My Source Tells Me--Quinn not an Option Anymore?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My Source Tells Me--Quinn not an Option Anymore??

The Rev

Johannus Paulus II
Sep 3, 2005
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I talked to my friend who works with the Dolphins today. I was only able to talk about 5 minutes but this what I found out.

Ricky Williams looks to be reinstated on April 27th and on joining the team. The team is looking to trade him in the draft.

No one thought they would get any pick for Olindo Mare and are VERY happy about the 6th round pick they got for him.

The Dolphins are trying their best to move UP in the draft and not down. They want Brady Quinn and that is their #1 target. They know he will not fall to them and are trying to get as many pieces in place to try and acquire him. This could include Ricky in a trade.

They do not have much confidence in Culpepper to regain his form. If they are not able to get Quinn, they will push hard for Trent Green.

As always, PLEASE do not mention this outside this forum. I would hate to lose my contact.
:( I wanna keep Ricky.

Thanks for the info though Rev. :D
Wow, that sounds like some pretty substantial information. Thank, Raul.
Getting rid of Ricky sounds like a personal vendetta by Mueller.I would be disappointed because IMO he brings more value playing for the team than the low round pick he would bring.

However I wouldnt mind if Ricky was part of a package that would ensure us that we draft Quinn .Thats assuming CamRan thinks he could be the franchise QB we have been sorely lacking.

Good stuff Raul
Getting rid of Ricky sounds like a personal vendetta by Mueller.I would be disappointed because IMO he brings more value playing for the team than the low round pick he would bring.

However I wouldnt mind if Ricky was part of a package that would ensure us that we draft Quinn .Thats assuming CamRan thinks he could be the franchise QB we have been sorely lacking.

Good stuff Raul

I agree on Ricky but I'm actually not a proponent of moving up into the 1st to acquire Quinn anymore unless it's a few spots to say 6th or 7th. Too much we'd have to give up otherwise.

I'd be very happy with other QB's they've shown interest in like Kolb or Beck while keeping all of our picks.

I am very happy though that it's Quinn and not Russell that they are enamored with. Packaging anything for a move up for Russell would not have made me happy.

I'm not surprised in the least about their doubt on Culpepper but I am hoping that they will keep him around for the year to see what he can give us.

What does surprise me is the insinuation within this post that acquiring Green seems to be dependent upon whether we land Quinn or not. This tells me they think he could step right in and play if Culpepper isn't ready to go.
Interesting but makes me uneasy as I'd like to see him sit and learn for a year at least. I thought bringing in Green was a move they'd do regardless of who they are targeting in the draft.

I would have liked to have heard that we were at least considering trading down if the opportunity arises and if Quinn is gone.

Ultimately I'd like to see us with a trade down and keeping Ricky Williams because as you mentioned he's more valuable as a player than any compensation we'd get.

Thanks to Rev for the information though and trusting members here to keep it quiet.
God I love inside info. I agree with some of you guys about Ricky. Unless he is part of a package of moving up the board.... we keep him.
I would also like to keep Ricky, but hindsight is 20/20, and that isnt painting a pretty picture. If Ricky wasnt busted soooo many times, given soooo many chances then I would be more adament. Ricky in a package to aquire Quinn IMO is a chance of a decade. You dont pass that up as long as you arent giving up too much more.
IF we give up Ricky and our 3rd to aquire Quinn..maybe even a future second day pick, I would be all over it

EDIT: BTW: Muchas Gracias on the inside scoop Raul. Mums the word:wink: .

Thanks for the news Raul!

CT, I can't help but get the same feeling from Mueller. If all we get is some second day pick for Ricky, it won't sit well with me.

Great pick up Coral Reefer. It would seem to lead one to believe that either Green or Quinn would start. That's not an either or scenario that promotes confidence. I don't want either guy starting next season, but for different reasons. I like Quinn, and would be happy if we had him to groom for the future, but I really don't want put the burden on him in his rookie season.
Green, well I couldn't be any colder on having him in Miami.
As far as Ricky is concerned, I think they are looking for a first day pick for him if I recall the conversation.
As far as Green is concerned, I think he is still an option. Coral Reefer was righ though: I got the impression that getting Green depended on Quinn. Maybe, I go the information wrong or heard it wrong. I am 40, now. I'm starting to get old. :tantrum:

As far as Ricky is concerned, I think they are looking for a first day pick for him if I recall the conversation.
As far as Green is concerned, I think he is still an option. Coral Reefer was righ though: I got the impression that getting Green depended on Quinn. Maybe, I go the information wrong or heard it wrong. I am 40, now. I'm starting to get old. :tantrum:


But you dont even look 39:confused:

As far as Ricky is concerned, I think they are looking for a first day pick for him if I recall the conversation.
As far as Green is concerned, I think he is still an option. Coral Reefer was righ though: I got the impression that getting Green depended on Quinn. Maybe, I go the information wrong or heard it wrong. I am 40, now. I'm starting to get old. :tantrum:

You rock dude! Seriously, I can't thank you enough for some real info. By this time of the year I actually lose a LOT of interest in the Dolphins. The speculation snowballs, and I just lose patience with it. So, when there's some actual information, it gets me back. Thank you.
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