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my wife thinks i'm nuts

When I was in my twenties I joined what I would call an ice hockey ā€œbeer league.ā€ Play an hour of hockey, then go in the parking lot and drink beer with the guys. Fun.

I had never played before but I was sick of mens lacrosse clubs.

One day I come out to the blue line on a defenseman as he takes a slap shot.

I reach out one handed and poke with my stick. His stick hits mine perfectly perpendicular. All of the energy went up my arm. Immediately I knew something was wrong.

I go to the bench. Said: ā€œcanā€™t move my arm. Going home.ā€

Someoneā€™s wife or girlfriend helped pull my pads off.

I drank enough to sleep. I went to work (desk job / IT). I am literally one armed. I had the bad arm against my belly.

I start to get up to go to the bathroom, and out of habit put both hands on the desk and push.

POP. The most excruciating pain ever, followed by intense relief.

I had popped my separated shoulder back in place.

My wife called me a dumbass. But I had never separated a shoulder before. I had no idea.

So if you ever do separate a shoulder, forget running into a wall like Mel Gibson. Just push off a desk
Wow . Great story. Glad yet worked out for you
Great pain tolerance too
This is sort of a strange story, but I'll share it anyway... Week 3 2008. Dolphins playing in Foxboro (yup this was the Wildcat game). I'm tailgating in the parking lot and talking to this women. I was also eating a steak tip at the same time so I didnt want to talk with food in my mouth so I go to swallow the piece of steak a bit prematurely and it gets lodged in my esophagus. I mean I could breathe no problem but I could definitely tell it was stuck. We eventually head into the game and now the piece being stuck in my esophagus is becoming a real problem. I was having a hard time swallowing and my saliva would immediately come back up so that I had to spit it into a cup. I'm in my seats thinking ok I should probably leave and get this taken care of.... and then they unveil the Wildcat. Keep in mind Miami only won 1 game the year before and they were killing the Pats. No way I was leaving now. Sat through the entire game with this piece of steak stuck in my throat spitting into a gross cup. Stayed right till the end and immediately headed for the emergency room after the game. Called my wife and told her to meet me there. Spent hours in the emergency room until they finally could get a gastroenterologist there. One finally arrives and they have to sedate me and go in and down my throat with these tongs to remove the piece of meat from my esophagus. No way I was missing that game though!
You da Man!
so i'm playing softball last sunday morning, left field, and i collide with the left centerfielder on a low line drive between us. can't put any weight on my leg and i'm helped to the bench for a few mins and then to my car to drive home. (left leg was hurt so i could drive).
i need crutches to get into my house and my wife is yelling let's go to hospital but i tell her i want to watch the dolphins. let me ice it and see if it gets better.
long story short, go to dr on monday and i have a fractured tibia and go for surgery this monday.
glad the dolphins won but it was literally painful to watch our defense.. lol
good news is it's a minor surgery and i'll be back, good as new, in a few months
needless to say my wife still thinks i'm crazy but i know others on this site have done some crazy things too just to not miss a game.
gimme some stories so i can tell her i'm not that nuts... lol

let's go fins
A man with his priorities in order, love it! :chuckle:
Broke my thumb/hand diving for a live drive sinking in front of me my body rolled over the hand/glove I knocked the ball down threw it in to second limiting more runs but I didnā€™t catch the ball cleanly for an out

I stayed in the game hit 3/4 singles one handed -

I never let my wife see my swollen thumb/hand when I got home it took 3 months to heal

And I just couldnā€™t squeeze anything with that hand including holding boards when I was sawing wood etc - it was painful

Dolphins weā€™re on a bye week
Broke my thumb/hand diving for a live drive sinking in front of me my body rolled over the hand/glove I knocked the ball down threw it in to second limiting more runs but I didnā€™t catch the ball cleanly for an out

I stayed in the game hit 3/4 singles one handed -

I never let my wife see my swollen thumb/hand when I got home it took 3 months to heal

And I just couldnā€™t squeeze anything with that hand including holding boards when I was sawing wood etc - it was painful

Dolphins weā€™re on a bye week
Thats amazing. Just swinging a bat (and making contact) had to make your hand throb and to go 3 for 4 is incredible. Glad the dolphins were on a bye week too. Lol
Thanks for sharing
Sheā€™s right, youā€™re nuts.

Hospitals have this newfangled invention in them called television sets. In 2020 when I had my heart attack on a gameday, I was still able to watch our boys after receiving medical attention.

Jury is still out on what watching that did to my blood pressure considering the circumstances and all, but ā€¦
Sheā€™s right, youā€™re nuts.

Hospitals have this newfangled invention in them called television sets. In 2020 when I had my heart attack on a gameday, I was still able to watch our boys after receiving medical attention.

Jury is still out on what watching that did to my blood pressure considering the circumstances and all, but ā€¦
Problem is I live in NJ and they probably were showing the jets / bills game. Lol
I bet our blood pressure is off the charts during games šŸ˜
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