early(if he indeed was)., but at that point nobody will care anymore. Just as most of the upset fans will not care about the draft now that it's over.

your comparing JJ's picks when we had a full deck of picks. we didnt have a 4th and we wouldnt be picking till late 5th. so your not being totally fair. we were stuck in a situation, plain and simple. philly and cleveland had moore scouted bigtime.
Originally posted by finfan54

your comparing JJ's picks when we had a full deck of picks. we didnt have a 4th and we wouldnt be picking till late 5th. so your not being totally fair. we were stuck in a situation, plain and simple. philly and cleveland had moore scouted bigtime.

I'm not the one who brought up Zach, I am just answering what was posted before. ;). I was just trying to explain why some people were upset.

Everyone thinks that the uproar was about the player and it really isn't the case it was where he was picked that upset people.

At this point I have accepted the pick and hope he turns out to be a great addition. to the Super Bowl run this year.
So wrong

Like was said earlier in this thread. Reference MY posts. Before this draft you will find me supporting the coaching staff. I've never said anything negative about them. But this draft has POISONED me. Starting with the Eddie Moore I have been embittered against the draft and can't see any good at it. They finally pushed me off into the deepend end of negativism
the flaw in your logic is your choice of who you are relying upon for the input of player rankings. The various player ranking services are obviously very second rate compared to the full time attention given to the issue by the teams management. If this were not so, owners would hire ESPN (who probably devote less than one tenth of one percent of thier total resources to the NFL draft) or some other amateur source to run the draft for them. The problem is one of propaganda. While ESPN and others make a living BROADCASTING information(?) and opinions about players, the teams are necessarily secretive with thier more valuable useful information. The natural result is that unsophisticated viewers tend to believe the loud, commercial sources instead of having confidence in the actual professionals.
Savoy ... these reporters are paid to do research on players and form opinions based on that research. I'm not saying they're perfect, but completely dismissing their work as "loud, commercial propaganda" and as uniformly inferior to NFL scouts and management is taking your point way too far.
Originally posted by inFINSible
What's not so bizarre......... it is THE SAME people that constantly question and bitch and complain about EVERYTHING!!!. There's no pleasing some of you..... EVER! It doesn't matter what this team does....there are some people who come in here over and over again disagreeing with the majority just for the attention

But WORST of all.....they use quotes like this....

to try to play the role of victim.....Which is real funny, when you look at who started this thread...

Or quotes like anyone who disagree's with my opinion are boring annoying and stupid.....

Infis you are the one being a jackass here. This is the 2nd time you.... YOU have sunk to the personal attack level instead of being just able to debate. So I'll match you with my statement above. This is BS. Finatic and myself have been happy with many moves and many things the Fins have done and we've posted those remarks as well. It's apparent that you just can't handle an opinion that may differ from yours. Like it or not there IS a group on here that flames anyone who has questions a move the Fins make. You are one of them.

Posts to try and play the role of victim.... :lol: :lol: That's rich!

.they are also aggressive and antagonistic towards anyone who goes with the majority opinion....

You mean like the statement below....

....Like someone somewhere is actually going to look at them and say,"Wow, it's so cool the way you ALWAYS disagree....I don't think anyone has ever been as smart as you.....!!!"..... They're arguements suck...They get shot down over and over and over yet they are just too dumb to realize it!! They are boring and annoying and insipid.....

A little overly antagonistic and aggressive maybe.
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Originally posted by Trekbiz

This is so bizarre.

Some of you guys are ripping us for disliking the Eddie Moore pick because he hasn't suited up for the Fins yet to know how he'll do.

Yet here you say Miami got a real good LB.
Well what exactly do you base that on?

Have you seen him suit up and play NFL players yet?
The fact is he barely ever played college players. He was a walking injury and any of you who aren't concerned about that with a 2nd round pick are blinded by optimism.

Finatic is right about the group on this board that just plain lashes out against people that post anything that questions any moves the Fins make.

The fact is that people in here base their Moore pick on player rankings and bash the Front Office on choosing him in the 2nd round when he was projected to go in the 3rd round... You think you know better than Miami's scouting team?? Miami knows what their doing and yet cats wallk in here crying about not getting a big named player cause they wanted a highlight film on the player taken and all that nonsense... Where's the trust?? The only knock on Moore is that he's not the prototypical size for a linebacker and he often gets too aggressive and overruns plays.. That's it.. He was also noted to be the most sound tackler out of all the LB's.. What you had quoted me on was the fact that people acted as if Moore was definetely going to be there when Miami picked in 3rd round when the absolute opposite was true from reading about Moore talking to other teams telling him he'd be chosen in early third... Too many people in here pop their rearing heads only to disagree and argue about somehing they have absolutely no knowledge of... and thats the last thing I have to say about this... Put pads on these rookies and you'll see what Wanny has done...

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