My Man Marino ....but can he be a jerk? | Page 10 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My Man Marino ....but can he be a jerk?

I have seen Marino several times. Guy is an *** off the field, sorry. Acts like he's better thna everyone else.
At the Chiefs game last year, I watched Daunte flick cheering and waving Dolfin (including kids) fans off as he pulled out of the team parking lot in his tan Rolls Royce 10 min after the game.

I guess he was in a bad mood that he couldn't play that day.

What is ironic is right behind him at the Chiefs bus Trent Green was signing and talking to the big crowd of Chief fans for like an hour.
My grade 6 teacher actually ended up sitting beside him on the plane! He said Marino was nice but he was focusing on something he was reading most of the time! My grade 6 teacher however was a bit of an ***!
everything i have ever heard about his personality is bad. people tell me he's not a very nice guy.
Long Story short. My best friend was diagnosed with cancer just over 10 years ago and was approached by the Make a Wish foundation. We both grew up huge Dolfans so of course his "wish" was to meet Dan Marino. He got to bring a friend so I was fortunate enough to go along for the weekend excursion. We went to Fridays practice and he threw the football with us, chatted with the family, signed everything possible and took many pictures. After attending Sundays season opener, we were able to go into the locker room. And he meet with us (along with numorous other players), asked how the weekend was going, how we enjoyed the game, etc. Long story short, Dan is a great person, not just a geat athlete. I know weve heard the rotten stories b4 (and maybe some true), but he has put so much back into the community (by his choice) with his charitable works. We all know Dan loved Miami and its fans.

BTW, my friend has since fully recoverd from his cancer.
everything i have ever heard about his personality is bad. people tell me he's not a very nice guy.

I think this is just something you want to hold onto as there have been aplenty of stories in this thread to the contrary.

I'll say it again, I've met him twice, once in working on and event with his restaurant and once at a speaking event he was doing in Dallas. No problems either time. He was cordial and from what I saw he went out of his way to interact with fans. Didn't do it for long but what's he supposed to do, hang out for 3 hours and sign autographs every single place he goes?
Never met Marino, hopefully some day I will though. About Tom Brady though-- I'll say this: the guy is a total class act. I saw him at a Boston pub and approached him asking how many times he thinks he will get sacked by JT the following(last) year. He laughed, we had a short conversation, and he signed my girlfriend's Pats hat(ya ya I know).
I"ve heard from a handful of people who've met Marino who've said he's a jerk. The biggest a-hole in sports I've ever met is former baseball player Carl Yastrzemski. Just a prick.
Also my friend has met him well over 20 times and EVEN had Dan autograph his butt cheek so that he could get a tatoo artist make it into a tatoo. He said Dan is the greatest, most laid back guy in sports.

What an offseason it has been and now it's
"True Confessions: The Marino Files!"
With almost 150 posts on what a good/bad guy Marino is this is the winner! Great job!
Most professional athletes at one point or another are going to marked "jerks" or etc. they constantly live under a microscope and from day to day have to deal with media and fans. So, its understandable that your not always going to be a Georgia peach.
I've met Dan several times and he's always been a great guy. I've watched him sign autographs for kids with no reservations. The life of a star can be very difficult tho. They live under a microscope and are expected to never have an off moment much less an off day. They often times can't even run out to do the simplest of things like get milk from the store without it being an ordeal. There life seems glamorous on the outside but there is a lot that they give up when they achieve the fame.
I've met Dan several times and he's always been a great guy. I've watched him sign autographs for kids with no reservations. The life of a star can be very difficult tho. They live under a microscope and are expected to never have an off moment much less an off day. They often times can't even run out to do the simplest of things like get milk from the store without it being an ordeal. There life seems glamorous on the outside but there is a lot that they give up when they achieve the fame.
and it never stops.....years after they never goes away.
Ive seen Dan Marino a few times at the Cadillac NFL Golf Classic they used to have up here in Jersey at the Upper Montclair Country Club. Its a shame they dont have that tourney anymore, but I went for about 4 or 5 years and Dan Marino was there a few times. The best chance to get an autograph from him or any other player is when the walk to the next hole. Nonetheless, Marino had hundreds and hundreds of people following him along the entire course every time and when he would walk to the next hole, people just swarm the players asking for autographs. I was about 15 at the time, so somehow I was able to push and squeeze myself through the big crowd to the front and was able to get a Dan Marino autograph.

After the tourney, while walking to the restaurant/clubhouse for players only, there must of been over 1,000 people just standing behind the rails screaming to Dan asking for autographs. He stopped for about 5 minutes and signed some autographs, but then went in.

He may be a dick, he may not be, but I was able to manage an autograph from him. If you had hundreds and hundreds of people following you every time you went somewhere asking for autographs, obviously you wont sign everyone, but give the guy a break. Im not trying to defend him, but alot of athletes are just *******s. Hockey players the nicest guys you will ever meet.
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